The following list contains books with Farmer's name on the cover (or spine), but for the most part not written by him. MOTHER WAS A LOVELY BEAST was his first and really his only anthology. He did all the research and selected all of the stories and put together a great collection.
The Dungeon Series is an adventure story written by various authors in the Farmerian spirit.
TALES OF RIVERWORLD and QUEST TO RIVERWORLD are collections of stories set in Riverworld. Farmer got to choose from a selection of stories and contributed two of his own to each book.
"A feral man anthology, fiction and fact about humans raised by animals." So reads the subtitle of this collection of stories about one of Farmer's favorite subjects. A serious, well thought out look at Tarzan and some lesser known children raised by animals. REVIEWS
The book contains the following:
The God of Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Extracts from the Memoirs of "Lord Greystoke" by Philip José Farmer
Tarzan of the Grapes by Gene Wolfe
Relic by Mack Reynolds
One Against a Wilderness by William L. Chester
Shasta of the Wolves by Olaf Baker
Scream of the Condor by George Bruce
The Man Who Really Was . . . Tarzan by Thomas Llewellan Jones
The Feral Human in Mythology and Fiction by Philip José Farmer
- Publisher's note, Chilton, 1974
- Publisher's packing slip, Chilton, 1974
- Hardcover, Chilton 5964-0, 1974, First Printing. Cover artist: Don Dyen.
- Paperback, Pyramid 04071-1, 1976 Cover artist: Don Dyen.
THE BLACK TOWER The Dungeon Volume 1
Written by Richard A. Lupoff, no other info at this time.
THE DARK ABYSS The Dungeon Volume 2
Written by Bruce Coville, no other info at this time.
THE VALLEY OF THUNDER The Dungeon Volume 3
Written by Charles de Lint, no other info at this time.
THE LAKE OF FIRE The Dungeon Volume 4
Written by Robin W. Bailey, no other info at this time.
THE HIDDEN CITY The Dungeon Volume 5
Written by Charles de Lint, no other info at this time.
THE FINAL BATTLE The Dungeon Volume 6
Written by Richard A. Lupoff, no other info at this time.
This is the first book where other writers get to play in Farmer's backyard, which is only fitting since a large portion of his work is based on characters created by others. An enjoyable book for any fan of the Riverworld series.
Contains the following:
Crossing the Dark River by Philip José Farmer
A Hole in Hell by Dane Helstrom (Philip José Farmer)
Graceland by Allen Steele
Every Man a God by Mike Resnick and Barry N. Malzberg
Blandings on Riverworld by Phillip C. Jennings
Two Thieves by Harry Turtledove
Fools Paradise by Ed Gorman
The Merry Men of Riverworld by John Gregory Betancourt
Unfinished Business by Robert Weinberg
- Paperback, Warner Books, 1992, First Printing. Cover artist: Don Ivan Punchatz.
Up the Bright River by PJF is a continuation of Crossing the Dark River, which appeared in TALES OF RIVERWORLD. This book also contains twelve stories by other writers and a another new story by Farmer titled Coda.
Contains the following:
Up the Bright River by Philip José Farmer
If the King Like not the Comedy by Jody Lynn Nye
Because It's There by Jerry Oltion
A Place of Miracles by Owl Goingback
Diaghilev Plays Riverworld by Robert Sheckley
Secret Crimes by Robert Sampson
Hero's Coin by Brad Strickland
Human Spirit, Beetle Spirit by John Gregory Betancourt
Nevermore by David Bischoff & Dean Wesley Smith
Old Soldiers by Lawrence Watt-Evans
Legends by Esther M. Friesner
Stephen Comes Into Courage by Rick Wilber
Riverworld Roulette by Robert Weinberg
Coda by Philip José Farmer
- Paperback, Warner Books, 1993, First Printing. Cover artist: Don Ivan Punchatz.