Essex House 0121
Paperback / 1969
First Printing
Cover Artist: Unknown
Not for the squeamish but a great, great book. Two of Farmer's all time favorite characters, Tarzan and Doc Savage (called Caliban here), do their best to kill each other. There is one problem though, they are being manipulated by a secret group called The Nine and every act of violence results in an erection and to kill results in an orgasm. Farmer does have an explanation for this and has a lot of fun with history in the process. This book has everything that Farmer does well, a must read.
Paperback / 1969
First Printing
Cover Artist: Unknown
Paperback / 1975
First British Printing
Cover Artist: Patrick Woodroffe
Hardcover / 1975
First Hardcover Printing
Limited to 200 signed copies
Cover Artist: Rich Corben
Paperback / 1975
Limited to 800 copies
Cover Artist: Rich Corben
Paperback / 1975
A short excerpt, My Father the Ripper appeared in JACK THE KNIFE
Paperback / 1980
Cover Artist: Penulva
Paperback / 1983
Cover Artist: Penulva
Paperback / 1988
Cover Artist: Peter Elson
Paperback / 1995
Cover Artist: Robert Chouraqui