Doubleday 79-89108
Hardcover / 1970
First Printing
Cover Artist: Seymour Chwast
This is purely speculation on my part but picture this: someone asks Philip José Farmer the following question. If you had all the money you needed and could do anything in the world you wanted, what would it be? That could have been the inspiration for this book. Someone who is a little nuts and a lot rich tries to create his own Tarzan. All you need to do is kidnap a young lordling (he must be of good breeding you know), leave him in the jungle in the care of some apes, then wait and see what happens. As a general rule, anything Farmer writes that has anything to do with Tarzan is very good.
Hardcover / 1970
First Printing
Cover Artist: Seymour Chwast
Paperback / 1972
Cover Artist: Pepper
Paperback / 1974
First British Printing
Cover Artist: Richard Clifton-Dey
Paperback / 1985
Cover Artist: Richard Clifton-Dey