The following list contains articles, stories and novels written by Philip José Farmer with another writer. In some cases they worked on the story at the same time, in some cases Farmer started it and someone else finished it.
THE BALLAD OF HILARY BOONE, with Randall Garrett
Unpublished, early 1950s
Based on a song of the same name by pulp writer Charlie Tanner, this novel by Farmer and Garrett was about a space pirate. It was sold to Startling Stories but the magazine folded before serializing the story. The manuscript was sent out again and subsequently lost.
Osiris on Crutches, with Leo Queequeg Tincrowder
A humorous story about the god Osiris and a meeting, with Leo Queequeg Tincdrowder.
- NEW DIMENSIONS 6, Harper, 1976, Hardcover. (First appearance)
- NEW DIMENSIONS 6, Harper, 1976, Hardcover.
- NEW DIMENSIONS 6, Gollancz (UK), 1976, Hardcover.
- VENUS ON THE HALF-SHELL AND OTHERS, Subterranean Press, 2008, Hardcover.
- THE WORLDS OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER 3: Portraits of a Trickster, Meteor House, 2012 trade paperback
- THE PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER CENTENNIAL COLLECTION, Meteor House, 2018 Deluxe Limited Edition hardcover, hardcover, trade paperback
The Remarkable Adventure, with Beverly Friend
In this long article they discuss how many adventure stories are centered around a journey and how science fiction novels more than other contemporary stories are similar to the ancient epics like THE ODYSSEY.
- SCIENCE FICTION: CONTEMPORARY MYTHOLOGY, 1978, Hardcover. (First appearance)
- SCIENCE FICTION: CONTEMPORARY MYTHOLOGY, 1978, Paperback. (First appearance)
Written with Piers Anthony. They alternated writing sections, mailing them back and forth. I cannot tell where one writer ends and the other begins. Some scenes feel like Farmer's work but the book as a whole does not. Not to say that is bad, the book is very good. REVIEWS
- Publisher's Letter, Berkley, 1992
- Uncorrected Proof, Ace, 1992
- Hardcover, Ace, 1992, First Printing. Cover artist: Romas
- Paperback, Ace, 1993, First Printing. Cover artist: Romas
This round-robin mystery novel was written by thirteen Central-Illinois authors.
Procedes from the sale of the book went to the Peoria Public Library. Contributers are:
Chapter 1: Naked Came The Farmer by Philip José Farmer
Chapter 2: Seeing Red by Bill Knight
Chapter 3: Mad Mux by David Everson
Chapter 4: Lagoon Interlude by Jerry Klein
Chapter 5: The Bridges of McClean County by Julie Kistler
Chapter 6: Friends in Low Places by Nancy Atherton
Chapter 7: Prairie Dawgs by Steven Burgauer
Chapter 8: Get Your Motor Running by Joel Steinfeldt
Chapter 9: Morris The Explainer by Joseph Flynn
Chapter 10: Extra-Cellular Communications by Terry Bibo
Chapter 11: Off The Beaten Path by Gary Moore
Chapter 12: Porklips Nocturne by Tracy Knight
Chapter 13: Oh, Brother! by Dorothy Cannell
- Publisher's Letter, Mayfly Productions, 1998.
- Order Form, Mayfly Productions, 1998.
- Chapter One, appeared in Accent magazine, January 20, 1998.
- Trade Paperback, Mayfly Productions, 1998, First Printing. Cover artist: Roland Millington
THE CITY BEYOND PLAY, with Danny Adams
Have you ever heard of the The Society for Creative Anachronism or perhaps been to a Renaissance Festival? Imagine a future where the SCA owns a large valley in California. If you choose to live there you step back in time to the middle ages, not the way they were, but the way they should have been (indoor plumbing for starters). A murderer on the run from the police gets fake id papers and joins the community. Will he be able to climb the social ladder without giving himself away?
Phil Farmer began this novel in the early 1970s, writing the first chapters and an outline of the remainder, and his grand-nephew Danny Adams finished writing the story in 2005. REVIEWS
- An excerpt appeared in Farmerphile #7, January 2007.
- Hardcover, PS Publishing, 2007. Cover artist: Dominic Harman
- ebook, PS Publishing, 2012. Buy from PS Publishing
Getting Ready to Write, with Paul Spiteri
This polytropical paramyth was started by Farmer, mostly likely in the 1970s, and completed by Spiteri for Farmerphile: The Magazine of Philip José Farmer. The protagonist is a writer, who descends to his basement office to write, but is continually distracted by one thing after another, each obstacle more fanciful than the rest.
- Farmerphile 13, July 2008. (First appearance)
Start with your typical "Girl running from Castle" Gothic novel, add in the literary pedigree of Jane Austen, action worthy of the greatest heroes in the Wold Newton family, and color it all erotic. Not since A FEAST UNKNOWN has Phil turned a convention on its ear like this.
Phil Farmer began this novel in the early 1970s, writing the first chapters and an outline of the remainder, and Wold Newton expert Win Scott Eckert finished writing the story in 2008.
- Hardcover, Subterranean Press, 2009. Cover artist: Glen Orbik.
- Trade Paperback, Meteor House, 2014. Cover artist: Glen Orbik. Buy from Meteor House
Kwasin and the Bear God, with Christopher Paul Carey
After completing the novel THE SONG OF KWASIN, from Philip José Farmer's outline for the third volume in the Khokarsa series, co-author Christopher Paul Carey discovered a second, alternate outline. While it was similar to the one he had already used, it did include a side adventure, which became the novella, Kwasin and the Bear God.
- First appeared in: THE WORLDS OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER 2: Of Dust and Soul, Meteor House, 2011, Trade Paperback. (First appearance) Buy from Meteor House
- TALES OF THE WOLD NEWTON UNIVERSE, Titan Books, 2013 trade paperback
THE SONG OF KWASIN, with Christopher Paul Carey
The concluding volume to the Khokarsa series (which began with HADON OF ANCIENT OPAR and FLIGHT TO OPAR), co-written with Christopher Paul Carey. This third volume shifts the series from Hadon to his anti-hero cousin, the exiled Giant Kwasin. We follow Kwasin as he tries to redeem himself and help save an empire.
- Hardcover in GODS OF OPAR omnibus, Subterranean Press, 2012. Cover artist: Bob Eggleton.
- Trade Paperback, Meteor House, 2015. Cover artist: Bob Eggleton. Buy from Meteor House
- Hardcover Limited Edition, Meteor House, 2015. Cover artist: Bob Eggleton. Buy from Meteor House
Begun by Farmer and completed by Danny Adams. Set some time before the events in the original trilogy, the novel nonetheless has direct links to the acclaimed series, exploring the developing world and antecedent characters who vigorously challenge the life in which they find themselves trapped.
- Trade Paperback Meteor House, 2016. Cover artist: Keith Howell. Buy from Meteor House
- Hardcover Limited Edition Meteor House, 2016. Cover artist: Keith Howell. Buy from Meteor House