"Grisly" Tim Boxell's THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST original art for sale
Direct from the artist "Grisly" Tim Boxell, the following original drawings from his legendary comic book adaptation of THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST are for sale. If you have not read this book you are in for a shock. If you have read the book but have not seen the comic you are still in for a shock. Reading this gruesome story is one thing, seeing it is really quite another. If you have not yet read the comic but want to check it out, you can buy a copy here: www.lastgasp.com.
All pieces are approximately 12 inches wide by 18 inches tall on high quality bright white illustration board done with brush, pen and India ink.
There are four color pieces, the two front covers (the second one below is actually by famous comic artist Richard Larson) and the two back covers. These are $1,000 each.
All 33 original pages from the interior of the comic are for sale for $400 each.
Below are scans of both covers (from a comic book not the originals), and below that are three sample, less graphic than most, pages (again taken from a comic book). Note: for the interior pages shown below, page numbers are referenced calling the inside front cover "page 1".
If you are interested in more than one piece Tim will probably come down on the price some, if you would like to buy the entire set I am sure that he will make you one heck of deal. Just send Tim an email.
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