Dell 6149
Paperback / 1975
First Printing
Cover Artist: Gadino
When this book was published the author listed was Kilgore Trout. Farmer has gone from writing about fictional characters as real people to writing books by fictional authors. This over the top comedy is Farmer's version of GULLIVER'S TRAVELS. Farmer later wrote some stories by Jonathon Swift Somers III who is a fictional author in this book. In 1988 the book was reprinted, credited to Farmer, and included the introduction "How and Why I Became Kilgore Trout."
Originally serialized in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
Paperback / 1975
First Printing
Cover Artist: Gadino
Paperback / 1976
First British Printing
Cover Artist: Gadino
Paperback / 1982
Cover Artist: Gareth Williams
Paperback / 1988
Revised Edition,
credited to Farmer
Cover Artist: Enric
Paperback / 19??
Cover Artist: Unknown
Hardcover / 1996
First Hardcover (Library Edition)
No dust jacket
Hardcover / 2008
Cover Artist: Eggleton