As you can see from the long list below, Philip José Farmer's career has been well documented and commented upon. Some of these items will be found on other pages as they may also fall into other categories.
Bradley Brave to Fly to New York
In this article (and picture) we see Phil getting ready for his trip to New York to present Fred Waring with an Indian headdress as a gift for writing Bradley's fight song.
- Local Newspaper, 1940 (First appearance)
Big Chief Waring Dons Bradley Braves' Feathers
In this article (and picture) we see Phil giving the headdress to Fred Warring.
- Local Newspaper, 1940 (First appearance)
Parables are Pablum: A Reply to Mr. Farmer, A Letter to Mr. Campbell, by Tim Howller
In this very long article Tim Howller discusses Phil's article, White Whales, Raintrees, Flying Saucers which appeared in the same issue of Skyhook. He claims that Phil's argument, that science fiction can do things that mainstream literature cannot, is not well founded. He then goes on to give what he feels to be better examples to make Farmer's case. He also takes legendary editor John W. Campbell to task for not opening up Astounding to new types of ideas and for not allowing his writers to use more mainstream techniques.
- Skyhook 23, Winter 1954-1955 (First appearance)
- Farmerphile 11, January 2008
The Bite of the Asp, by Randall Garrett
Randall Garrett goes into great detail about how Farmer's story The Biological Revolt (originally titled by Farmer, "The Bite of the Asp") was edited with such a heavy hand, by Hugo Gernsback himself, that the story was ruined. Three samples of Farmer's deleted text are given.
- Stellar 13, ?? 1957 (First appearance)
- THE WORLDS OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER 1: Protean Dimensions, Meteor House, 2010 trade paperback
Books, by Alfred Bester
In this article Alfred Bester takes the traits of seven SF authors to create the perfect SF author. Philip José Farmer is among the seven.
- Fantasy & Science Fiction, March 1961 (First appearance)
- Fantasy & Science Fiction, July 1961 UK edition, as "The All-star SF Author"
SF Profile: Philip José Farmer Sex & Science Fiction, by Sam Moskowitz
This article focuses on the lack of sex in science fiction before Farmer's ground breaking "The Lovers", as well as covering his early career.
- Amazing, December 1964 (First appearance)
Strange Relations of Philip José Farmer, by Charles Platt
An exploration by Charles Platt of four Farmer publications: Strange Relations (but only comments on "Mother"); Flesh; The Lovers and The Alley God (where Platt talks mostly about "The Alley Man"). Platt focuses on how Farmer has written "truly remarkable stories around fascinating biological ideas."
- Zenith Speculation #7, December 1964 (First appearance)
When Women Rule, by Sam Moskowitz
The Lalitha from "The Lovers" are discussed in this very long article about science fiction stories set in worlds where women are in charge. Sam later edited an anthology with the same title, but "The Lovers" was not included in the book.
- If, August 1967 (First appearance)
News from the Authors
A brief notice from Phil that since Baycon he has been doing a lot of writing, while still working full time for McDonald Douglas and working on a draft of a REAP pamphlet.
- Science Fiction Times #461, December 1968 (First appearance)
The Seasonal Fan, by Jim Harmon
In his regular column Harmon discusses Farmer's Baycon 69 Guest of Honor Speech "REAP".
- Riverside Quarterly, March 1969 (First appearance)
A Look at Sex in SF, by J.B. Post & Ted White
This article is actually two discussions, or reviews, of IMAGE OF THE BEAST by J.B. Post & Ted White. Post's article is the shorter of the two and he found the story line intriguing. He did not care for the sexual aspects of the book and wished that Farmer had not chosen to write this kind of book. He did however say that in the book more questions are raised than settled and he hopes that ensuing volumes will put them to rest. So he was hoping for a sequel.
Ted White's article is much longer and much more critical. The only part of the book that he has any praise for is Farmer's inventiveness. In every other aspect of writing he says that Farmer failed. Rather than evaluating erotic fiction, this book has taken speculative fiction to new lows. He concludes that the book is pulp trash.
- Science Fiction Times #464, March 1969 (First appearance)
Philip José Farmer's The Lovers, by Leland Sapiro
The article discusses the story and its convoluted religious background.
- Riverside Quarterly, August 1969 (First appearance)
Afterword, by Michael Desimon
Translated from French by Fred Patten, this article looks at the Hebrew texts that determine the structure of the religion in The Lovers.
- Riverside Quarterly, August 1969 (First appearance)
Off the Deep End, by Piers Anthony
In this irregular column Piers talks about Essex House. Just after they sent him five books to read to get an idea of the market, he started writing his own book for them. After writing 20,000 words he heard that they had gone out of business. He discusses the five Essex House books in great detail and among them are BLOWN and A FEAST UNKNOWN.
- Science Fiction Review 37, April 1970 (First appearance)
Lord Grandrith - A New Tarzan, by Caz
- ERB-dom 40, November 1970 (First appearance)
Philip José Farmer: Out of Confusion, Surprise, by Ed Connor
The article is mainly announcing the fact the Philip José Farmer and family were moving back to Peoria, IL (which is where Ed Conner the editor of Moebius Trip lived). He reprints a newspaper article on the same subject: Writing Peorian Comes Home which appeared in the local paper. The article also reprints Locus Magazines' review of TO YOUR SCATTERED BODIES GO and quotes from Locus's review of THE WIND WHALES OF ISHMAEL. This issue also has a con report on Pecon 2.
- Moebius Trip #8, March/April 1971 (First appearance)
Of Gods Like Men, by Donald A. Wollheim
Of Gods Like Men is a chapter in the book about Farmer and his World of Tiers series, which Wollheim published while he was the editor at Ace.
- THE UNIVERSE MAKERS, 1971 (First appearance)
Getting into the Task of Now Pornography, by Leslie A. Fiedler
This begins as a review of TARZAN ALIVE but then goes on to discuss most of Farmer's career. Fiedler also discusses Farmer's growing popularity outside of the closed science fiction circles. The version that appears in Moebius Trip is a longer unedited version than what appeared in the Los Angeles Times. There is also a letter from Farmer in Moebius Trip about the article.
- Los Angeles Times, April 23, 1972 (First appearance)
- Moebius Trip 14, July 1972 as Thanks for the Feast: Notes on Philip José Farmer
- THE BOOK OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER, 1973 as Thanks for the Feast
Philip Jose Farmer Untimely Ript From SF's Womb and Thrust into the Mainstream to Drown or With Friendly Reviewers Like Leslie Fiedler, Who Needs Enemies? , by Richard E. Geis
This article is actually an analysis of Leslie Fiedler's review/article about TARZAN ALIVE, "Getting into the Task of the Now Pornography" (see above).
- Richard E. Geis #1, May 1972 (First appearance)
Tarzan by Edgar-Philip-Rice-José-Burroughs-Farmer, by Robert R. Barrett
This article talks about all of Farmer's Tarzan work up to this point, with a strong emphasis on TARZAN ALIVE and A FEAST UNKNOWN. Barrett even speculates as to the date of Farmer's interview with Greystoke, which Phil admits is nearly correct.
- The Jasoomian #10, June 1973 (First appearance)
Playing Around with Creation: Philip José Farmer, by Franz Rottensteiner
In this article Rottensteiner claims that Farmer creates a great concept with lots of possibilities in the Riverworld books but then drops the ball by just writing adventure tales full of war and violence. (I think he is missing Farmer's point, that man will be violent and create reasons to go to war no matter how idyllic a world he finds himself).
- Science-Fiction Studies Vol.1 #2, Fall 1973 (First appearance)
Entry, by Donald H. Tuck
A rather short biographical entry followed by a much longer bibliography.
- THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY, Volume 1 (A-L), 1974 (First appearance)
Is Tarzan Alive? READ IT HERE
This article discusses Farmer's biography of Tarzan, TARZAN ALIVE, in great length.
- THE RETURN OF TARZAN, DC Comics Limited Collectors' Edition No. C-29, 1974 (First appearance)
Heritage of the Gray-Eyed God, by Robert R. Barrett
This article began as a review of HADON OF ANCIENT OPAR, but was sent to Phil for comments which then included. It continued to grow when Frank Brueckel provided "the story behind the story" of Ancient Opar. The article also contains preliminary sketches for possible covers and unused interior illustrations by Roy Krenkel for HADON OF ANCIENT OPAR. The cover of the issue is an early sketch of what was used for the cover.
- Erbania #35, June 1974 (First appearance)
Taking a closer look at the writer who dispensed with the stiff upper-lip of science fiction and let his emotions show by Michael Feldman
This article talks about how most of Farmer's stories are "an open appeal for the release from sensual and emotional inhibitions".
- Science Fiction Monthly Vol.1 #9, September 1974 (First appearance)
The Possible Subconscious Source of Philip José Farmer's Riverworld, by Randall Hagan
Hagan speculates that Farmer was influenced by Sir Ricard Francis Burton's book, The Kasīdah of Hājī Abdū El-Yedzī, while writing TO YOUR SCATTERED BODIES GO. There are also some comments by Farmer on the article.
- Moebius Trip Library's S. F. Echo #22, April 1975 (First appearance)
Mother Was a Lovely Beast, by Joe Sanders
No info at this time.
- Delap's F&SF Review No. 2, May 1975 (First appearance)
Farmer Revealed as Kilgore Trout, by Dave Truesdale
This headline and editorial came from information gained from the interview that also appeared in this issue.
- Tangent No. 2, May 1975 (First appearance)
Uffish Thots, by Ted White
In his column Ted talks about how he dislikes the idea of Farmer's Doc Savage biography because Farmer is forcing his vision of Doc on the readers instead of letting them keep their own. He said that he has a copy of the book but refuses to read it.
- Science Fiction Review #15, November 1975 (First appearance)
Entry, by James Gunn
Farmer is briefly mentioned with a short paragraph on "The Lovers" and his other taboo-breaking science fiction.
- ALTERNATE WORLDS, 1975 (First appearance)
Venus on the Half Shell as Structuralist Activity, by Claudia Jannone
This is a very in-depth article about the many levels Venus can be read on.
- Extrapolation, May 1976 (First appearance)
So it Goes: The Sad Recapture of Kilgore Trout, by Steve Connelly & Charles Nicol
A great article covering the history of Kilgore Trout; his origins in novel by Kurt Vonnegut Jr., to KVJ setting him free, to Farmer writing VENUS ON THE HALF-SHELL under Trout's name to KVJ's refusal to let anymore books be written "by Trout."
- Harper's Bookletter, Vol 2. No. 2, 1976 (First appearance)
SF Conglomerate, by Jessica Kemball-Cook
No info at this time.
- New Society, May 27 1976 (First appearance)
Speculative Fiction, Bibliographies and Philip José Farmer, by Thomas L. Wymer
There is a long article before the bibliography explaining how complicated a Farmer bibliography is because of rewrites and expansions.
- Extrapolation, December 1976 (First appearance)
Entry, by Brian Ash
This longer than average entry covers Farmer's early career, his three Hugos and his major series; Riverworld and The World of Tiers.
- WHO'S WHO IN SCIENCE FICTION, 1976 (First appearance)
The Essex House Novelists, by Michael Perkins
This article should be online here: www.eroticauthorsassociation.com but as I type this their website is down.
- THE SECRET RECORD (Modern Erotic Literature), 1976 (First appearance)
The Faces of a Thousand Heroes: Philip José Farmer, by Russell Letson
This article talks about Farmer's interesting use of heroes, especially taking super heroes and showing their dark or more human side.
- Science Fiction Studies, March 1977 (First appearance)
The Worlds of Philip José Farmer, by Russell Letson
The article discusses Farmer's influences and refutes some earlier articles about him.
- Extrapolation, May 1977 (First appearance)
Philip José Farmer: an Appreciation, by J. Grant Thiessen
This article covers most of Farmer's career and states that while people look forward to his novels, they don't nominate them for awards. It also says that Farmer won't get the recognition he deserves because he has too much fun.
- Science Fiction Collector #5, September 1977 (First appearance)
Essex House: The Rise and Fall of Speculative Erotica, by Maxim Jakubowski
Farmer is mentioned throughout as one of the major authors published by Essex House.
- Foundation #14, 1978 (First appearance)
- Paperback Parade #13, June 1989
Farmer of the Apes, by Charles R. Saunders
A very long article about Farmer's fascination with Tarzan and all of the books he has written with Tarzan like characters.
- Borealis Vol. 1 #2, Spring 1978 (First appearance)
- Farmerphile #13, July 2008
Waking the Wake in Farmer's "Wage", by Grace Eckley
This article talks about the obvious James Joyce influence on Farmer's "Riders of the Purple Wage".
- Farmerage Vol.1, #1, June 1978 (First appearance)
Work Shop
This piece is actually the transcript of Brian W. Aldiss, Sam J. Lundwall and Philip José Farmer creating and outlining a science fiction novel on the spot in front of an audience. While everyone had a good time (although Phil had to leave in the middle to go be interviewed) they did not take it seriously and things degenerated pretty quickly.
- Unifan #1, June 1978 (First appearance)
The Immediate Impact of The Lovers, by Charles Lawrence
This article talks about the flood of letters that were sent to Startling Stories about "The Lovers" after it was printed in August 1952.
- Farmerage Vol.1, #1, June 1978 (First appearance)
The Universe of John Carmody, or, Translating in the 23rd Century, by Charles Lawrence
This article talks about the John Carmody stories and also links several other stories to the same future time frame; "Mother", "Daughter", "Strange Compulsion", "Some Fabulous Yonder" and "The Blasphemers" .
- Farmerage Vol.1, #2, October 1978 (First appearance)
Farmer Expands Riverworld
The article is about Farmer signing a contract for a fifth Riverworld book and the history of the Riverworld series.
- Locus #217, December 1978 (First appearance)
Getting Ahead in Canador House: Farmer's Love Song, by Don Z. Block
This article is an in-depth review of LOVE SONG and Farmer's unique use of the Gothic setting.
- Farmerage Vol.1, #3, February 1979 (First appearance)
The Up-Dated Farmer, by These Ven
This article talks about "errors" that Farmer made in some of his Wold Newton speculations about The Spider.
- Xenophile #42, June/July 1979 (First appearance)
The Never Ending Bookshelf, by J. Grant Thiessen
This new feature in SFC discusses several rare paperback books. The second book covered in this issue is THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST. It mentions that Farmer's rarest books are the Essex House titles and after a favorable review it mentions that later printings of the book and the forthcoming Playboy edition combined with BLOWN.
- Science Fiction Collector #8, October 1979 (First appearance)
Entry, by Baird Searles
This entry discusses Farmer introducing sex into science fiction, his habit of writing books about other authors characters and his two big series, Riverworld and The World of Tiers.
- A READERS GUIDE TO SCIENCE FICTION, 1979 (First appearance)
Farmerworld, by James Gunn
This introduction to "Sail On! Sail On! starts off talking about other alternate history stories and then finishes by talking about the major themes in Farmer's work.
- THE ROAD TO SCIENCE FICTION #3, 1979 (First appearance)
Entry, by David Pringle
A very thorough synopsis of Phil's early career, having to stop write full time from 1953 - 1969 and covers well many of his books and series.
- THE SCIENCE FICTION ENCYCLOPEDIA, edited by Peter Nicholls, 1979 (First appearance)
Entry, by R. Reginald
A checklist of the author's books until 1974.
- SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY LITERATURE, Volume 1 Indexes to the Literature, 1979 (First appearance)
Entry, by R. Reginald
Some biographical details are listed, followed by a short biographical sketch written by Farmer.
- SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY LITERATURE, Volume 2 Contemporary Science Fiction Authors II, 1979 (First appearance)
The Lovers, by Russell Letson
A fairly in-depth look at The Lovers for such a short article. The bottom line is that The Lovers remains interesting not only because it was the first story in magazine science fiction to contain sex, but that it was a well written and interesting story.
- SURVEY OF SCIENCE FICTION LITERATURE Vol. 3, 1979 (First appearance)
The Riverworld Series, by Russell Letson
A long article covering the events that occur in the first three Riverworld books.
- SURVEY OF SCIENCE FICTION LITERATURE Vol. 4, 1979 (First appearance)
Strange Relations, by S.C. Fredericks
In this review/critique of the short story collection, STRANGE RELATIONS, the author discusses each of the stories and states that book has held up very well over time.
- SURVEY OF SCIENCE FICTION LITERATURE Vol. 5, 1979 (First appearance)
Entry, by L.W. Currey
Contains a checklist of the first printings of Philip José Farmer's books and points on how to identify them.
- SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY AUTHORS (A Bibliography of First Printings of Their Fiction), 1979 (First appearance)
Philip José Farmer: The Trickster as Artist, by Thomas L. Wymer
A very long and in-depth article about the theme of Trickster protagonists that run through Farmer's work. It also talks about Farmer being a trickster himself by trying to blur the boundaries between reality and fiction.
- VOICES FOR THE FUTURE, Vol. 2, 1979 (First appearance)
Farmer is one of only 9 science fiction authors among the 348 authors profiled in this book. The first half of the entry is by Farmer and the second half comments on it and expands on it in several areas.
- WORLD AUTHORS 1970-1975, 1980 (First appearance)
Mystery Plus, Image of the Beast, by Jeff R. Banks
No info at this time.
- The Poisoned Pen Vol.3 #2, March/April 1980 (First appearance)
A Different Kind of Checklist, by Bruce Doering
This short bibliography lists the anthologies were you can find Farmer's stories, sorted by editor. There is also a listing of fanzines and magazines that Farmer's stories and articles have appeared in.
- Collecting Paperbacks?, Vol.2, #2, May 1980 (First appearance)
Riverworld Revisited
Wow, this is the big time. After THE MAGIC LABYRINTH hit the New York Times best seller list Time ran this article which discussed all the Riverworld novels.
- Time Magazine, July 28, 1980 (First appearance)
The Riverworld Phenomenon, by Steve Tarter
This article in a local Peoria newspaper appeared while THE MAGIC LABYRINTH was on the New York Times best seller list and a few days after the article about Riverworld appeared in Time Magazine. This article also talks about the film rights to Riverworld being sold but even then Phil was apprehensive about what Hollywood would do with it.
- Observer, Wednesday, July 30, 1980 (First appearance)
Collecting Paperback First Editions of Philip José Farmer, by Don Block
This article shows the difficulty in book collecting before the internet. In his searches for all of Farmer's first paperback editions, Don Block had only seen one poor copy of THE GREEN ODYSSEY (which he bought). He describes the thrill of the hunt but also the frustration of coming up empty.
- Observer, Wednesday, July 30, 1980 (First appearance)
Wilson on Farmer, by Robert Anson Wilson
In this article Wilson discusses the Riverworld series. It appears along side Farmer on Wilson.
- Heavy Metal #54, September 1981 (First appearance)
Bookview, by Jo Duffy
This article is a review of THE MAGIC LABYRINTH and also discusses the other Riverworld novels.
- Epic #8, October 1981 (First appearance)
Book World Extra, by John Bowles
This article talks about Farmer's visit to England to do a book signing at the Forbidden Planet bookstore. It briefly discusses his early career and unfortunate history of Owe For The Flesh.
- Starburst #32, 1981 (First appearance)
Philip José Farmer, by Sharon R. Gunton
No info at this time.
- CONTEMPORARY LITERARY CRITICISM Vol. 19, 1981 (First appearance)
Maps and Spasms, by Philip José Farmer
This book which is subtitled "Autobiographical Essays by Notable Science Fiction Writers", contains a very interesting 37 page autobiography by Philip José Farmer as well as eight other authors.
- FANTASTIC LIVES, 1981 (First appearance)
Entry, by Thomas L. Wymer
No info at this time.
Entry, by Mary T. Brizzi
The entry contains a bibliography of novels and short story collections but not short stories and articles. It also contains a very brief bio and a longer study of Farmer's major works. Each addition of this has book has an updated entry by Mary T. Brizzi.
Riverworld, by Jordan R. Fox
This article is about game show producer Jay Wolpert's project to make Riverworld into a television series for ABC.
- Cinefantastique Vol 11, No 4, December 1981 (First appearance)
Riverworld to TV; New Books Too
The article is about a speech Farmer gave where he mentions that Riverworld is going to be made into a TV miniseries.
- Locus #252, January 1982 (First appearance)
Who Inhabits Riverworld?, by Monte Cook
This essay discusses the people living on Riverworld, are they the "same" people as they were on Earth or just "copies"?
Entry, by Roald D. Tweet
No info this time.
- SCIENCE FICTION WRITERS, 1982 (First appearance)
Philip José Farmer and the White Goddess, by Casey Fredericks READ IT HERE
This article talks about Farmer's influences and the novel FLESH.
- Riverside Quarterly, Vol 7 No 3, May 1983 (First appearance)
From Rebellious Rationalist to Mythmaker and Mystic: The Religious Quest of Philip José Farmer, by E.L. Chapman
This long article discusses the religious themes in most of Farmer's work.
- THE TRANSCENDENT ADVENTURE, 1984 (First appearance)
- An expanded version appeared in: THE WORLDS OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER 2: Of Dust and Soul, Meteor House, 2010 trade paperback
Entry, by David Wingrove
A short entry which discusses Farmer's novels based on traditional science fiction themes vs. those that blend folk legend and history with science fiction. One interesting part of the entry is that three of Farmer's works are "rated" by four editors, with "The Lovers" getting 3, 4, 4, and 5 stars; IMAGE OF THE BEAST getting 3, 4, 4, and 4 stars; and TO YOUR SCATTERED BODIES GO getting 5, 5, 5, and 5 star ratings.
- SCIENCE FICTION SOURCE BOOK, 1984 (First appearance)
The Riverworld Series, by E.L. Chapman
- SURVEY OF MODERN FANTASY LITERATURE Vol. 3, 1984 (First appearance)
The World of Tiers, by E.L. Chapman
- SURVEY OF MODERN FANTASY LITERATURE Vol. 5, 1984 (First appearance)
Philip José Farmer's Fantastic Voyage
Contains a short article (and photo). The article states that Farmer has just signed to write the novelization of Fantastic Voyage 2, but the deal later fell through.
- Locus #290, March 1985 (First appearance)
Thrust Profile: Philip José Farmer, by E.E. Gilpatrick
A short article which talks about science fiction and PJF's place in it. Has comments from PJF about the labels "science fiction" and "fantasy".
- Thrust 22, Summer 1985 (First appearance)
The Unreasoning Mask, by David Pringle
This is Farmer's only entry in this book which contains 100 two page descriptions of David Pringle's favorite science fiction books. He does comment that Farmer is most famous for the Riverworld series, and that perhaps Farmer's masterpiece is actually TARZAN ALIVE, but it is only marginally science fiction so it was not included in this book. The second half of the entry talks about THE UNREASONING MASK and the many wild ideas that are in the story.
- SCIENCE FICTION: THE 100 BEST NOVELS, 1985 (First appearance)
One Hundred Most Important People in Science Fiction/Fantasy, by David McDonnell
Farmer is one of the 46 authors to make this list. The rest of the list is comprised of Actors, Artists, Editors/Publishers, Radio, TV & Film people and Effects people. The authors are seemingly list in random order, unless we are to believe that the five most important writers are John W. Campbell Jr., Andre Norton, Harry Harrison, Fritz Leiber and Philip José Farmer.
- Starlog #100, November 1985 (First appearance)
Fantastic Voyage 2: Again & Again
A short article that states that Asimov will write FV2 and that Farmer is out and is now behind on his DAYWORLD sequel because of FV2.
- Locus #303, April 1986 (First appearance)
The Paper World: Science Fiction in the Postmodern Era, by Welch D. Everman
This very long article is about the language and literature of science fiction. It covers many authors but refers to Farmer as "the most literary-minded writer of the SF ranks and discusses his works based on fiction; TARZAN ALIVE, THE OTHER LOG OF PHILIAS FOGG, THE WIND WHALES OF ISHMAEL, VENUS ON THE HALF-SHELL AND "Riders of the Purple Wage."
- POSTMODERN FICTION, 1986 (First appearance)
Philip José Farmer, To Your Scattered Bodies Go, by Colin N. Manlove
This book contains a very long (22 page) article which is mostly an in-depth analysis of TO YOUR SCATTERED BODIES GO and the rest of the Riverworld Series.
- SCIENCE FICTION: TEN EXPLORATIONS, 1986 (First appearance)
Entry, by Donald Palumbo
No info at this time.
- EROTIC UNIVERSE: Sexuality and Fantastic Literature, 1986 (First appearance)
Lucian of Samosata and Philip José Farmer, by Robert J. Edgeworth
In this well researched article the author looks at the possibility that two of Lucian's works, Dialogues of the Dead and The Dead Come to Life anticipated the Riverworld series. The article also takes an in depth look at the Riverworld series itself.
- Comparative Literature Studies, Vol. 24 #2, 1987 (First appearance)
The Hansoms of John Clayton, by George H. Scheetz
This booklet is a history of the first ten years of the Peoria, IL Sherlock Holmes Society, The Hansoms of John Clayton. Philip José Farmer was the Founder. The book covers the meetings and other activities of the club from 1977 - 1987, with listings of many meetings and annual picnics being held at the Farmer's home.
- A New Chronology of the THE HANSOMS OF JOHN CLAYTON on the Occasion it Its Decennial Year, November 1987 (First appearance)
A Feast Unknown, by David Pringle
This two page entry warns that many readers may find the book repugnant, and that it is unsuitable for young children. However it also explains that Farmer's intent is to show the hidden unconscious fantasies that underlie all superhero adventure stories. He also describes the uniqueness of book calling it "a fantasy-romance quite unlike any other in modern popular fiction."
Entry, by Russell F. Letson
A well thought out thumbnail sketch of Phil's career, hitting many of the high points; "The Lovers" and his other early, innovative short stories, Shasta nearly ending his career before it started, The World of Tiers series, Essex House, TARZAN ALIVE and the Wold Newton Family and the Riverworld series. Farmer wrote an entry for this encyclopedia on The Journey.
Entry, by Don and Maggie Thompson
There is a short bio of Farmer's career followed by a completely worthless Price Guide. Most books only list the paperback printings and the Essex House books top out at $4.50. Even in 1989 this completely inaccurate.
Riders of the Purple Wage, by Gary K. Wolfe
The article (with 3 photos) is about the play that was based on Farmer's Hugo award winning short story. It opened on November 29th, 1989 and Phil and Bette were in attendance.
- Locus #349, February 1990 (First appearance)
The Dawn Patrol: Sex and Technology in Farmer and Ballard, by Gary K. Wolfe
This is a long scholarly article about some of the ways sex is described in fiction. The Farmer portion focuses on the short story The Henry Miller Dawn Patrol where the protagonist, an old man in a nursing home, thinks of himself as a young WWI flying ace as he mounts a female resident.
- The New York Review of Science Fiction, September 1990 (First appearance)
Collecting Philip José Farmer, by James T. Seels
Contains an article about collecting the first editions of Philip José Farmer, along with a price guide.
- Firsts, October 1991 (First appearance)
The Sequelizer, or The Farmer Gone to Hell, by Gary Westfahl
A humorous article about the different kinds of sequels Farmer has written. Sequels to real people's lives, by putting them in the Riverworld series, sequels to other author's characters, sometimes pretending that those characters were real and many, many more.
- Science Fiction Eye #11, December 1992 (First appearance)
Entry, by David Pringle and John Clute
This long entry discusses most of Farmer's major novels and stories.
Transformational SF Religions, by Joseph M Dudley
This very long and scholarly article looks at Farmer's NIGHT OF LIGHT and Robert Silverberg's DOWNWARD TO EARTH. Dudley writes that these two novels exemplify much of the science fiction in the late 1960's that dealt with man's search for God.
- Extrapolation Vol. 35 #4, Winter 1994 (First appearance)
Entry, by Matthew E. Bunson
The entry discusses Philip José Farmer's Sherlock Holmes parodies and pastiches.
- ENCYCLOPEDIA SHERLOCKIANA, 1994 (First appearance)
Farmer's Escape from Loki: A Closer Look, by Christopher Carey READ IT HERE
Chris contends that ESCAPE FROM LOKI, is not just an action story, but can be read on several levels.
- The Bronze Gazette, Vol 6, Issue #17, February 1996 (First appearance)
Love, Psyche, and Transformations: The Anima and Farmer's The Lovers, by Kenneth L. Golden
This very in-depth article, about some of the psychology behind "The Lovers," is a full chapter in this very scholarly look at science fiction.
Entry, by David Pringle
No info at this time.
The Lovers, by Larry Rochelle
No info at this time.
Riverworld Series, by Wesley Britton
No info at this time.
Strange Relations, by Paul Hansom
No info at this time.
The World of Tiers, by John T. West III
No info at this time.
Entry, by John Clute
This entry mostly discusses the Fantasy aspects (as opposed to sci-fi) of the Riverworld series and Tiers series.
- THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FANTASY, 1997 (First appearance)
Loki in the Sunlight, by Christopher Carey READ IT HERE
This article speculates that Doc's enemy John Sunlight also appeared in ESCAPE FROM LOKI, in an unusual disguise.
- The Bronze Gazette, Vol 8, Issue #24, June 1998 (First appearance)
Of Creatures and Cultures, by Nancy Ridgeway
This Bradley University Alumni magazine contains an article about Philip José Farmer's career at Bradley, his new mystery novel, NOTHING BURNS IN HELL, and his upcoming Tarzan novel.
- Hill Topics, Summer 1998 (First appearance)
Entry, by Paul Wake
This short, less than one page, entry covers a lot of ground briefly. After calling Farmer an important precursor of the New Wave it talks about the Riverworld series, his adventure novels and his shorter experimental writing.
Entries, by Brian Stableford
Entries about some of the worlds Farmer has created; Abatos from "Father", Baudelaire from "Mother", "Dante's Joy" from "Night of Light", Dare from DARE, Feral from "Prometheus", Ozagen from "The Lovers", Riverworld and the World of Tiers.
Farmer's Vision of Ancient Opar Alan Hanson
A long article about where Farmer got the inspiration for the Opar books. It studies the books and how true they stayed to theories put forth in the (then) unpublished "Heritage of the Flaming God", which Farmer was able to preview back in the early 1970s. There is also a letter from Farmer to Alan Hanson explaining some questions that Hanson had.
Entry, by Stuart W. Wells III
This guide to collectible book has a short section on Phil, (15 entries), plus listings for his books in other sections such as Ballatine Hardcovers, Doubleday, Galaxy Beacon and Phantasia Press.
- SCIENCE FICTION COLLECTIBLES, 1999 (First appearance)
Entry, by Nicola Chalton
Contains a very short entry including an inaccurate description of the Riverworld series.
- WHO WROTE WHAT WHEN?, 1999 (First appearance)
Philip José Farmer’s Adventures in Hollywood, by Jack Mertes
This in-depth article, which includes many quotes from Farmer, is about the failed attempts to bring Phil's stories to TV and/or the movies. The second printing of the article is much longer than the first, condensed, version.
- Peoria Metropolitan, January 2001 (First appearance)
- THE WORLDS OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER 1: PROTEAN DIMENSIONS, Meteor House, 2010 trade paperback
Use of Fiction in Therapy, by Dr. A. James Giannini READ IT HERE
This article discusses the real life psychiatric therapy used by Dr. Giannini where patients discuss he Tiers books and their fantasies about them.
- Psychiatric Times, Vol.19 Issue 7, July 2001 (First appearance)
Philip José Farmer: The Portrait of the Artist as the Great Wall of China, by Harlan Ellison
This is the Annual Nebula Awards Issue, covering Farmer winning the 2001 Grand Master Award. Harlan's article covers all of Farmer's career and how much he deserved the Grand Master Award.
- The Bulletin No. 150, Summer 2001 (First appearance)
A Riverworld Runs Through Toontown, by Gary K. Wolf
A funny little mix of Roger Rabbit and Riverworld as they all come together to applaud Philip José Farmer.
- The Bulletin No. 150, Summer 2001 (First appearance)
Ten Years Ago
This article compares the prices for Farmer's books now to the prices printed in the 1991 issue ten years ago.
- Firsts, October 2001. (First appearance)
The Green Eyes Have It - Or Are They Blue?, by Christopher Carey READ IT HERE
Chris continues to probe for hidden meaning in Escape from Loki. Someone needs to do this to all of Farmer's books.
- The Bronze Gazette, Vol 11, Issue #33, November 2001 (First appearance)
Entry, by George Mann
No info at this time.
Entry, by Steve Connelly
No info at this time.
Philip José Farmer An Appreciation, by Robert Silverberg
Contains an Appreciation by Robert Silverberg as well as reprinting Farmer's acceptance speech from the 2001 Nebula Award Ceremony.
- NEBULA AWARDS SHOWCASE, 2002 (First appearance)
Riverworld Flowing On
Contains an interview with Stuart Hazeldine, the writer for the TV series adaptation of Riverworld.
- SFX #88, March 2002 (First appearance)
Riverside Views
Contains photographs of some of the Riverworld TV series locations.
- SFX #90, April 2002 (First appearance)
A Feast Unexpected
An article by Roger Crombie about the 50th Anniversary Celebration of The Lovers held in Peoria August 10th, 2002. Printed along with Roger's article was Farmer's long unpublished story, The Good of the Land.
- RG Magazine, October 2002 (First appearance)
The Wold Newton Theory Alternative Universe, by C.D. Stewart
This very long (17 page) article starts out well enough, discussing the similarities in "pulp" heroes and discrepancies in their individual canons and how Philip José Farmer's Wold Newton Family theory makes sense of it all. But by the time it gets to the Wold Newton Universe the article is less well researched and inaccurate in many places. A follow up article with correction by Win Eckert may appear.
- ThrillerUK #15, September 2003 (part 1) (First appearance)
- ThrillerUK #16, October 2003 (part 2) (First appearance)
A Reply to “The Wold Newton Theory Alternative Universe”, by Win Eckert
This long rebuttal of the article that appeared in issues #15 and #16 by Win Eckert, with contributions from Brad Mengel and Chuck Loridans, is actually more interesting to read than the article it is correcting. We don't have access to the original article online, but you can read the reply online here.
- ThrillerUK #19, July 2004 (First appearance)
The Roller Coaster Ride with Phil Farmer, by Bette Farmer
In this first article by Bette Farmer, wife of Philip José Farmer for 65 years now she tells the tale their first meeting, courtship and marriage.
- Farmerphile No. 1, July 2005 (First appearance)
Creative Mythography: A Nova of Genetic Splendor, by Win Scott Eckert
This first, of a regular Wold Newton column, is mainly an introduction to Phil's Wold Newton theory and the events behind it.
- Farmerphile No. 1, July 2005 (First appearance)
Daring to be Farmer, by Joe Haldeman
In this essay Joe talks of first reading Phil and then first meeting Phil some years later. He comments on what a pleasant surprise that turned out to be.
- Farmerphile No. 1, July 2005 (First appearance)
Bibliophile: a discussion on INSIDE OUTSIDE, by Paul Spiteri
This is the first of what we hope will be regular feature by Paul and perhaps others, an in-depth discussion of one of Phil's lesser known works. This column is about INSIDE OUTSIDE, a book that may give us some insight to the genesis of the Riverworld series.
- Farmerphile No. 1, July 2005 (First appearance)
Gatherings of Tricksters, by Bette Farmer
Bette Farmer, wife of Philip José Farmer, tells of the first two Worldcons they attended in 1952 and 1953 and some of the interesting people they encountered.
- Farmerphile No. 2, October 2005 (First appearance)
Farmer & Rosny—Kindred Souls, by Jean Marc Lofficier
This article, by French science fiction, pulp and comic expert J.M. Lofficier discusses the parallels between Rosny's work and Phil's as well as Phil translation of Rosny's IRONCASTLE.
- Farmerphile No. 2, October 2005 (First appearance)
The Innocent Dilemma, by Christopher Paul Carey
This article immediately follows Phil's short story The Unnaturals and discusses the back ground against which this Oz-like story was written.
- Farmerphile No. 2, October 2005 (First appearance)
My Feast Unknown, by Jason Robert Bell
Jason tells of the genesis of his idea and the work involved doing a multi-media stage adaptation of A FEAST UNKNOWN during a Moral Values Festival.
- Farmerphile No. 2, October 2005 (First appearance)
Bibliophile: a discussion on DARK IS THE SUN, by Paul Spiteri
In this column Paul tackles one of Phil's longest single novels, the scifi/fantasy epic DARK IS THE SUN.
- Farmerphile No. 2, October 2005 (First appearance)
Creative Mythography: Six Degrees of Philip José Farmer, by Win Scott Eckert
This second Wold Newton column expands its scope from the original Wold Newton Family to the Wold Newton Universe, a world where many characters from pulp literature reside even if they are not part of the family tree.
- Farmerphile No. 2, October 2005 (First appearance)
Other Worldly, by Terry Bibo
This article appeared on the front of the "Arts plus" second of the Sunday paper in Phil's hometown of Peoria. You can read the article here.
- Peoria Journal Star, January 22, 2006 (First appearance)
A Man Bigger Than His Works, by Tracy Knight
In this warm essay Tracy tells of his discovery of Phil's work, his first meeting with Phil as a fan, his first meeting with him as a colleague and the friendship that formed. He also discussed Phil's knowledge of psychology, something Tracy knows more than a little about.
- Farmerphile No. 3, January 2006 (First appearance)
The Roller Coaster Ride with Phil Farmer, by Bette Farmer
In this column Bette tells of some of the interesting characters that she and Phil have met over the years.
- Farmerphile No. 3, January 2006 (First appearance)
Creative Mythography: How He Escaped Publicity, Part II, by Win Scott Eckert
The third Wold Newton column vears off on a bit of a tangent and prints a letter from Win to fellow Wold Newton scholar Chuck Loridans discussing the dangers of his research. It also includes a family tree of Lord Greystoke's off spring.
- Farmerphile No. 3, January 2006 (First appearance)
Bibliophile: a discussion on HADON OF ANCIENT OPAR, by Christopher Paul Carey
In this column Chris discusses the rich level of cultural detail that Phil infused in what was to be the beginning of Phil's next great series.
- Farmerphile No. 3, January 2006 (First appearance)
Essex House, Tarzan and Time's Last Gift, by Bob Zeuschner
Bob discusses how Phil's writing for Brian Kirby's Essex House eventually led to Phil's writing an introduction to Bob's book. He also gives his take on TIME'S LAST GIFT, one of his favorite books by Phil.
- Farmerphile No. 3, January 2006 (First appearance)
How Tarzan Introduced me to Philip José Farmer, by Rick Beaulieu
Rick tells how his love of Edgar Rice Burroughs led him to Phil's TARZAN ALIVE, then Phil's other Tarzan related books. This led to more of Phil's books which, like so many other readers, led him to many of the authors whose works influenced Phil.
- Farmerphile No. 3, January 2006 (First appearance)
The Peerless Pastiche: Farmer Does Doyle and Burroughs, by Archimeded Q. Porter, Ph. D.
Dr. Porter (J.G. Huckenpöhler), writes that of all the Tarzan related books Phil has written, THE ADVENTURE OF THE PEERLESS PEER is his best effort. He does point out that this story may not fit precisely into the established Burroughs timeline however.
- Farmerphile No. 3, January 2006 (First appearance)
Inspired by Tarzan: Literature, by Maura Spiegel
In this edition of TARZAN OF THE APES there is an extensive notes section at the back of the book, including a discussion of Phil's Tarzan books, from TARZAN ALIVE and THE DARK HEART OF TIME to A FEAST UNKNOWN, FLESH, HADON OF ANCIENT OPAR and THE ADVENTURES OF THE PEERLESS PEER.
- TARZAN OF THE APES, Barnes & Noble Classics, 2006 trade paperback (First appearance)
On a Riverboat with the Farmers, by Gary K. Wolfe
Gary tells of their adventures during one of the Conferences for the Fantastic in the Arts that he got the Farmers to attend.
- Farmerphile No. 4, April 2006 (First appearance)
The Roller Coaster Ride with Phil Farmer, by Bette Farmer
In this installment of her column Bette tells of her and Phil's friendship with Gary Wolfe and gives us some details on Phil's famous Tarzan yell.
- Farmerphile No. 4, April 2006 (First appearance)
Bibliophile: a discussion on THE STONE GOD AWAKENS, by Paul Spiteri
Paul discusses one of Phil's wildest stories, one that takes place so far future that only Farmer's fertile imagination could have created it.
- Farmerphile No. 4, April 2006 (First appearance)
Phil Farmer Meets Roger Bacon at the Ends of the Earth, by Danny Adams
Danny delves into the rich background of Phil's comic alternate universe story, "Sail On! Sail On!"
- Farmerphile No. 4, April 2006 (First appearance)
Creative Mythography: Ouroboros, Part I, by Win Scott Eckert
As the subtitle implies, Win examines stories and novels that refer to Phil and his works and the cross-overs come full circle.
- Farmerphile No. 4, April 2006 (First appearance)
The Roller Coaster Ride with Phil Farmer, by Bette Farmer
In this installment of her column Bette tells of the fun Phil had writing VENUS ON THE HALF-SHELL, and the details behind why he had to reveal that he was the author of the book.
- Farmerphile No. 5, July 2006 (First appearance)
The Trickster Awakens: Philip José Farmer and Venus on the Half-Shell, by Tracy Knight
Tracy Knight gives us a long in-depth look at how Phil came to write VENUS ON THE HALF-SHELL, and the fallout that ensued. He also focuses on Phil's penchant for being a "trickster."
- Farmerphile No. 5, July 2006 (First appearance)
Trout Fishing in Bermuda: Why and How, by Roger Crombie
Roger Crombie cleverly interweaves his own tale of moving to Bermuda to be near Kilgore Trout's birthplace with Phil's introduction to the 1988 Bantam edition of VENUS ON THE HALF-SHELL (the first one with Phil's name on the cover) "Why and How I became Kilgore Trout."
- Farmerphile No. 5, July 2006 (First appearance)
Bibliophile: a discussion on JESUS ON MARS, by Paul Spiteri
Paul discusses one of wilder titled of Phil's books, JESUS ON MARS, giving us a clear synopsis of the story and the enigmatic ending.
- Farmerphile No. 5, July 2006 (First appearance)
Heritage of the Flaming God: A Classic Essay, Long Forgotten, Inspired Farmer, by Alan Hanson
In this very long essay Alan Hanson tells of the history of the manuscript of "Heritage of the Flaming God," which Phil was able to read long before it finally saw print. This article was the genesis for Phil's short lived Opar series; HADON OF ANCIENT OPAR and FLIGHT TO OPAR.
- Farmerphile No. 5, July 2006 (First appearance)
Alias Philip José Farmer: The Sore Bridge and a Latter-Day Victorian Chronicler, by Danny Adams
Danny begins with Phil's "fictional author" series, which began with VENUS ON THE HALF-SHELL, and then focuses on one of Phil's fictional author short stories "The Problem of the Sore Bridge - Among Others." This story was "written by" Harry Manders, the chronicler of Raffles the famous gentleman burglar.
- Farmerphile No. 5, July 2006 (First appearance)
Creative Mythography: Ouroboros, Part II, by Win Scott Eckert
A continuation of last issue's article where Win examines stories and novels that refer to Phil and his works and the cross-overs come full circle.
- Farmerphile No. 5, July 2006 (First appearance)
The International Appeal of Philip José Farmer, by Rias Nuninga
Well known as the webmaster of the other major PJF website, The International Bibliography, Rias tells of his discovery of Farmer and traces his steps from reader, to collector, to bibliographer to webmaster.
- Farmerphile No. 6, October 2006 (First appearance)
Bibliophile: a discussion on FIRE AND THE NIGHT, by Fender Tucker
Ramble House publisher Fender Tucker guest writes this month's column. He writes about Phil's only main-stream novel, which, not coincidentally, has the same main character and setting as this issue's previously unpublished story by Phil, "Keep Your Mouth Shut."
- Farmerphile No. 6, October 2006 (First appearance)
The Roller Coaster Ride with Phil Farmer, by Bette Farmer
In this column Bette tells various tales relating to the Doc Savage theme of the issue; from Phil borrowing and reading every Doc novel, many more than once, to meeting Lester Dent's widow to purchasing some great Doc Savage and Shadow artwork.
- Farmerphile No. 6, October 2006 (First appearance)
Caliban, by Will Murray
Doc Savage expert, and writer, Will Murray tells of his first encounter with Phil's work; the Doc Savage pastiche THE MAD GOBLIN. He also confirms what many others have discovered, that Phil is full of surprises and usually knows more than you expect.
- Farmerphile No. 6, October 2006 (First appearance)
A Box within a Box, by Danny Adams
Danny focuses on Phil's only short Doc Savage related fiction and the convoluted backdrop that is the story within a story.
- Farmerphile No. 6, October 2006 (First appearance)
Creative Mythography: Doc Wildman: Out of Time, by Win Scott Eckert
Win makes startling discoveries surrounding Doc's activities and family since his disappearance in 1950. Some of these discoveries conflict with published accounts from the 1980s. How these conflicts are explained is even more startling.
- Farmerphile No. 6, October 2006 (First appearance)
Through the Seventh Gate, by Christopher Paul Carey
Chris closely studies Farmer's sources for DOC SAVAGE: HIS APOCALYPTIC LIFE, and amazingly discovers that Phil had lengthy access to a source that Lester Dent had brief access to. Phil names this source in ESCAPE FROM LOKI, but never admitted to having access to it.
- Farmerphile No. 6, October 2006 (First appearance)
Philip José Farmer's Immortal Legacy, by Christopher Paul Carey
This article begins at the beginning of Phil's writing career but mainly focuses on Phil's Wold Newton theory and the seeming renaissance as several new collections of Phil's work have come out recently. Click on the link to read the article online.
- The Zone, November 2006 (First appearance)
The Maker of Universes, by Jeff Renault
In this article Jeff focuses on TARZAN ALIVE and the Wold Newton Universe. It includes quotes from Philip José Farmer, Win Scott Eckert and Christopher Paul Carey. It also talks about Farmerphile and forthcoming novel, THE CITY BEYOND PLAY.
- Star Log #353, March 2007 (First appearance)
The Roller Coaster Ride with Phil Farmer, by Bette Farmer
In this column Bette talks about long time friend Walt Liebscher (who's Riverworld Parodies are reprinted in the same issue) and Ed Connor, editor of the fanzine Moebius Trip where the parodies first appeared.
- Farmerphile No. 7, January 2007 (First appearance)
A Letter from Farmer, by David Bischoff
In this essay David tells the funny, in hindsight, story of getting a letter from Phil threatening to sue him. This was due to a misunderstanding where it was assumed by many that David had written a one-shot fanzine that lampooned many well known science fiction authors. David was innocent and the guilty party was eventually identified.
- Farmerphile No. 7, January 2007 (First appearance)
Creative Mythography: The Conundrums of Kickaha, by Dennis E. Power
In this column Dennis discusses the problem with Kickaha being in the Wold Newton Family, thus dragging the whole World of Tiers with him into the Wold Newton Universe.
- Farmerphile No. 7, January 2007 (First appearance)
Bibliophile: a discussion on THE LONG WARPATH, by Paul Spiteri
An interesting discussion on one of Phil's earlier heroic novels that was published under a different title.
- Farmerphile No. 7, January 2007 (First appearance)
The Roller Coaster Ride with Phil Farmer, by Bette Farmer
Bette tells of the 1989 stage version of Phil's Hugo winning novella "Riders of the Purple Wage," and then goes on to tell us that we can relive the past by coming to Peoria in June to see it done again. This time in Phil's hometown.
- Farmerphile No. 8, April 2007 (First appearance)
Finnegan’s Wage, or, Portrait of the Farmer as a Joycean Fan, by Danny Adams
Danny explores the parallels between Phil's Hugo winning novella "Riders of the Purple Wage," and the works by James Joyce that inspired it.
- Farmerphile No. 8, April 2007 (First appearance)
Phil & Bette Farmer, Jack London, a Wife and a Baby, a Clean Well Lighted Hotel Room, by Joe R. Lansdale
Joe tells of early meetings with Phil at conventions and of the small kindnesses (small to Phil, not so small to Joe) that Phil did him.
- Farmerphile No. 8, April 2007 (First appearance)
Creative Mythography: The Shades of Pemberly (part 1), by Win Scott Eckert
Win has discovered a long lost story from 1927 featuring a very young "Doc Wildman" and other notable characters.
- Farmerphile No. 8, April 2007 (First appearance)
Images of the Soul, by Dennis E. Power
In this article Dennis explores possible connections between the Riverworld series one Phil's most notorious works, IMAGE OF THE BEAST, through its unannounced sequel TRAITOR TO THE LIVING.
- Farmerphile No. 8, April 2007 (First appearance)
Bibliophile: a discussion on GREATHEART SILVER, by Michael Croteau
Mike looks at one of Phil's funniest novels, episode by episode and also talks about the stories origins in WEIRD HEROES.
- Farmerphile No. 8, April 2007 (First appearance)
Science Fiction Classic: Philip José Farmer, by Tony Smith and Ciaran O'Carroll
Tony & Ciaran discuss Phil's career and some of their favorite work by Phil, "The Lovers," "Riders of the Purple Wage," the Riverworld series and the World of Tiers series.
- Starship Sofa No 44, June 3, 2007 (First appearance)
- Starship Sofa No 45, June 9, 2007 (First appearance)
The Archaeology of Khokarsa, by Christopher Paul Carey
In this long article Chris examines Farmer's sources and inspirations for the Khokarsa series which go very far beyond the obvious such as Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan and H. Rider Haggard's Allan Quatermain novels.
- Farmerphile No. 9, July 2007 (First appearance)
White-Skinned Grey-Eyed God, by Dennis E. Power
Dennis' article discusses the character Sahhindar from the Opar series, from the the origin of the name to his possible further adventures.
- Farmerphile No. 9, July 2007 (First appearance)
Sketches from the Ruins of My Mind, by Robert R. Barrett
This article starts with Bob noticing Phil in the 1950s, and then becoming friends with him in the 1970s. Much of the article is about letters Phil sent him while conceiving and writing HADON OF ANCIENT OPAR series.
- Farmerphile No. 9, July 2007 (First appearance)
Bibliophile: a discussion on TIME'S LAST GIFT, by Paul Spiteri
Paul tells us about his all-time favorite book by Farmer. While all time travel stories have a twist, mixing time travel with immortality makes this novel unique.
- Farmerphile No. 9, July 2007 (First appearance)
Star Trek’s Loss Is Your Gain, by Danny Adams
In this article Danny looks at the two stories Phil submitted to Star Trek which were rejected and he later rewrote and published as "The Shadow of Space" and "Sketches Among the Ruins of my Mind." He also looks at "The Rebels Unthawed" which started out as a Star Trek screen treatment and is published in Farmerphile No. 9 for the first time anywhere.
- Farmerphile No. 9, July 2007 (First appearance)
Creative Mythography: The Shades of Pemberly (part 2), by Win Scott Eckert
Part two of this long lost story from 1927 featuring a very young "Doc Wildman" and other notable characters ends with a very Farmerian twist.
- Farmerphile No. 9, July 2007 (First appearance)
The Roller Coaster Ride with Phil Farmer, by Bette Farmer
Bette talks about Farmercon II and the idea of having a small "convention" in their hometown. She also talks about moving back to Peoria from Los Angeles in the early 1970s. The article also includes a picture of Phil, Bette and the cake from their going away party.
- Farmerphile No. 10, October 2007 (First appearance)
The Smartest Man in the World; or Admiring Philip José Farmer, by Dr. Bennett L. Oppenheim
In this article Bennett, who is not a science fiction writer but is well known and very successful in own his line of work, talks about Phil's many influences on him.
- Farmerphile No. 10, October 2007 (First appearance)
Creative Mythography: This Peoria Earth, by Win Scott Eckert
In this column Win examines the many different "Peorias" that have appeared in Phil's fiction under the names Onaback and Busiris. He then details which of these are set in the Wold Newton Universe.
- Farmerphile No. 10, October 2007 (First appearance)
When Day Breaks the Stone God Awaits, by Dennis E. Power
The main thrust of this article shows that the events at the beginning of THE STONE GOD AWAKENS eventually lead to the world of the Dayworld series. He also includes connections to "Only Who Can Make a Tree?", THE DARK HEART OF TIME and IRONCASTLE.
- Farmerphile No. 10, October 2007 (First appearance)
Remembering the Eyre Incident Three Decades Later, by Danny Adams
In this article Danny examines the events that took place in STATIONS OF THE NIGHTMARE and speculates on the fate of that other mid-Western science fiction author, Leo Queequeg Tincrowdor.
- Farmerphile No. 10, October 2007 (First appearance)
Bibliophile: a discussion on NOTHING BURNS IN HELL, by Paul Spiteri
Here Paul examines Phil's only Private Investigator novel, which is set in Peoria Illinois but was inspired by Carl Hiassen's series of wacky novels set in Florida.
- Farmerphile No. 10, October 2007 (First appearance)
The Memoirs of Lord Greystoke, by Justin Marriott
This article by editor and writer Justin Marriott begins with Farmer's pornographic writings for Essex House then focuses on A FEAST UNKNONW and then his later writings about Tarzan and Doc Savage; LORD TYGER, THE LORD OF THE TREES/THE MAD GOBLIN, TARZAN ALIVE and DOC SAVAGE: HIS APOCALYPIC LIFE. The article is illustrated with pictures of British paperback editions of these books.
- The Paperback Fanatic #4, Autumn 2007 (First appearance)
The Roller Coaster Ride with Phil Farmer, by Bette Farmer
Bette talks about some of Phil's birthday parties, including his 80th where a man in a gorilla suit showed up at the door with a bunch of ballons saying that Tarzan said "Happy Birthday!"
- Farmerphile No. 11, January 2008 (First appearance)
Birthday Wishes and Greetings, by S.M. Stirling, Mike Resnick, Michael Moorcock, James E. Gunn, Kim Newman, Norman Spinrad, Joe Haldeman, Piers Anthony, Richard A. Lupoff, Richard E. Geis, David Langford, Tracy Knight, Joe R. Lansdale, Harlan Ellison, Robin Wayne Bailey, Will Murray, Garth Nix, James Sallis, Gary K. Wolfe, Chris Roberson & Peter Crowther
Twenty-one short (100 to 300 word) birthday wishes, from Phil's contemporaries from the science fiction world. These run the gamut of the typical birthday card selection, from humorous to honorific to touching.
- Farmerphile No. 11, January 2008 (First appearance)
On Not Going There, by Howard Waldrop
Howard tells in detail the frustration of trying to come up with unique ideas for science fiction stories with authors like Phil Farmer and Robert Silverberg beating you to the punch nearly every time.
- Farmerphile No. 11, January 2008 (First appearance)
Smoke Gets in Your Nose, by Spider Robinson
Spider tells of his surprising first encounter with Phil sharing a smoke filled car ride to the Worldcon in Toronto 1973.
- Farmerphile No. 11, January 2008 (First appearance)
Further Sketches from the Ruins of My Mind!, by Robert R. Barrett
In this very in depth article Bob looks closely at the differences between Phil's official biographies of Tarzan and Doc Savage and the adventure they shared in A FEAST UNKNOWN and wonders, despite the contradictions, if there isn't more truth than previously suspected in the Grandrith/Caliban stories.
- Farmerphile No. 11, January 2008 (First appearance)
Bibliophile: a discussion on A BARNSTORMER IN OZ, by Paul Spiteri
Paul gives us a synopsis of the novel and also discusses the lure the land of Oz has for many of us. He also practices some steganography in this article in order to keep it on topic with the issue's theme.
- Farmerphile No. 11, January 2008 (First appearance)
Creative Mythography: Trunks and Branches: The Wold Newton Family, by Win Scott Eckert
In this column Win examines the process of adding someone, not just to the Wold Newton Universe, but instead making a case to add them to Wold Newton Family proper.
- Farmerphile No. 11, January 2008 (First appearance)
The Magic Filing Cabinet and The Missing Page, by Christopher Paul Carey
Chris gives us some behind-the-scenes details of information uncovered while editing Phil's new collection, VENUS ON THE HALF-SHELL AND OTHERS. The information gained while researching and compiling this collection certainly make a strong argument for further mining of the Magic Filling Cabinet.
- Farmerphile No. 11, January 2008 (First appearance)
Happy 90th Birthday to Philip José Farmer!
This article contains short appreciations and birthday wishes from Joe Haldeman, Richard A. Lupoff, Mike Resnick, Gary K. Wolfe, Garth Nix, Barry Malzberg, Allen Steele and Karl Schroeder and many photographs.
- Locus, February 2008 (First appearance)
Yesterday's Tomorrows, by Graham Sleight READ IT HERE
This feature usually looks at several classic novels by an author. This time he looks at two classic novels, TO YOUR SCATTERED BODIES GO and LORD TYGER as well as two more recent collections, THE BEST OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER and PEARLS FROM PEORIA.
- Locus, February 2008 (First appearance)
The Roller Coaster Ride with Phil Farmer, by Bette Farmer
Bette tells of their last adventure in LA before moving back to Peoria and of Phil's starting The Hansoms of John Clayton, a chapter of the Baker Street Irregulars.
- Farmerphile No. 12, April 2008 (First appearance)
We Were Introduced by Sherlock Holmes, by George H. Scheetz
George goes into great detail about the origins of The Hansoms of John Clayton and his tells of printing Phil's work in his fanzine Farmerage and the book RIVERWORLD WAR.
- Farmerphile No. 12, April 2008 (First appearance)
Philip José Farmer and the Case of the Two Jungle Lords, by Dennis E. Power
Dennis discussed the differences between THE ADVENTURE OF THE PEERLESS PEER and "The Adventures of the Three Madmen," reconciling them in a very unexpected way.
- Farmerphile No. 12, April 2008 (First appearance)
Urania's Babysitter, by Rick Lai
While doing research on another topic Rick uncovered details surrounding an incident, which took place immediately after Professor Moriarty's death, that would have long reaching consequences.
- Farmerphile No. 12, April 2008 (First appearance)
A Study of Ralph von Wau Wau, by Danny Adams
Keeping with the Sherlockian theme of the issue, Danny examines one of Phil's characters who was sort of modelled on the Great Detective.
- Farmerphile No. 12, April 2008 (First appearance)
Creative Mythography: The Farmerian Holmes, by Win Scott Eckert
Sherlock Holmes is of course one of the central characters of the Wold Newton Universe. In this column Win examines all of Phil's Sherlockian writings as the Great Detective does appear many times, in one way or another, throughout Phil's entire canon.
- Farmerphile No. 12, April 2008 (First appearance)
Bibliophile: A discussion on THE OTHER LOG OF PHILEAS FOGG, by Paul Spiteri
This article is a synopsis of one of Phil's great literary accomplishments; telling us the "true," and even more fantastic events, behind the story of Jules Verne's, AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS.
- Farmerphile No. 12, April 2008 (First appearance)
How Much Free Will Does a Pumpkin Have?, by Christopher Paul Carey
As a companion piece to Phil's speech, "Sherlock Holmes & Sufism," this article looks at Phil's longtime interest in Sufism and where it has appeared in his writings.
- Farmerphile No. 12, April 2008 (First appearance)
The Lure of the Emergency Shelf, by Michael Carroll
Irish science fiction author Michael Carroll tells of his first discoveries of Phil's work and how amazed he was by how the big concept behind the Riverworld series. He also shares with us that he has two of Phil's books, still unread, on his "emergency shelf," waiting for the day when he can sit back and savor them.
- Farmerphile No. 12, April 2008 (First appearance)
Full Blown Comic Book Images of the Beast, by Steve Mattsson
In his first article for Farmerphile, Steve discusses the comic book adaptation of Phil's erotic/horror novel IMAGE OF THE BEAST. He also goes into the plot of the novel pointing out several things that may have escaped ever the careful reader.
- Farmerphile No. 12, April 2008 (First appearance)
The Many Worlds of "Wold Newton", by Henry Covert
Henry introduces Philip José Farmer's Wold Newton Family to a new audience of readers.
- Astonishing Adventures Magazine 4, July 2008 (First appearance)
Creative Mythography: Sahhindar Through the Centuries, by Win Scott Eckert and Dennis E. Power
In this column Win and Dennis give us a timeline of Sahhindar's exploits, before during and after the events in TIME'S LAST GIFT.
- Farmerphile No. 13, July 2008 (First appearance)
Escape from Loki Again, and Again, and Again, by Steve Mattsson
Steve looks at the comic book adaptation of Phil's origin story for how Doc Savage met his aides and the twisted history behind it.
- Farmerphile No. 13, July 2008 (First appearance)
To Be, or Not to Be, by Tom Wode Bellman
Tom tells the story behind the hoax Phil pulled off during his Guest of Honor speech, "The Wild Weird Clime," at Balticon II.
- Farmerphile No. 13, July 2008 (First appearance)
Bibliophile: A discussion on TONGUES OF THE MOON, by Heidi Ruby Miller
Heidi looks at one of Phil's most overlooked novels. She finds one of the subplots to be the most intriguing aspect of the book giving a perfect example of how Phil's books can be read on many levels.
- Farmerphile No. 13, July 2008 (First appearance)
This Played in Peoria?, by Art Sippo
This is the text of the speech Art gave at Farmercon 90 in Peoria. He tells of discovering Phil's books when he was 16 years old and the impact they had, not just on his view of literature, but the real world as well.
- Farmerphile No. 14, October 2008 (First appearance)
A Whale of Time, by Leo Queequeg Tincrowdor
This is a Farmercon 90 convention report. Although Leo, traveling from Bursiris, IL, the day of the convention was late, he does talk about much of the event as well as his discovery of Farmerphile.
- Farmerphile No. 14, October 2008 (First appearance)
The Voice of Farmer in My Vermiform Appendix, by Rhys Hughes
Prolific and eclectic short story writer Rhys Hughes tells of Farmer's influence on his writing, even including choosing the names for stories. He also tells of his plans to use Phil as a character in multiple stories.
- Farmerphile No. 14, October 2008 (First appearance)
Creative Mythography: Excessively Diverted, Or, Coming to Pemberley House, by Win Scott Eckert
In this column Win explains the steps he had to take to ensure that Patricia Wildman was in fact next in line to inherit Pemberley House as described by Phil in the outline of his unfinished novel, THE EVIL IN PEMBERLEY HOUSE. A novel which win just so happens to have completed.
- Farmerphile No. 14, October 2008 (First appearance)
Say, What's the Big Idea?, by Michael Carroll
In this second article by Michael Carroll he talks about writers coming up with ideas (and how Phil has had so many big ones) and what they do with them after that; plan things out carefully or just wing it.
- Farmerphile No. 14, October 2008 (First appearance)
Bibliophile: A discussion on LORD TYGER, by Paul Spiteri
Paul examines the novel Phil may have enjoyed writing more than any other, LORD TYGER.
- Farmerphile No. 14, October 2008 (First appearance)
Boris the Bear: Wold Newton and Philip José Farmer, by Steve Mattsson
Steve examines the little known comic Boris the Bear and the several times that Phil was referenced during its run.
- Farmerphile No. 14, October 2008 (First appearance)
Oh the Humanity, by Dennis E. Power
In this article Dennis finds a common thread between The Green Odyssey, Jesus on Mars, Dare, The Other Log of Phileas Fogg, A Barnstormer in Oz, the World of Tiers and Riverworld series.
- Farmerphile No. 14, October 2008 (First appearance)
How the Farmer Grew a Universe, by Henry Covert
Henry discusses fiction that Phil wrote about members of the Wold Newton Family.
- Astonishing Adventures Magazine 5, December 2008 (First appearance)
Creative Mythography: Philip José Farmer in the Wold Newton Family, by Win Scott Eckert
Win looks at one branch of Phil's family tree to discover that one of his ancestors is in fact...sorry, you'll have to read the article to find out.
- Farmerphile No. 15, January 2009 (First appearance)
Bibliophile: A discussion on THE UNREASONING MASK, by David Lars Chamberlain
David examines one of Phil's more philosophical novels, THE UNREASONING MASK and Phil's culturally varied influences in this book.
- Farmerphile No. 15, January 2009 (First appearance)
On the River with Philip José Farmer, by Robert Weinberg
Robert tells not only of his stories in the two Riverworld anthologies but the role he played in getting the two collections into print and also hooking Phil up with Phantasia Press.
- Farmerphile No. 15, January 2009 (First appearance)
My Time on the River, by Ed Gorman
Ed's article, along with his admiration for Phil, goes all the way back to 1954.
- Farmerphile No. 15, January 2009 (First appearance)
Writing "Graceland", by Allen Steele
Allen tells the details of the road trip and concert that lead to the writing of this rock and roll inspired story.
- Farmerphile No. 15, January 2009 (First appearance)
The River Not Taken, by Dennis E. Power
This article accompanies a long letter from Phil to Galaxy editor Fred Pohl outlining the second Riverworld storyline (the first being "The Day of the Great Shout." The article puts the outline in historical perspective and also notes a significant change in the overall theme of the Riverworld stories between this outline and the stories that were later written and published.
- Farmerphile No. 15, January 2009 (First appearance)
Tom Mix Resurrected, by Danny Adams
This article shows how much research Phil did about his hero, and Riverworld character, Tom Mix. Highlighting the article are letters by Phil to features to Daryl Ponicsan (author of the novel, TOM MIX DIED FOR YOUR SINS) and Phil's good friend writer Robert Bloch.
- Farmerphile No. 15, January 2009 (First appearance)
Many tributes to Phil, written after his death, can be found on the Remembrances page.
Philip José Farmer and Doc Savage, by Will Murray
This book reprints the Doc Savage novels, MURDER MIRAGE and THE OTHER WORLD and has a tribute to Phil by Will Murray. This nice long tribute covers Phil's love of Doc Savage, from reading the pulps as a teenager to rediscovering Doc in the 1960s because of the Bantam reprints and how they lead him to A FEAST UNKNOWN, TARZAN ALIVE, and DOC SAVAGE: HIS APOCALYPTIC LIFE. It also covers the screen treatment Phil wrote for a second Doc movie, Phil's Doc prequel ESCAPE FROM LOKI and even the just published THE EVIL IN PEMBERLEY HOUSE.
- Doc Savage #27, June 2009 (First appearance)
Philip José Farmer's Tarzan Alive, by Win Scott Eckert
The majority of this article is a reprint of Win's thorough introduction to the 2006 reprint of TARZAN ALIVE.
- Burroughs Bulletin #81, Winter 2010 (First appearance)
Philip José Farmer and ERB: A Shared Mythography, by Christopher Paul Carey
This very long article is not just a look at where Phil and ERB's literary visions intersect, but is also a biography of Phil showing his long lived fascination with ERB's creations.
- Burroughs Bulletin #81, Winter 2010 (First appearance)
Philip José Farmer's ERB-Related Work: A Bibliography, by Henry G. Franke III
A listing of Farmer's work that would be of interest to ERB readers.
- Burroughs Bulletin #81, Winter 2010 (First appearance)
Philip José Farmer's Incarnations of Tarzan, by Henry G. Franke III
A nice long look at the many different ways Phil has recreated the Tarzan mythos in his fiction.
- Burroughs Bulletin #81, Winter 2010 (First appearance)
Bibliographer's Corner, by Septimus Favonius
A short entry about Farmer's book TARZAN ALIVE.
- Burroughs Bulletin #81, Winter 2010 (First appearance)
Philip José Farmer: Doc Savage Loses an Author, by Win Scott Eckert
Win writes about Phil's long love of Doc Savage and how each book he wrote about the Bronze Giant got closer and closer to the original version by Lester Dent.
- BIG BOOK OF BRONZE 2, 2009 (First appearance)
Tribute – Philip José Farmer, Pulp Character Biographer..., by Tony D Davis
The PulpSter #18 was the program for PulpFest 2009, July 31 - Aug 2. It contained a tribute to Farmer who had passed away several months before. It talks about his pulp hero biographies of Tarzan and Doc Savage and his more pulp inspired works.
- The Pulpster #18, July 2009 (First appearance)
It Could Make a Great Fantasy , by Laura Wilkes Carey
In this article Laura expounds on Farmer's notes and research for an unwritten "Mormon Fantasy" novel.
- THE WORLDS OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER 1: Protean Dimensions, Meteor House, 2010 trade paperback (First appearance)
Read On! Read On!, by James Gunn
In this essay James Gunn shares a close reading of "Sail On! Sail On!" that he does in his Summer Science Fiction Institute and other college courses. This is an excerpt from a longer piece that appeared as "Reading Science Fiction as Science Fiction," in the book READING SCIENCE FICTION.
- THE WORLDS OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER 1: Protean Dimensions, Meteor House, 2010 trade paperback (First appearance)
The Blakeney Family Tree, by Win Scott Eckert
This essay, which accompanies the story Is He in Hell, is an excellent example of Wold Newton Creative Mythography. It shows the research—and ingenuity—required to reconcile biographical data from several different sources.
- THE WORLDS OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER 1: Protean Dimensions, Meteor House, 2010 trade paperback (First appearance)
Philip José Farmer's work is referenced often throughout this very in-depth examination of the history of Doc Savage.
- THE REVISED COMPLETE CHRONOLOGY OF BRONZE, Altus Press, 2010 trade paperback (First appearance)
Afterword by Paul Wessels and Jean-Marc Lofficier READ IT HERE
This afterword to the concluding volume of English translations of J.-H. Rosny Aīné's scientific romances spends a lot of time examining Rosny's influence on Farmer and similarities in their work.
- HELGVOR OF THE BLUE RIVER, Black Coat Press, 2010 trade paperback (First appearance)
The Importance of Being Unsophisticated, by Charles Platt
In this essay Charles Platt discusses meeting Farmer in person and gives a unique perspective on why Farmer was able to accomplish some of the things he did.
- THE WORLDS OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER 2: Of Dust and Soul, Meteor House, 2010 trade paperback (First appearance)
Repopulating Oz, by James Sallis
In this intensely personal essay James Sallis tells of his long relationship with Farmer and his works.
- Writing from Life (First appearance)
- THE WORLDS OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER 2: Of Dust and Soul, Meteor House, 2010 trade paperback
Religion in the Life and Work of Philip José Farmer: Through the Eyes of His Grandson by Thomas José Josephsohn
A rare essay showing glimpses of Farmer's private life, and the influence he had on one of his grandchildren.
- THE WORLDS OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER 2: Of Dust and Soul, Meteor House, 2010 trade paperback (First appearance)
The Khoharsa Series, by Henry G. Franke III
The entire issue of this two page fanzine is dedicated to the Khokarsa series.
- Gridley Wave 370, July 2013 (First appearance)