The following list contains all of the awards Farmer has won as well as a few stories that have been nominated.
1953 Hugo winner - Most Promising New Talent
Presented at Philcon 2, the 11th Worldcon, September 1953. Farmer won this award mostly on the buzz created by The Lovers. The only other story he published in 1952 was Sail On! Sail On!
1960 Hugo nominee - The Alley Man
1961 Hugo nominee - My Sister's Brother
1966 Hugo nominee - Day of the Great Shout
1967 Nebula nominee - Riders of the Purple Wage
1968 Hugo winner - Best Novella: Riders of the Purple Wage
Presented at Baycon 68, the 26th Worldcon 1968. Here is a picture from the convention, taken from the VISUAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE FICTION by Brian Ash.
1972 Hugo winner - Best Novel: TO YOUR SCATTERED BODIES GO
Presented at L.A. Con, the 30th Worldcon 1972.
1974 Nebula nominee - After King Kong Fell
1974 Hugo nominee - Sketches Among the Ruins of My Mind
2001 Nebula winner - Grand Master Award
Presented at the 2001 Nebula Award Banquet which was covered in The Bulletin #150. The Peoria Public Library held a Living Legend Reception on May 19th in honor of Farmer winning the Grand Master award.
2001 World Fantasy Award - Lifetime Achievement
Presented at the 2001 World Fantasy Convention in Montreal Canada. Farmer did not attend the convention.
2003 First Fandom Award
Presented at the 2003 Worldcon in Toronto Canada. Farmer did not attend the convention, Joe Haldeman accepted the award for him.
2003 Forry Award
Each year since 1966, the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society has presented the Forry Award for Lifetime Achievement in the field of Science Fiction. Named after long-time fan and "Mr. LASFS", Forrest J. Ackerman, the award is chosen by members of the club during a meeting usually in the mid to late Fall of each year, and announced at that year's LOSCON.