Older site news and updates, going back to the founding of this site in 2001, can be found in our archives.
March 8, 2020
Back on January 26th, Philip José Farmer’s 102nd birthday, Meteor House announced it's first book of 2020:
Philip José Farmer’s Up from the Bottomless Pit, originally written in the late 1970s with the working title The Dragon’s Breath, is a near-mainstream novel about the ultimate ecological nightmare. Set in an alternate/near future 1970s, Up from the Bottomless Pit tells of a world so ravenous in its desire for oil that it has thrown caution to the wind. Using an experimental deep-water laser drill off the California coast, humankind burns a hole through the ocean floor only to unleash a deadly torrent that initially threatens the greater Los Angeles area, but quickly escalates to a catastrophe of worldwide proportions with the potential to wipe out all life on the planet.
Beginning in 2005 the fanzine Farmerphile: The Magazine of Philip José Farmer, serialized the novel over the first 10 quarterly issues between 2005 and 2007. At $11 per issue, it cost over $100 to read the novel. In 2007, Subterranean Press published Up from the Bottomless Pit and Other Stories, collecting all of Phil’s material from Farmerphile in a deluxe limited edition of only 250 copies. But, at $125, it again cost over $100 to read this book.
It features cover art by Keith Howell, which really gives you a feel for this eco-thriller, near-mainstream novel. Phil often looked into the far distant future in his works.
There is a foreword by Farmerphile editor, Farmer co-author, and all round Farmer expert, Christopher Paul Carey, that gives us context for the story and it’s publication history.
And award winning science/nature and science fiction writer Sharman Apt Russell is writing an all new introduction for this first affordable trade edition. Be sure to preorder your copy of Up from the Bottomless Pit now.
April 22, 2018
As a part of the yearlong celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Philip José Farmer, in addition to the Philip José Farmer Centennial Collection, Meteor House is thrilled to announce the first hardcover publication of his authorized Tarzan novel, Tarzan and the Dark Heart of Time—a book that takes place in 1918, the year of Farmer’s birth!
Tarzan and the Dark Heart of Time is available in both hardcover and trade paperback, featuring a gorgeous painted cover by well known Burroughs artist Mark Wheatley, a new Foreword by longtime Burroughs scholar Robert R. Barrett, and a new Introduction by Farmer expert Win Scott Eckert.
In other news Meteor House has released the ebook of Blood of Ancient Opar, and promises more ebooks will be coming soon!
And don't forget to join us at FarmerCon 100, July 26-29, 2018, in Pittsburgh, PA. It’s only $35 for the weekend if you stay at the Double Tree Cranberry hotel.
January 26, 2018
Happy Centennial!!! Today marks Philip Jose Farmer’s 100th birthday! Meteor House is celebrating this milestone with the release of The Philip José Farmer Centennial Collection. This volume is well over 900 pages and spans seven decades of Farmer’s career, including: award winning fiction, articles, poems, speeches, tributes, and more. The contents have been chosen to illustrate not only the science fiction Grand Master’s career, but his life as well. Featuring an introduction by Joe R. Lansdale, a foreword by Tracy Knight, a bibliography by Zacharias L.A. Nuninga, a decade by decade summary of his career, and two different covers by Mark Wheatley! The book is available in both trade paperback and hardcover, visit the forthcoming books page to view the lengthy table of contents.
Another way you can celebrate Phil’s birthday today is to register for PulpFest and join us at FarmerCon 100, July 26-29, 2018, in Pittsburgh, PA. Four days of hanging out with other Farmer fans while surrounded by hundreds of thousands of magazines and books, enjoying a wide variety of literary programming by experts in many fields. Oh, and Philip José Farmer is one of the themes of this year’s Pulpfest, and Joe R. Lansdale will be there as the guest of honor! FarmerCon is free to attend but you do have to register for PulpFest. It’s only $35 for the weekend if you stay at the Double Tree Cranberry hotel.
In the meantime, spread the word, tell all your friends about Philip José Farmer’s 100th Birthday and visit our facebook page, and share this update.
July 24, 2017
Today's update is only ... the entire website! Long-time Farmer fan Chris Schendel of bunchamonkeys has done an absolutely amazing job updating the site from 1990s html done by hand, to a more modern layout. If you haven't explored the site in a while, now would be a great time to do so. We're still looking around at all the changes and finding cool features.
Also, it's hard to believe FarmerCon XII is only three days away! That's Thursday, July 27th, to be exact. If Pittsburgh is within driving distance, please come by and say hi and check out the new books from Meteor House.
June 17, 2017
Breaking News: Open Road is releasing several new Farmer ebooks and they have given us an exclusive sneak peak at their exciting covers! Check out their editions of RIVERWORLD AND OTHER STORIES, DAYWORLD, DAYWORLD REBEL, DAYWORLD BREAKUP and omnibus collections: THE WORLD OF TIERS VOLUME 1, THE WORLD OF TIERS VOLUME 2, and THREE SCIENCE FICTION CLASSICS on the forthcoming books page.
Don't forget, as FarmerCon XII approaches be sure to preorder MAN OF WAR by Heidi Ruby Miller, to get your name published in the book, and THE BEST OF FARMERPHILE before the hardcover limited edition sells out.
March 24, 2017
Here's some big news—last week Meteor House announced a brand-new novella, MAN OF WAR by Heidi Ruby Miller, which is a sequel to Philip José Farmer's novel TWO HAWKS FROM EARTH. Included in the novella will be Heidi's short story, "Dakota's Gate" (THE WORLDS OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER 3), which will act as a prelude. It will also include an introduction by Farmer expert Christopher Paul Carey.
As with all of Meteor house's novellas set in Farmer's worlds, it will be published as both a hardcover and paperback limited edition, the print runs will be based on the number of books ordered, and if you preorder by June 1st, your name will appear in the book on the Acknowledgements page!
Speaking of novellas, the signed limited editions of HADON, KING OF OPAR by Christopher Paul Carey has been out of print for a while, but it is now available in an ebook edition. Meteor House reports that its sequel, BLOOD OF ANCIENT OPAR, is nearly sold of its limited print editions as well.
Here's some fun and exciting news—if you happen to be anywhere near Port Neches, TX on Saturday March 25th—Win Scott Eckert is doing a book signing at Fleur Fine Books. He has a brand new chapbook coming out that day which he will be signing at the store: THE ADVENTURE OF THE FALLEN STONE: Being the First Part of the Account of The Dynamics of a Meteor, which is sure to be of interest to Farmer fans and Wold Newton aficionados. If you're not going to the signing, be sure to preorder your copy soon.
January 26, 2017
Today would have been Philip José Farmer's 99th birthday! In celebration Meteor House has just announced their first book of 2017, THE BEST OF FARMERPHILE! We can't even begin to tell you how excited we are about this anthology. There will be a Trade Paperback Edition, and a Hardcover Limited Edition. The massive table of contents is not yet complete—but currently over 570 pages—you can read all the details here on the forthcoming books page.
Another way you can celebrate Phil's birthday is by registering for PulpFest/FarmerCon XII. This year our annual gathering has moved from Columbus OH, to Pittsburgh, PA! We've very excited at the prospect of meeting a lot of new pulp collectors and Farmer fans. If you have never been, PulpFest has a massive dealer's room, lots of interesting programming, including a FarmerCon presentation, an auction, awards, group dinners, book readings and signings, and lots of hanging out with your friends talking late into the night. Come see why most FarmerCon attendees come year after year.
December 13, 2016
Happy Holidays—and by that we of course mean, Happy Wold Newton Day! If you are somehow wondering what that means, take some time to peruse the Wold Newton Family website.
So, just a quick update to note the occasion and let you know about one bit of news—Meteor House has just released the ebook edition of THE SONG OF KWASIN. Normally Meteor House doesn't publish an ebook until the limited edition is out of print, but with fewer than twenty copies of the hardcover left, they decided to push up the release a little.
Watch this space for announcements in early 2017 of new Farmer related books!
September 28, 2016
Just a quick update to say that Meteor House has released their ebook edition of FLIGHT TO OPAR. Note that due to the size of the file, and other formatting issues, the ebook does not contain all of the bonus materials found in the print editions. Also note that HADON, KING OF OPAR is now out of print. Luckily an ebook is in the works.
One final note, there is a review at Black Gate about Phileas Fogg's continuing adventures which touches THE OTHER LOG OF PHILEAS FOGG by Farmer, PHILEAS FOGG AND THE WAR OF SHADOWS and PHILEAS FOGG AND THE HEART OF ORSA both by Josh Reynolds, and BEING AN ACCOUNT OF THE DELAY AT GREEN RIVER, WYOMING, OF PHILEAS FOGG, WORLD TRAVELER, OR, THE MASKED MAN MEETS AN ENGLISH GENTLEMAN by Win Scott Eckert.
August 27, 2016
Apologies for the three month gap in updates, but that's how all-consuming FarmerCon is! Here are some PulpFest/FarmerCon reports and recordings:
The Con Reports from Christopher Paul Carey and Jason Aiken both focus mostly on FarmerCon, while reports by Ed Hulse, Walker Martin, Tony Isabella, Laurie Powers, and Lewis Forro talk about PulpFest as a whole. As you can read, there is a lot of interesting stuff happening at PulpFest every year.
Jason Aiken also posted some recordings online that you're sure to want to hear if you did not attend this year's FarmerCon. The FarmerCon Readings featuring Danny Adams reading from the novel A HOLE IN WEDNESDAY (coauthored with Philip José Farmer), Christopher Paul Carey reading from BLOOD OF ANCIENT OPAR and THE SONG OF KWASIN, (coauthored with Farmer), and Win Scott Eckert reading from THE EVIL IN PEMBERLEY HOUSE (coauthored with Farmer). There is also the very interesting FarmerCon Panel featuring Paul Spiteri, Danny Adams, Chris Carey, and Win Eckert, all talking about collaborating with Philip José Farmer.
Looking ahead to future FarmerCons: if you have never been to one, or only come now and then, circle 2018 on your calander. That will be Phil's 100th birthday celebration and it will be the biggest and best FarmerCon yet.
Post FarmerCon there is also a new interview with Danny Adams over at SFFWorld about writing A HOLE IN WEDNESDAY.
As for updating the website, we have cleared the new books off the forthcoming books page and added A HOLE IN WEDNESDAY to the collaborations page, and PHILEAS FOGG AND THE HEART OF OSRA and BLOOD OF ANCIENT OPAR to the shared worlds page.
One final note: Meteor House has just announced three package deals on their Ancient Opar books, one of which will get you all four: FLIGHT TO OPAR, THE SONG OF KWASIN, HADON, KING OF OPAR, and BLOOD OF ANCIENT OPAR at a huge discount, especially for non-US customers. But, some of these books are nearly sold out, these packages won't last long.
May 17, 2016
Wow, there is so much news to tell you about, we're not even sure where to start...
So, let's start Meteor House's latest release, PHILEAS FOGG AND THE HEART OF OSRA, by Josh Reynolds, a sequel to PHILEAS FOGG AND THE WAR OF SHADOWS, which itself was a sequel to Farmer's THE OTHER LOG OF PHILEAS FOGG. According to our friends at Meteor House, Josh's second effort is even better than his first one. Oh, and they just posted this awesome cover art by Amar Djouad.
Next up is news about the forthcoming Dayworld novel A HOLE IN WEDNESDAY by Philip José Farmer and Danny Adams. For us geeks who like learn more about our fiction, the book now features an Introduction by Michael A. Burstein and a Foreword by Paul Spiteri—and we have posted a fascinating interview with Danny Adams where he talks about "uncle" Phil's influence on him. This is a must read and will make you nostalgic for an experience you never got to have; an afternoon spent sitting on the stairs listening to Phil type his next novel.
Some potentially sad news next, the signed hardcover limited editions of both FLIGHT TO OPAR and HADON, KING OF OPAR, are officially out of print from the publisher, Meteor House (although, a couple of books stores might still have copies available). So keep in mind, if you have a signed hardcover limited edition of FLIGHT TO OPAR, but have not yet purchased the signed hardcover limited edition of THE SONG OF KWASIN to go with it, you should get on that ASAP. And if you have a signed hardcover limited edition of HADON, KING OF OPAR, but have not yet preordered BLOOD OF ANCIENT OPAR, you probably don't want to wait too much longer.
Back to some happy news: It's not every month we can actually add new content to the website, but thanks to Bob Barrett we have two new listings on the PJF Recommends page. He alerted us to the entries for DRAGONWORLD and THE STARS ARE THE STYX.
And one final note, FarmerCon will be here before you know it, so make your plans: register for Pulpfest, book your room, and tell us you're coming!
April 10, 2016
More BIG news from Meteor House this month, they are now taking preorders for the novella BLOOD OF ANCIENT OPAR by Christopher Paul Carey! This is the sequel to Carey's HADON, KING OF OPAR published last year, of which the British Fantasy Society said "This book, the author's best so far, cements [Carey's] position as quite possibly the best writer currently working in the classic heroic fantasy genre."
By now you should know the deal with Meteor House's signed limited edition novellas: preorder, and your name appears in the book in the acknowledgments. Don't preorder, and risk not getting a copy before it goes out of print.
So, just a few weeks ago we told you Meteor House was publishing A HOLE IN WEDNESDAY by Philip José Farmer and Danny Adams. They made that announcement sans cover art, but earlier this morning they released this wonderful cover by Keith Howell—and not only that, but they are doing something new with this book as the covers for the paperback and hardcover are each a little different.
And speaking of Keith Howell. You should recognize his name from the many covers and interior pieces he did for Farmerphile: The Magazine of Philip José Farmer, and the covers he did for THE WORLDS OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER 1: Protean Dimensions, and THE WORLDS OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER 3: Portrait of the Trickster. And if you had preordered Meteor House's hardcover edition of DOC SAVAGE: HIS APOCALYPTIC LIFE, you may recall that it was signed by all of the contributors who came to FarmerCon in 2013, all of the contributors except one.
Well, good news on that front as Keith has announced he's coming to FarmerCon for the first time since 2009! So if you bought that signed copy of DOC SAVAGE: HIS APOCALYPTIC LIFE, or any of the other books or magazines mentioned above, bring them with you to FarmerCon to get Keith to sign them. Hey, he'll also be available to sign copies of Meteor House's other new books, CROSSOVERS EXPANDED, volumes 1 & 2 featuring more cover art by this versatile artist.
We should probably also point out that Danny Adams will be at FarmerCon, for the first time since it left Peoria, signing the hardcover limited edition (and any preordered trade paperback) copies of A HOLE IN WEDNESDAY. And Christopher Paul Carey will be there signing the hardcover and paperback limited editions of BLOOD OF ANCIENT OPAR.
Wait, you haven't made plans to attend FarmerCon yet? No worries, just click on that link and register for PulpFest, then book your room at the Hyatt, and get ready for the best weekend of the year!
March 18, 2016
We have a major announcement from Meteor House—they are publishing a brand-new Dayworld novel by Philip José Farmer and Danny Adams, A HOLE IN WEDNESDAY.
The novel takes place between the events of Farmer's classic short story, "The Sliced-Crosswise Only-On-Tuesday World," and the events of the Dayworld trilogy: DAYWORLD, DAYWORLD REBEL, and DAYWORLD BREAKUP. A substantial portion of the novel was written by Farmer sometime in the 1970s, and it has been completed by Danny Adams.
You may also recall that Adams finished an uncompleted novel by Farmer once before, THE CITY BEYOND PLAY (PS Publishing 2007), so we have very high expectations for A HOLE IN WEDNESDAY.
In other news, we have also added some content to the website, all courtesy of Rias from the International Bibliography. We now have the text of the letter Phil sent into Doc Savage Quarterly 7, a listing for the dedication to Phil of THE VALLEY OF THUNDER by Charles de Lint, and a bookmark showing that Phil was going to be the guest of honor at SeaCon84, in Brighton England (but he had to cancel).
February 23, 2016
If it feels like summer is almost here, it's because you can now register for PulpFest and book your room at the Columbus Hyatt as FarmerCon XI is once again being held in conjunction with Summer's Great Pulp Con!
As always, FarmerCon is free but to attend you do have to Register for PulpFest. A prepaid, four-day membership is $30 for those members who will be staying at the Hyatt Regency Columbus. Additionally, to reward these loyal attendees who help to defray the convention's substantial costs by staying three nights at our host hotel, PulpFest is happy to offer free early-bird shopping on Thursday, July 21st.
And since it is a great deal, and rooms always sell out, we highly recommend booking your room as soon as possible at the special convention rate of $118 per night plus tax. Included in your rate is one free parking pass and free Wi-Fi privileges in your guest room.
There will be BIG NEWS coming soon about new books coming out at FarmerCon. You're going to want to be there.
January 26, 2016
Today would have been Phil's 98th birthday. It's really hard to believe it's already been nearly seven years since Phil passed away. It seems like a just a few years ago we were visiting him at his house for his birthday, and we were still holding FarmerCons in Peoria, IL in the summers. We still miss him terribly and think about him every day.
Speaking of FarmerCon, what better way to celebrate Phil's birthday than to start making plans for FarmerCon XI at PulpFest! If you have never been, FarmerCon is held in conjuction with PulpFest, which is "Summer's Great Pulp Con." PulpFest has a massive dealer's room, lots of interesting programming, including a FarmerCon presentation, an auction, awards, a group dinner, a FarmerCon group dinner, book readings and signings, and lots of hanging out with your friends talking late into the night. If you have never been, come see what you're missing, and come see why most FarmerCon attendees come year after year.