When you have read all the Riverworld books and just need a little more... This page presents a selection of stories written by fans and set in Farmer's worlds.
Tales from the River
On the Otherside, by Dennis E. Power
This is the most well researched and thought out Riverworld story we have here on the fan fiction page. With a little assistance from an editor this story could hold its own again most of the stories in the two Riverworld collections by professional authors.
The Long Walk to Nowhere, by John Thompson
Another intriguing Riverworld story by John. This one begins long before the "Day of the Great Shout" and like Farmer he takes someone else's original ideas and has his own explanations for what really happened.
For God and Country, by John Thompson
Our longest fan fiction yet! Lots of battles and adventure.
My Love, by John Thompson
A well crafted story about trying to hold onto the past.
Melvin and Howard, by Dennis E. Power
Dennis just keeps getting better! I really liked this story about the thin line between good and evil and what some people do with a second chance.
Sight, Sound and Voice, by Dennis E. Power
The first contribution to the fan fiction page is a nice little Riverworld story that begins on the day of resurrection.
That Thing What Killed the Cat, By Patrick Flanagan
An interesting story set in Riverworld, that much like Farmer himself, holds nothing sacred.
Stories inspired by Farmer
Best in the Business, by Stephen F. McCann
A very well written story about rolling with the punches and adapting to change.
An Ordered Rank of Pawns, All Dressed in Gray, by Ivan Saxby
If you click on the above link you can down load the first few chapters of this very good story in pdf format. The story behind this story is very interesting so I am sharing the email from the author that came with it. I read the sample and I'm looking forward to reading the rest of it. If you like beginning of the book, you can order the rest of it here: MightyWords.com.
Star Warped, by Edward Lisic
Here is a chapter from an actual (self) published book called Star Warped. The book is a Star Wars/Star Trek parody which features a character named Philip Jose Finnegan Kicka-ass. I thought it was very funny. If you would like to order a copy of this book you can do so at Buy Books on the web.