DAW #48
Paperback / 1973
First Printing
Cover Artist: Jack Gaughan
Jules Verne only knew half of the story when he wrote about Fogg's journey in AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS. Two alien races, the Eridani and the Capellas are battling for the control of earth. Most of Fogg's actions, seen and unseen in Jules Vernes tale are really his part in this battle. Of course we run into some other famous people along the way who are not entioned in the original text. I'm surprised that Farmer never used this premise in any other books.
Paperback / 1973
First Printing
Cover Artist: Jack Gaughan
Paperback / 1979
First British Printing
Cover Artist: Tony Roberts
Paperback / 1982
Cover Artist: Vincent Di Fate
Paperback / 1988
Cover Artist: Vincent Di Fate