Ace F-367
Paperback / 1965
First Printing
Cover Artist: Jack Gaughan
Book one of the World of Tiers series. Robert Wolff blows a special horn and finds himself in another universe. In a short time his hair grows back, he loses the extra weight around his middle and he gets younger. Then the adventures begin. Kickaha the Trickster, Paul Janus Finnegan (note the initials) is the person Philip José Farmer said he wishes he could be. Farmer at his best, a lot of action and his incredible imagination.
Paperback / 1965
First Printing
Cover Artist: Jack Gaughan
Paperback / 1970
First British Printing
Cover Artist: Melvyn
Hardcover / 1975
First Hardcover Printing
No dust jacket
Paperback / 1975
First British Printing
Cover Artist: Peter Goodfellow
Paperback / 1978
Fourth British Printing
Cover Artist: Melvyn Grant
Hardcover / 1980
Limited to 200 signed copies
Cover Artist: Doug Beekman
Hardcover / 1980
Limited to 1000 copies
Cover Artist: Doug Beekman
Trade Paperback / 1986
In the World of Tiers Vol 1
Cover Artist: Mark Harrison
Ebook / 2017
In the World of Tiers Vol 1
Cover Artist: Unknown