Ace 71135
Paperback / 1970
First Printing
Cover Artist: Gray Morrow
Book four of the World of Tiers series. Kickaha finds himself back on earth, which he discovers is not a real planet but a pocket universe made by Red Orc.
Paperback / 1970
First Printing
Cover Artist: Gray Morrow
Paperback / 1974
Cover Artist: Bart Forbes
Paperback / 1975
First British Printing
Cover Artist: Peter Goodfellow
Paperback Hardcover / 1976
Cover Artist: Bart Forbes
Paperback / 1978
Cover Artist: Melvyn
Hardcover / 1982
First Hardcover Printing
Limited to 250 signed copies
Cover Artist: Alex Abel
Hardcover / 1982
First Hardcover Printing
Limited to 750 copies
Cover Artist: Alex Abel
Trade Paperback / 1986
In the World of Tiers Vol 2
Cover Artist: Mark Harrison
Ebook / 2017
In the World of Tiers Vol 2
Cover Artist: Unknown