By Dennis E. Power







    In this section of the article we are going to discuss the heirs of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

   Dr. Jekyll had two love affairs that produced progeny; he also had progeny from his activities as Mr. Hyde.

    Dr. Jekyll's first child was Dido Utterson, born 1870 to Mrs. Amelia Utterson, the wife of his very good friend. Gabriel Utterson was unaware of Jekyll's perfidy and Dido was raised as his daughter. (1)

    Dr. Jekyll's second child was Edward Lanyon Jekyll. He was the result of Dr. Jekyll's love affair with Sara Lanyon.(2) Sara Lanyon was the sixteen-year-old daughter of Jekyll's college Dr. Charles Lanyon.  Lanyon refused to consider Jekyll's suite for his daughter citing the age difference and because he had already arranged a matrimonial alliance for his daughter.

    Unwilling to shame her family or Jekyll, when she discovered she was pregnant Sara Lanyon disappeared for parts unknown. She sent a tear-stained letter to Jekyll telling of her love for him and telling him about the child to be. Months later he was informed by a short message that he had become the father of a boy named Edward Lanyon Jekyll. The affair between Dr. Jekyll and Sara Lanyon took place in 1881.

    Previous to his death, almost immediately upon hearing about his son, Jekyll had made discreet arrangements with Gabriel Utterson to create a trust fund for his son. Jekyll would acknowledge him as his child. His son would receive a yearly income from some of his rental properties that would be transferred to him upon his reaching maturity he was also to receive properties in Edinburgh and Ireland.

    These arrangements were made apart from the rest of Jekyll's estate and so were not numbered among his assets and holdings when he was declared dead.


    In the Jekyll Legacy it is revealed that Jekyll had left all of the estate to Edward Hyde but had scratched that name out and replaced it with Utterson's. This reflected the fighting of Jekyll's alters fighting for dominance. Since Utterson was an honest man and having recalled Jekyll had mentioned relatives in Canada did the right thing and made an effort to see if there were any blood relatives to Jekyll that could also inherit.(3)

    The truth of the matter is a bit more complex than that. Jekyll swallowed carbolic acid and was shot twice in the chest by Dr. Watson. He was entombed in the family crypt. Imagine Gabriel Utterson's shock when a month after he was buried, Henry Jekyll stopped him on the street and asked to meet with him privately.

    Jekyll told Utterson that he had gone into shock but had not been truly dead. However, he was still wanted by the police for the killing of Sir Danvers Carew since Mr. Hyde had, at gun point, forced Jekyll to write that ridiculous statement. Hyde was still at large and Jekyll feared for his life. He was going to live on the continent for a while and needed to arrange things so that he would have an income yet it would still appear as though he were dead. His reputation was in tatters anyway. Utterson would be named the nominal heir but in reality he would inherit a quarter of the estate for payment for the legal arrangements. One quarter would go to various accounts stipulated by Jekyll and the remaining half would be divided between any of Jekyll's relatives and Dido Utterson.

    When asked why Jekyll wished a separate arrangement for Dido, Jekyll smiled and said being the youngest, she had always seemed more like a daughter to him. Utterson accepted this statement at face value at first. Jekyll mentioned that he had a brother in Canada but had not communicated with him for years, so Utterson might inquire there for relatives. Jekyll said that he had recently begun to understand why his brother had so hated the Jekyll name and had believed it was cursed. He hoped that by changing his name his brother had exorcised his demons. Jekyll feared that his demons were there to stay.

    Utterson met with Henry Jekyll again and brought with him Jekyll's last will and testament. Jekyll crossed out the statement making Hyde his heir and wrote in Utterson's name. Utterson made all of the necessary arrangements including creating bank accounts under various names for Jekyll. This he claimed was to prevent Hyde from finding him.

    In his last communication with Jekyll, he made a point of inquiring how Dido Utterson was faring. Gabriel Utterson began to wonder if some of the vile whispers that had surrounded Jekyll and his late wife might have some validity.

    Gabriel Utterson hired a consulting Detective, he tried to hire the one with some familiarity with Jekyll but he was too busy.(4)While the detective he did hire, Consulting Detective Blake did not uncover solid evidence that Amelia Utterson had had an affair with Henry Jekyll, he did return with some pretty damning testimony. This had been acquired from various mutual acquaintances of the Uttersons and Jekyll and from employees of the Sanitarium where Amelia had gone after she had her breakdown. The same Sanitarium where Utterson had insisted that Jekyll be named attending physician. He decided to keep his word to Jekyll but not use extraordinary measures to do so.

    When Hester Lane appeared in 1885 to claim her part of the inheritance so as to avoid questions about  her portion of the estate Utterson told her that the estate had some suffered some reversals and so was not as quite as large as it had been. It had been in fact reduced to the home that Jekyll had lived in, which was a combination home, laboratory and doctor's office. She later sold the residence for a substantial amount of money. She gave to Utterson all of Jekyll's belongings that were still in the home, especially his scientific journals and notes. Utterson placed them into the safety deposit trust for Jekyll's son.


In 1890, Sara Lanyon came knocking on Utterson's door to claim her son's inheritance. She had grown into a rather strong willed and sharp minded business woman. Although Jekyll continued to contact Utterson occasionally, Utterson did not bother to tell him that his son had surfaced.

  Gabriel Utterson was knighted shortly before his death in 1895. Having no male heirs he left his solicitation practice to a nephew he felt he could trust, John. He explained the situation about Dr. Jekyll with attention to the details of the arrangements he had made with him.

    Sir John was not as honest as his Uncle; he siphoned money from the unused Jekyll accounts and pilfered money from the Jekyll trust fund. Sara Lanyon had died of a stroke in 1900 while her son was in Edinburgh studying to be a Doctor. In 1905 When Jekyll came to London, Utterson quickly befriended him. He brought Jekyll into his social circle that also included Dr. Curtis Lanyon, Jekyll's cousin. Lanyon might have overlooked Jekyll's parentage had Utterson's sister Lynn not taken a fancy to Dr. Edward Jekyll. Encouraged by Utterson, Lanyon made pointed remarks about Jekyll's ancestry and called his father a mad man and a killer.

    Utterson tried to quell the argument by telling Jekyll he ought to prove Lanyon wrong. Utterson possessed all of Jekyll's notes, with them Edward hope he could recreate the formula and prove that Dr. Henry Jekyll  had not been a madman. Edward Jekyll agreed to challenge. Utterson thought that while Jekyll was engaged making a futile attempt to recreate the formula, Utterson could hide his handiwork of creative bookkeeping. He discovered to his horror that one of the books that he had given Jekyll was a listing of Dr. Henry's Jekyll trust fund holdings. He tried without success to get the book from Jekyll. He feared that this could be used as evidence against him.

    Desperate Utteson broke into Edward Jekyll's house late one night and was stopped by him at gunpoint.  When Jekyll saw who the intruder was he was perplexed. Without thinking Utterson downed Jekyll's formula. It did not change Utterson into a Hyde creature but it did eliminate his inhibitions.

    As Utterson launched into a plausible story that explained his actions to Jekyll he suddenly stopped. Looking at Jekyll with contempt Utterson told Jekyll the exact truth of how he had stolen from Jekyll's trust fund. He then launched himself at Jekyll and attempted to throttle him. Jekyll managed to break free and Utterson ran off.

    Jekyll informed the authorities of Utterson's confession. A check of Utterson's business accounts proved that Utterson had bilked Jekyll and other clients. Utterson committed suicide rather than go to prison. This incident ended Edward Jekyll's relationship with Lynn Utterson, which had been more platonic than romantic.(5)

    Jekyll acquired full possession of his trust fund and began receiving an allowance from properties in Edinburgh and Ireland. Although the formula had not physically changed Utterson into his evil side,  Jekyll persevered. He believed the reason that the formula had failed was because he had not used the particular salt his father had described. At the time he had created the formula Utterson had used, Jekyll was still working with wholesalers to lay in a supply of several sources of the odd mineral salt. Jekyll persevered because using the Jekyll name conferred upon him legitimacy so he wished to remove its taint. It was one thing to be a bastard, it was still another to be the bastard of a madman.

    He also was intrigued by stories about the often overlooked property that the formula seemed to have, the restoration of youth. Hyde was according to many sources younger than Jekyll. He believed that the sudden restoration of his youth had flooded Jekyll with hormones. This sudden influx of hormones had made him sexually active and aggressive. This was why people had thought he had undergone a personality change.

    Dr. Edward Jekyll took rooms at a house once owned by a doctor. The first floor was a combination of living quarters, laboratory and examination rooms. He provided low cost medical care for the less fortunate. The second floor contained a large apartment leased by the Spensers, a wealthy family fallen on hard times.

    Through several wholesalers he was able to procure samples of the particular mineral salt that his father had used. He tried the formula with six of the different varieties before finding one that was effective. He did not test his formula on animals because it he felt that that formula worked upon the areas the brain with higher cognitive ability. The sixth sample of salt was from the Tibetan region. He did not believe that it was effective for it took several hours for the transformation to occur.

The transformation took place at night shortly after moonrise. The thyophite in the formula kick started his latent theriomorphic abilities. The thyophite radiation in the moonlight triggered the hormonal changes and caused his transformation. Dr. Edward Jekyll did not transform into a hulking, corrupt younger man he instead transformed into a beautiful, corrupt young woman. The theriomorphic abilities of the Jekyll family were shaped by their deepest desires.

    Edward Jekyll was sexually confused, attracted to both men and women but mainly to men. As with his father his initial transformation was so traumatic that he blocked out conscious memory of it. In addition to becoming a woman, he had become ten years younger and very uninhibited.

    While she was examining in intimate detail the contours of her new body, one of Jekyll's nosy neighbors opened the door. It was the handsome young man who gaped at the beautiful young woman  fondling her breasts in front of a mirror. Covering herself she shamelessly flirted with Howard Spenser. Had he not been called upstairs, she would have seduced him.

    Jekyll suppressed all conscious memory of the transformation. Susan Spenser inquired about his sister. Noting his confused look, she said that her brother had mentioned meeting her. Jekyll examined his apartment thoroughly. A notebook contained a description of the transformation process and it also provided details on the form that Jekyll had taken that of a young woman approximately ten years younger than he. The note appeared to have been written in a feminine hand.

    Jekyll was elated that the experiment was successful. He had transformed and regains some lost youth as well. He was a bit disconcerted that he had transformed into a woman. He was determined to try again, after all the restoration of youth was of paramount importance. His next few attempts at transformation were failures however, despite using the exact same solution.

    He determined that the cause was an imbalance of female hormones. His initial transformation had leeched his body of necessary female hormones. Therefore he needed to replace them in order to transform. Some recent evidence suggests that Jekyll's conscious mind prevented the transformation from occurring. He could not accept the fact that he actively wished to be a woman. So as a defense mechanism his mind concocted an additional necessary element.

    At first he used his position as a Doctor to gain access to the city  morgues and hospital morgues. However the women had to meet a strict standard, young and freshly dead with no serious illnesses. His removal of the female organs also elicited commentary. After these mutilations were noted, some morgue attendants would no longer allow him to examine any of the bodies for any amount of money.

    Jekyll was desperate to continue his experiments. He wished to isolate the youth restoration factor without causing other physical transformations so he could benefit mankind. This is at least what he convinced himself rather than admit that what drove him was that he enjoyed being a woman and an uninhibited one at that. Jekyll made arrangements with a couple of Black Mariah drivers, they were morgue wagon drivers who drove around the city and picked up dead bodies. For a premium price they bring to his practice some suitable female corpses. He would remove the organs he needed and they would take the corpse to the morgue. Jekyll did not know and probably did not want to know that the morgue drivers began killing prostitutes so as to have a steady supply of the corpses.

    Jekyll was spending his days working on various combinations of the formula seeking the chemical fountain of youth. He was distracted by this avocation by Susan Spenser, his young beautiful neighbor. She was very attracted to Dr. Jekyll and pursued him as assiduously as a woman in her position and time could. Jekyll responded timidly to her flirtations. Although he was attracted to her his response was mostly a reaction against his female counterpart's open sexuality in pursuing men. Rather than admit that Edwina Hyde's activity brought him pleasure, Jekyll forced himself to maintain a relationship with Susan Spenser.

    At night Edwina Hyde would go out and frequent pubs, gambling halls and places of that sort. She would flirt and become very aggressively passionate with various men, although she always stopped short of actually having sex with them, often to the anger of her chosen partners. She was more of  a tease than actually promiscuous, although it was not that she did not wish to consummate the relationship, Edward Jekyll would prevent her from doing so, horrified as he was by the thought of actually having sex with a man, despite his absolute craving for it.

    When she was about to do the deed, Jekyll would begin to interfere and Edwina would end up with a splitting headache. So she used one of the most common excuse for avoiding sex but with good reason.

Professor Robertson was a former Professor of  Jekyll's from Bart's. Only a few years older than him, Robertson was also a good friend of Jekyll's. Robertson continually tried to persuade his young friend to not waste his youth spending his whole time in a laboratory, work and play had to go hand in hand, otherwise what was the point of living. Robertson was a bit of a Don Juan and  always tried to get Jekyll to join him his escorting the ladies about town. Jekyll admitted to him that some of his research revolved around female hormones.

    During the course of his teaching duties, Robertson comes across several prostitutes with broken necks and who have had their sexual organs removed. They women were not butchered but had been surgically opened and stitched up. To his dismay and shock, Robertson recognized the style of cutting and stitching as that of his pupil, Edward Jekyll. He suspected Jekyll and took it upon himself to make certain that his suspicions were correct before bringing the matter to the police.

    Robertson saw a beautiful young woman leaving Jekyll's house unharmed. He followed her into a pub. To his surprise she walked up to him and called him by name. She informed him that her name was Edwina Jekyll, Edward's sister. He had told her all about him. Professor Robertson took this opportunity to ask her about some of her brother's activities, telling her he was worried about what his obsession with his work might lead him to do.

    To his delight, Edwina suggested that they retire to his rooms to discuss the matter more closely. Professor Robertson told Edwina that while he did not believe that Edward was personally involved in the deaths of these prostitutes, the trail could lead back to him. However Robertson also revealed that he was the one who had recognized Jekyll's surgical techniques and that he had not yet informed the police. He did wish to discuss the matter with Edward.

    Edwina asked for some brandy. When Robertson returned with the glasses, Edwina was nude. She kissed him passionately. Robertson responded. Robertson had been with many women but never with so passionate a virgin. She matched his libido with her own and surpassed it. Falling asleep with post-coital lassitude, Robertson awoke and briefly saw the sharp point of a dagger he had gotten in the Dahomey pierce his heart. In his dying shock Robertson was certain that he saw a naked Edward Jekyll standing before him.

    Edward Jekyll reacted with absolute revulsion at what is alter ego had done. She had sexual congress with a man and not just any man but one of his oldest friends. Like a Black Widow she had killed her sexual partner. When Jekyll was through vomiting he dressed in some of Robertson's clothing and ran out of the apartment, leaving the dress behind. It would be better if the police looked for a woman.

    Jekyll did not even wish to dwell on the why Edwina had consummated her relationship with Professor Robertson. Yet it does bear some examination. The fact of the matter is that she did so because Jekyll allowed her to do so. This is because he had been attracted to Professor Robertson but had never allowed himself to explore those feelings. When Edwina had kissed Robertson it had been a dam of buried emotions bursting free.

    Shocked by what he had done, Edward Jekyll put aside his work and began to actively pursue his relationship with Susan. To counter the memories of Edwina and Professor Robertson, Jekyll made an all out effort to woo Susan. It was not all that difficult. She made only a perfunctory resistance when he became sexually aggressive with her. After consummating their relationship however she began to discuss marriage plans, she apparently was under the apprehension that their sexual union was a form of betrothal.

    After Susan left to discuss the arrangements with her family, Jekyll felt the urge to escape. Since his formula was depleted, Jekyll went to look for his two suppliers. He discovered that they were dead. They had been discovered killing a young girl, had been beaten and hung by an angry mob. Jekyll worried that they might have mentioned his name to the mob prior to their deaths.

    As he returned to his home he discovered via newspaper that the police were seeking Professor Robertson's killer. They sought a woman or a man dressed a woman. This too caused him great distress.

    Seeking to escape from his mounting pressures, Jekyll overindulged in alcohol. When he became intoxicated Edwina Hyde emerged for the first time without recourse to the transformation formula. She dressed in a gown and began to prepare to go out for the evening when Howard Spenser knocked on the door.

    As the nominal male of the Spenser household his mother had insisted that he discuss with Dr. Jekyll the various arrangements for the marriage between Dr. Jekyll and Susan. Howard Spenser was informed that Dr. Jekyll had gone to the hospital to attend to a patient. She invited Howard in for a drink. Edwina seduced Howard Spenser, believing it was only fair if Edward had a Spenser so should she.

    Howard Spenser crept up to his family's apartment late the next morning. Edwina still lay in bed sleeping. Edward Jekyll had not returned as of yet.

    Edwina Jekyll awoke and was shocked to discover that even though it was daytime she was still in possession of the body. She laughed triumphantly after a day had passed and still she remained in control. Edwina however had to keep lying to Susan Spenser as to the whereabouts of Dr. Jekyll. After two weeks however Susan was becoming increasingly strident and hateful. Edwina was in no mood to put up with her adolescent behavior due to feeling under the weather herself, she had been experiencing stomach pains and tenderness in her breasts.

    Edwina told Susan that Edward had bolted at the prospect of marrying her. Susan reacted rather violently and Edwina was forced to strike her, knocking her to the floor. Susan screamed that Edward would never desert her, that Edwina was jealous, Edward had always told how jealous Edwina was of him.

    Edwina Jekyll found herself in a legal quickmire. Susan had gone to the police with the accusation that Edwina had done away with Edward. The Police investigated this and upon discovering Jekyll's connection to Professor Robertson had begun to investigate the possibility she had committed that crime out of jealousy. Then a woman came forward and stated that Edwina Jekyll had often been seen in the presence of those two men who had been lynched for killing prostitutes. (6)

    Edwina Jekyll attempted to flee but was caught. She was quickly tried and convicted by scientific evidence of having killed Robertson. She was sentenced to hang; Robertson had been very well liked. However the hanging was to take place after her baby had been born. Edwina had found to her horror that the reason she could not change back to Edward because once she had conceived her body had been biologically locked into the female form.(7)

    Edwina had received a visit from Susan Spenser shortly before she was due to give birth. To her ironic surprise, Susan Spenser was also hugely pregnant. While weeping copiously Susan had told Edwina Jekyll angrily that she wanted to see Edwina that she had not successfully killed off Edward's legacy. He had left behind a child. Although Susan's family was making her give it up.

   Two days after Edwina Jekyll gave birth to a baby boy she disappeared from the women's infirmary. It was all rather mysterious. According to guards the only person that was seen leaving was the young man from the foundling home who had come to pick up the baby. The foundling home claimed never to have sent anyone.

    Edward Jekyll left London and fled to the property he had inherited in Ireland. He lived there for a while working on his formula without success. He named his son Howard Jekyll and raised him in Ireland and England.  After his son had gone away to school, Jekyll began to take his transformation drug again. His assistant was Loomis, the son of the previous caretaker. Loomis the younger was a medical doctor. Having seen Jekyll's transformation into Edwina, he showed Jekyll his own ability to transform. Loomis and family were lycanthropes. Loomis insisted that Jekyll must be part lycanthrope, a notion Jekyll thought absurd.

    Edward Jekyll  located his daughter by Susan Spenser by using private detectives and arranged for her to inherit this Irish estate. Loomis agreed to be the caretaker for the estate as his father had before him. Jekyll arranged for his son to inherit the properties in Edinburgh and London. Edward Jekyll unlike others in his extended family aged normally, he also did not very good recuperative powers, if he was injured in one form it carried over although it did heal quite a bit faster than a normal man's injury would.

    Edward Jekyll was forty-six in 1927. He had not achieved his life's dream, he had never truly found anyone to love and he was revolted by his own sexuality. He would transform into a woman and lay with men to achieve sexual satisfaction, yet he was incapable of functioning as a man. In a fit of extreme depression, Edward Jekyll drank carbolic acid, followed by a silver nitrate solution. One of the two did him in.

    In 1933, a lawyer informed Janet Smith that upon her reaching her majority she now inherited an estate in Ireland. Susan knew that she had been adopted but had no idea that her true parents were wealthy. She and her fiancée George Hastings arrived to take possession of the estate.

    Almost upon arriving at the estate, Janet Smith began having nightmares in which she transformed into a monster and attacked young women. When young women were found dead as she had dreamed she was certain she was losing her mind. The kindly Doctor Loomis was very solicitous of her health, after she had revealed her dream to him he informed her that she was in fact the daughter of Dr. Jekyll the famous werewolf. She had probably inherited her father's curse. Dr. Loomis worked with her to discover a cure for her condition. The townspeople are blamed her for the deaths.

    George Hastings was however quite suspicious of this whole business and of Dr. Loomis especially. He discovered in the past,  that  prior to Janet and George's arrival Dr. Loomis usually left the estate for a few days every month, usually around the time of the full moon. Hastings secreted himself in Janet's room. He heard Dr. Loomis hypnotizing Janet after giving her a sedative. Dr. Loomis gave Janet a detailed description of her next dream.

    George Hastings quickly gathered up a few of the townspeople and told him what he had overseen. Most of the townspeople refused to believe an unkind word about the saintly Dr. Loomis but a few listened to Hastings. They managed to stop a hairy man beast from killing a young lady by shooting at it and driving it away. They townspeople followed Hastings to the Jekyll estate and they found Dr. Loomis dressed in tattered clothing. He started to convert to a wolf but weakened by blood loss he was overpowered. A stake was driven through his heart. Realizing that it would be best to pretend to be dead, he did just that.

    Janet Smith was exonerated of the crimes. She put the estate up for sale. She and George Hastings went back to live in America. (8)

    Dr. Loomis also had to move on and went to the United States. He could no longer live in Ireland with his identity of being a were-wolf uncovered. He had tried to use Janet Smith to prove his theory that Jekyll was actually form of werewolf but had failed. He had previously taken great pains to cover up his tracks and had killed his victims where he did not live or he had chained himself up at night.

    In an odd bit of synchronicity Dr. Edward Jekyll's grandson and Janet Smith's nephew also encountered a werewolf.

    By 1969 Henry Jekyll the grandson of Edward Jekyll/Edwina Hyde and the son of Howard Jekyll had become a medical doctor and a psychiatrist. Yet he could not escape the stigmata of his famous name. Although he denied any desire to emulate his father or grandfather, he did in fact conduct medical research on ways and means to control human behavior. He believed that James Clark Wildman Jr. had proven that evil propensities could be eradicated through medical means, although Wildman would never reveal the exact method he had used. Wildman's disappearance in 1950 and an inability to recreate his methods had the effect of discrediting Wildman's findings.

    Henry Jekyll believed that a chemical treatment would leave the brain undamaged and still retain all its functions. However in the course of his experiments, people died. His assistant Sandra took care of the disposition of such failures. Dr. Jekyll was too focused on his work. It was his focus on his work and his rather dispassionate demeanor that lost him the love of his life, Justine. Although he suppressed the most of the high sex drive that ran in his family, he occasionally found release with his assistant Sandra. When Justine left England, Sandra was certain she would have Dr. Jekyll all to herself.

    Justine married Emmerich Belasko, an older businessman and avid hunter. An Immigrant from Hungary Belasko took his bride to see his homeland. Belasko and Justine went exploring in the woods, although warned by an innkeeper not to do so, since a monster prowled the woods. Belasko and Emmerich were attacked but not by a monster but rather by some greedy lowlifes who wished to rob Emmerich and rape Justine. Emmerich was killed and Justine was nearly raped but Waldemar Daninsky rescued her in the nick of time.

    Daninsky took her to his family estate. Daninsky was a werewolf who inherited the tendency from his ancestor Inre Wolfstein through Andre Rojas,  a descendant of Rex Rufus.(9)The Daninsky's were not merely lycanthropes but were cursed ones. This particular curse originated oddly enough from a relative of Emmerich Belasko. Bela Belasko was the son of Dracula; he was also a werewolf. (10)

    Even though Justine was informed of Waldemar's curse she still fell in love with her rescuer. Justine believed that her friend Henry Jekyll could cure Waldemar. Then Waldemar and she could be together.

    Henry Jekyll was quite disappointed that Justine had taken up with someone else so quickly after losing her husband. Someone other than him that is. He did not believe her story but agreed to help Daninsky, believing that once Daninsky was cured of his neurosis Justine would lose her fascination with him. He also thought that would be a great opportunity to test his grandfather's formula.

    Waldemar Daninsky arrived at the Neurological Researches Clinic on time but the elevator he rode upon became stuck between floors. Another passenger, a nurse was stuck in there along with him. When the moon rose Waldemar transformed into a werewolf and slaughtered the nurse. Amidst the growls and screams the workmen managed to pry the elevator doors open. The Wolfman escaped and went on a killing frenzy.

    After this incident Dr. Jekyll believed Justine's story and was certain he knew of a way to cure Waldemar. Moments before the full moon Waldemar would be injected with the transformation formula created by Jekyll's grandfather. Theoretically Waldemar would  change to a Hyde creature, the personality of which should overpower the bestial persona of the Wolfman. Jekyll would then inject Waldemar with an antidote for the transformation formula and Waldemar would be freed of both the Hyde and Wolfman.

    The first time that they attempted the experiment it failed, Jekyll reasoned that this was because the Waldemar's blood contained too many wolf-like traits especially in the days leading up to the transformation. To get around this Jekyll replaced some of Waldemar's blood with some of his. They had the same blood type.

    Sandra, Jekyll's assistant and mistress was jealous of Justine and angry with Jekyll. Even when Justine had married an older man and then took up with a monster, Jekyll still preferred Justine to Sandra. Sandra tried to interest Jekyll in the commercial opportunities that this formula could bring about if it were successful but Jekyll was noncommittal.To him the achievement was in the creation of a successful formula.

    The experiment was partially successful. The combination of Jekyll's blood and Waldemar's innate lycanthropy allowed the formula to release Waldemar's Hyde. As Jekyll was about to give Waldemar the antidote for the serum, Sandra stabbed Jekyll in the back. She believed she could control Waldemar's Hyde. She sent Waldemar's Hyde to rape Justine and then had him string her up and whip her. Afterwards he raped her again.

    Sandra soon discovered that Waldemar's Hyde did not take to being controlled. He beat Sandra and raped her. When he was finished he left lying Sandra unconscious on a barn floor while he out for a night on the town. While Waldemar was gone and Sandra lay unconscious,  Jekyll rose up from the floor. Jekyll was still alive but just barely. He managed to make his way to Justine's room and freed her. They  escaped. Jekyll died on the way to safety. He managed to tell Justine that Waldemar's Hyde would fade without Jekyll's blood to sustain it. When the moon rose again, Waldemar would again be a Wolfman and Hyde would be gone for good.

    Waldemar's Hyde displayed many of his lycanthropic tendencies of cruelty and bloodlust. Additionally he sought constant sexual satisfaction, which he combined with murder. He is known to have killed at least one woman, a prostitute whom he strangled after sexual intercourse.

    When Waldemar's Hyde felt himself fading, he demanded more of the formula from Sandra but she did not know how to make it. In retaliation, he killed her. He went prowling the Soho nightspots looking for women. The Hyde faded moments before the moon rose. When it did the werewolf came forth. He rampaged through the nightclub and the Soho district before finding his way to this current lair.

    Justine was waiting for him. He fought with her and nearly killed her but she managed to shoot him with a silver bullet. Justine expired, as did most of the women in Waldemar's life.(11)

    The line of Jekyll's stemming off of Henry Jekyll's love affair with Sara Lanyon had at least one more descendant. This was the son of Janet Smith and George Hastings. Janet had told him about his "illustrious" heritage and he had decided to cash in on being Dr. Jekyll's only living relative. He soon found however that because of all the literary and dramatic representations of his ancestor's life most people regarded the name with suspicion rather than respect.

    Finding a small talent for prestidigitation, Robert Hastings worked at a variety of small carnivals and circuses using the stage name of Dr. Jekyll. He picked up acrobatic skills and other arts that he incorporated into his act. He had a variety of the vanishing act in which he disappeared and reappeared dressed in a Hyde outfit. Despite his moderate success, he had enough money to retire early. He claimed to have had invested wisely. He stated that  he was going to devote the rest of his life to uncovering the truth about his ancestor.

    Robert Hastings a.k.a. Dr. Jekyll took up residence in La Mirada, Florida. (12) He chose the location for its beauty, its isolation, its nearness to Sarasota, (where many circus folk either retired or wintered) and because of its mysterious history.

    In late 1969, Mystery Inc. was hired by one of the prominent older citizens of La Mirada to investigate the rash of jewel thefts and to uncover the mystery of the return of the Beast of LaMirada, which was seen near the scenes of the jewel thefts. (13)

    Mystery Inc. was a private detection agency specializing in investigating odd mysteries and had exposed many hoaxes, debunked many con artists and demonstrated the trickery behind many supernatural occurrences. The investigation team consisted of four precocious teenagers and their dog.

    An encounter with the Beast led to a chase which ended at the home of Dr. Jekyll, the great-grandson of Henry Jekyll. There they Mystery Inc. Investigators heard Dr. Jekyll's story of how he had been working to develop a super-vitamin and thinks that his experiments have accidentally stumbled on his grandfather's formula. The only difference he says is that he turns into the ghost of Mr. Hyde (he never says why he believes his Hyde is a ghost.) and somehow winds up with jewels in his pockets.

    The investigators followed a trail of clues led back to Dr. Jekyll's housekeeper Helga. They find a bottle of knock-out drops among Helga's possessions and thought that she may be inducing Jekyll's mysterious blackouts. They also found part of a newspaper article that someone had tried to burn up. The charred paper showed that Helga was once a circus performer who did a human-fly act. Things are looking bad for Helga when Shaggy accidentally found a set of suction cups hidden in a bowl of fruit.

    When the investigators caught and unmasked the Ghost of Hyde it was really Jekyll.  He was a washout as a scientist so he decided to turn to crime as he had before.  He set things up so that it would look like Helga was committing the crimes and trying to frame him.

     Helga had been an acrobatic performer in a circus in her youth. Further investigation revealed that the Dr. Jekyll was not a Doctor and that his name was not Jekyll. His circus past was also uncovered. Shaggy and Scoobert were nearly killed when they uncovered the cache of jewels hidden in the swamp and guarded by alligators.

    Robert Hastings was revealed as the true jewel thief and is brought to justice. He had wished to frame Helga for personal reasons that neither would divulge. Daphne told the others that she had discovered despite Helga's twenty years maturity over Jekyll she and he were lovers and she had desired to end their relationship. He had taken it rather badly.(14)

    The Beast of La Mirada remained a legend until 1998.(15)


    We have deal with the descendants of Sarah Lanyon first because they were the ones that bore the Jekyll name. In this section we will deal with the descendants of Henry Jekyll through Amelia Utterson.  They had one daughter Dido Utterson born 1870.  She was raised by Gabriel Utterson, never knowing that Henry Jekyll was her father. It is possible she never discovered the fact.

    Dido Utterson married in 1893 to Robert Farrell. He was a widower with a young son, also named Robert. Despite his modest family fortune, Robert Farrell was ambitious; he had an idea to become a writer but knew he would have to become independently wealthy to do so. His many business ventures while moderately successful did not provide him with the big boost of wealth he needed. In 1895 Dido gave birth to Ellen Farrell, the couple's only child. When the Klondike Gold Rush started in 1896, Robert took his entire family to New York where he bought a Long Island Mansion. Robert Farrell went to the Canadian gold fields and took his ten-year-old son thinking it would toughen him up.

    Three years later he returned with a small fortune in gold but without his son. He and a few others had been trapped by a snowstorm; his son had volunteered to go for help but had never returned. He assumed that he was dead. This was unfortunately not the case. Young Bob Farrell had been "rescued" by a man named Beauty Smith who had forced him to work as a virtual slave to pay off his "debt"  of being rescued. Young Bob Farrell finally escaped from Beauty Smith after Weedon Scott  forcibly bought his prize-fighting dog. Smith became drunk in a Dawson tavern and passed out in the street. (16)

    Bob Farrell took the opportunity to escape from Beauty. He made worked his way down the Coast taking jobs as a logger, fisherman and cannery worker. He met a girl in San Francisco and settled down when he was but sixteen years old. His sons were David Farrell and Daniel Farrell. David became a newspaper man. Some of his exploits were broadcast in the radio serial, Front Page Farrell. Dan Farrell became a FBI agent during the heyday of the Bureau in the Thirties and Forties. He retired in the mid-sixties to head up Crime Magazine part of the Howard Publications.

    Robert Farrell never took up writing seriously as he had previously wished, the death of his son had taken away his desire. He instead became part of New York Society Life. Ellen Farrell was a debutante and reveled in the society life until the sudden death of her parents in a boating accident in 1916. She felt the need to get out of her regular environment and went to visit her father's cousins, the Strolvaus in Kenya. While staying at the Strolvaus' ranch, she flirted with another distant cousin of hers, also an American; a young man named Steve. He was about seventeen years old and was from Virginia. He had the worst case of race prejudice she had ever seen in a person and wondered why he had ever bothered to come to Africa.

    Steve hated one of the natives with a passion, a man named Senecoza. He hated because Senecoza made him feel inferior. Because it infuriated Steve she teased him about Senecoza. In truth she found Senecoza fascinating and exotically handsome. He was six feet six inches tall and muscular, he had fine regular features and appeared to be carved out of onyx. Senecoza was rumored to be a fetish man. Steve had the most peculiar notion that he could transform himself into a hyena.

    This notion became steadfast when a hyena attacked Steve while he was riding with Ellen. He claimed that Senecoza was jealous. Ellen laughed at the idea.

    One morning a month or so later, Ellen and Steve were out riding when twenty warriors surrounded them. Steve shot two of them and he was knocked from his saddle by a thrown war club to the head. Ellen's horse ran off in panic. He saw Senecoza rush up and seize his horse and hurry after Ellen. Steve was certain that he was hurrying after Ellen to rape her.

    Steve was bound hand and foot and carried to Senecoza's. The natives informed them that Senecoza was the leader of a plot to drive the white men to the sea. He further hinted that Steve would eventually grace the cooking pot. Steve saw Ellen riding towards the encampment with Senecoza behind her. Her horse stumbled and fell, throwing her. Senecoza leapt from his horse and seized her in his arms. Ellen fought against him and he tore his jacket off to pieces, binding her with the pieces.

    Steve took advantage of this to escape and killed his guard. He ran towards the nearest ranch to warn them of the impending attack. He found Ellen's horse riding free and rode it to Smith's ranch passing up the raiders as he did. He warned the ranchers and they fired upon the Masai as they approached the Ranch, killing many and scattering the rest.

    After the raid had been thwarted, Steve went looking for Ellen. His horse colliding with another horse riding for the ranch. Ellen was bound hand and foot. Steve cut her loose and was attacked  by Senecoza, first by knife and then by a gun he had secreted in the bush.

    He sent Ellen on her way to the ranch and went looking for Senecoza. She went only reluctantly. After Ellen had gone, a hyena attacked Steve. He shot it in the chest. It ran off. Senecoza was found the next morning in his hut, dead of a gunshot through the chest.

    The surviving public record of this incident is Steve's account and so we have been left with a distorted and biased account. (17) Steve viewed the African Native as something that had to be kept in his place, yet like all oppressors he always feared an uprising. This perspective colored his perceptions on the events that occurred.

    Ellen Farrell also left an account and it differs in many particulars from Steve's however her account  may also be biased.

    What appears to have been the truth of the matter is that there was indeed an uprising and Senecoza was the instigator of it, although indirectly. Steve was correct in assuming that Senecoza was not native the area, he was from Nigeria. He had been educated in Europe and had returned to Africa with three goals in mind to educate Africans, to help African's achieve political and social equality and to end the insidious slave trade. He had been forced to leave Nigeria because the Colonial government feared that educating the Africans would incite rebellions.

    Senecoza's overly enthusiastic approach to teaching and political education did have the effect of inciting a few overly excitable and impressionable people to violent rebellion. Senecoza had thought that might be possible and had prepared for that eventuality. He was on the constant watch for it so he could quell any rebellion before it started. In this particular community his words were seen almost as sacred since he was widely regarded as a fetish man.

    There was in incident in which a minor chief had a disagreement with Senecoza and was attacked and killed by a hyena. This was attributed to Senecoza.  This minor chief was supplying Arabs from Zanzibar with slaves from neighboring tribes. Senecoza had tried asking and bribing him to stop. The chief responded by trying to kill Senecoza.

    Senecoza was distracted and did not see the danger signs of a rebellion until it was almost too late. His distraction was Ellen Farrell. Unbeknownst to Steve, Ellen Farrell had met Senecoza and found him intelligent and passionate as well as extremely handsome. Despite her social upbringing, Ellen found herself in a passionate love affair with the native African.

    The natives that surrounded Steve and Ellen were the rebels, they were indeed going to rape Ellen and kill Steve. However not on Senecoza's orders but rather because they had misinterpreted what he had taught them. Senecoza arrived on the scene to rescue the woman he loved. He was chasing her runaway horse when Steve was captured. Ellen refused to return to the ranch without Steve and rode to rescue him. Senecoza demanded that she return to her ranch where she would be safe. She rode away from him. He chased and caught her tying her up so she would not run off again.

    Steve escaped and alerted the ranches there was a general uprising of the natives. There were in fact the ten or fifteen men that Steve had encountered earlier. Senecoza had urged the Masai to send out warriors to stop the rebels lest they cause a general uprising that would bring swift and terrible retribution upon the Masai. The warriors were also supposed to reassure the ranchers that there was not a general uprising.

    Steve's warning however ended up getting several of the Masai warriors looking for the rebels to be shot.

    Senecoza had finally convinced Ellen to return to her cousin's ranch until they were certain that the hostilities were over. He kept her tied in case she was shamming. When he was taking Ellen to the ranch, his horse collided with Steve's. Steve quickly freed Ellen and told her to run away. Ellen took off running.

    Senecoza saw her running straight into danger. With a scream of rage and hatred he attacked Steve. He hated Steve for being a superior white bigot, he hated Steve for getting dozens of Masai needlessly killed and he hated Steve for  placing his woman in danger, where she could be attacked by scattered remnants of the rebels or slavers.

    Steve killed Senecoza. A couple of months after Senecoza's death, Ellen returned to the United States and checked into a private sanitarium. Ellen Farrell had brought back a souvenir from her African vacation; she was pregnant by Senecoza. Ellen Farrell's daughter was born in 1918. She would later regret the decision but she elected to give the daughter up for adoption. Her main reasoning is that the little girl would be a constant reminder of Senecoza's tragic death that she could never publicly mourn. Times being what they were, a great deal of controversy would occur if unmarried, she brought home a daughter, especially a daughter that was quite African in appearance and coloration. We will return to the daughter and her descendants in a few moments.

     As a method of dealing with her grief from the loss of her lover and the loss of her daughter, Ellen Farrell threw herself into the whirlwind of New York Society Life. Yet she remained spiritless. She found herself caught up in a romance in which she had no real strong feelings. It was however comforting, stable and would be approved of by society so lacking the energy or inclination to end it; she eventually accepted the proposal of marriage. Her new husband was Fred Buchanan of the Long Island Buchanans. Fred's cousin Tom was moderately famous due to the scurrilous slander written about his family.(18)  Despite Ellen's persistent drinking problem she became pregnant six years into their marriage.

    Fred was elated, finally an heir. The son was born in late September 1929. Ellen developed a post-delivery infection and died about a week later. While Ellen lay dying, the world went to hell. Fred's fortune evaporated in the Stock Market Crash, they were destitute. He had even used the family estate as collateral and it too would be lost. When Ellen died, he slipped into a depression. When he found her diary and read how she had had an affair with an African and had delivered a secret child of this union. He looked at his own child with horror and disgust. With nothing to live for, Fred put a bullet in his head. He had written a short terse note in which he blamed Ellen for all their woes, also stated that the child was probably not his.

    With the cloud of scandal and possible illegitimacy hanging over the orphaned child, the Buchanan clan let the New York Social Services take it.

    The Kahlbaums, a couple who had just lost their second son, adopted the baby boy. Their first child's name was Seymour. They named the adopted child Julius. The Kahlbaums were a very unhappy family. Winifred the mother was a shrill, demeaning, belittling. Yet she also was over protective in that she did not allow the boys to play outside the home, they grew up with very few social skills and without much exercise. They read as much as they could however. They were also on a tight budget because Mrs. Kahlbaum used much of the money for her collection of movie magazines.

    When he was in late teens Seymour Kahlbaum took a job at a seedy florist's shop, having some idea of being a botanist. Exact details are not known but in late 1958, Seymour was in possession of a beautiful plant with delicate flowers of luminescent hues and an intoxicating scent. He either created this plant as a hybrid of some type or stumbled upon it in a shipment of plants from a wholesale plant dealer. In its early stages the plant was as ugly as a Triffidus Celestus Mobile and so was ignored by his boss, Mr. Mushnik.

    The flower grew rapidly but since none of the cuttings lasted more than a few days, anyone who wished to view it had to journey to the shop. Mr. Mushnik charged admission. The shop finally began making a profit.

    The police became suspicious because there was a wave of disappearances surrounding the shop, a known gunman, a local dentist and even Mr. Mushnik. Seymour was apprehended attempting to put the body of a woman, Audrey Fulquard with whom he had been obsessed into the open mouth of the flower. He had even named the plant Audrey jr. in her honor.

    According to Seymour's statement, the plant was carnivorous, intelligent and magic. When Seymour fed it human blood or bodies it would grant his wishes. He claimed to be in telepathic communication with the plant. Psychiatrists believe that Seymour used the exotic plant as a sort of mental crutch which gave his fragile ego the necessary boost of confidence that allowed him to assert himself and in doing, so made his minor wishes come true. Although he was caught in the act putting Audrey Fulquard's body into the plant, he managed to elude the police inside the shop long enough to set the shop on fire. The exotic plant was destroyed and so was any evidence that might have given credence to his story.

    Despite Seymour's claim to have destroyed the plant to save the world, he was charged with three murders. So far as the police were concerned, Seymour had killed the dentist because he was a rival for Audrey's affections, he had killed Mushnik for personal gain and he had killed Audrey because she had rejected his suit.(19)

    Once Seymour was sent to prison, Winifred Kahlbaum never mentioned his name again.

    The adopted son Julius displayed an uncanny facility with chemistry. He won several prizes at Science Fairs. He skipped a couple of grades and went to college early. Julius managed to get an early doctorate and decided to take a job where he could teach and conduct research. Besides being very gifted, Julius was also the prototypical nerd or nebbish. His Mother's domination of his psychological and physical growth had made him into a physical weakling without much self-esteem.

    When it appeared as though Dr. Kahlbaum was going to fail the star quarterback of the football team, the quarterback roughed him up and crammed him into a shelving unit in the classroom. Dr. Kahlbaum was rescued by a female student with whom he was seriously infatuated. Since there was only about five years difference in their ages, this should not be misconstrued as abnormal or untoward. Humiliated to the breaking point, Kahlbaum told the University Dean about the incident. The Dean was less than sympathetic, being a big football supporter. He told Kahlbaum to settle the problem like a man or take it like a man. He furthermore warned him that charges were filed against the boy that Kahlbaum should start looking for another position.

    Kahlbaum tried all sorts of methods to build his muscles but his background had not given him the necessary wherewithal to put up with the pain and fatigue that the exercise caused. Nor did he have the patience for a long regime of physical training.

    Julius Kahlbaum turned to his specialty of chemistry to make a quick fix, he thought he could design a super-vitamin that would cause raid muscle growth. His efforts were promising failures. He began researching hormones in correlation with muscle tissue studies. This brought to his attention the work of Edward Jekyll. He made a modification of the formula of Edward Jekyll combined with his own super-vitamin formula. It was still a failure.

According to Jekyll's research there was a key element in the transformation formula's the certain mineral salt. Using more advanced microscopic technology than had been available to Edward Jekyll, Julius Kahlbaum examined several varieties of these mineral salts. He was astonished to find they contain microscopic bits of an unknown element. He recalled an unknown element that had achieved some notoriety in the early part of the century. Reading the accounts of Doctor Benet, Kahlbaum learned that certain applications of radiation from Radium X built up healthy tissue whereas other applications destroyed tissue. (20)

    Kahlbaum located at much personal expense a small quantity of the mineral salt containing minute amounts of Radium X.

    He drank his concoction but it took several doses before the thyophite particles activated his latent theriomorphism. As with the other transformations the initial transformations took place at night at the time of full moon.  Dr. Kahlbaum's hidden desires were to be strong, to be handsome and sexy. His Hyde was shaped by pop culture. There were two famous crooners who were often partner and were known to be friends. They both had the reputation for being tough, manly, handsome and were pursued by women wherever they went. Julius Kahlbaum's subconscious formed Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra into one persona whom Kahlbaum named Buddy Love.

    Kahlbaum eventually learned that he did not need Buddy Love to get a girl or to stand up for himself in confrontations. Although the film based on this incident did depict other persons physically transformed by his formula this was purely fictional. The concoction that he created did affect people by giving them more energy and a feeling of well being with a lowering of their inhibitions; it was about the same as taking a powerful stimulant.(21)

    Kahlbaum eventually wrote a paper citing his belief that Radium X was the same substance that had transformed Dr. Jekyll but he was virtually ignored.

    A middle class African-American family adopted Ellen Farrell's daughter by Senecoza. Her adoptive father was a doctor based in Harlem. She was named Ida Mae. When Ida Mae was seventeen her head was turned by Jack Kelly. He was a handsome, smooth talking light-skinned man who claimed to be a salesman for lightening products. Over her parent's objections, Ida Mae eloped with Jack Kelly.

    Jack Kelly as it turned out was a flim-flam man, the son of a conjure man from down Georgia way. (22) He was also a member of Bumpy Johnson's gang. He was also a no account dog of a man who when things got hot for him-because he stole from Bumpy,  used her as a decoy and took off, taking with him their two year old son, b.1936. Ida Mae tracked him to California but lost the trail after that. She could not find any trace of her baby.

    Ida Mae went to nursing school in Los Angeles and met and married a young construction worker named Rudy Jensen. They had one sweet little girl named Anna Pearl. Anna Pearl Jensen married Cletus Klump.

    Ida Mae's first child was foisted upon some of Jack Kelly's Californian relatives named Pride. Kelly went out to look for a job and never returned. The Pride's raised the boy named Henry as their own child. The Pride's were hard working fundamentalist Christians. Henry was thoroughly indoctrinated in this belief system, yet because of his strong theriomorphic heritage from Jekyll and from Senecoza, Henry Pride had a strong hormonal activity that manifested as a strong sexual drive and sexual aggressive. His (foster) father beat those urges out of Henry until he learned to suppress them on his own.

    Henry became a medical doctor and a researcher. Because of his stoic, rather staid nature and his by the book outlook he was labeled by many of his fellow African-Americans as an Uncle Tom. When he is just thirty-six years old, Dr. Henry Pride found himself dying of liver disease. As a medical doctor he searches for a cure, although he subconsciously feels that it is divine punishment. Dr. Henry Pride also worked at a free clinic where he came in contact every sort of vice and degenerate behavior imaginable. This being the seventies, the women would often come in for treatment in the most revealing and suggestive of clothes. It was because of their overt temptations that Dr. Henry Pride had fallen into sin.

    He made assignations with prostitutes and loose women and then once the act was accomplished he would pray for forgiveness.

    When Henry Pride began his research into finding a cure it was during the peak of the Black Power era. His refusal to discuss politics or take part in community activities caused many of his co-workers and patients to call him an Uncle Tom, a label that wounded him. He had taken a great deal of abuse as a young man from racists while working his way through college and medical school. His reaction was to ignore their mouthings and continue to do the best job possible and show them how wrong they were by good works.

    Henry Pride sought every avenue of cure available to him; he had all but lost hope when he discovered an article written in an obscure medical journal. The article was by Dr. Julius Kahlbaum. Kahlbaum theorized that a specific mineral salt was Radium X Dr. Pride dismissed Kahlbaum's conclusion that the notorious and so far as Dr. Pride knew fictional Dr. Jekyll had used such a element.

    Dr. Pride began reading up on Radium X, discovering that Dr. Felix Benet described how it could be used for a variety of medical treatments. 1974 were utilizing Radium X utilized on a small scale by various scientists, physicists and medical researchers. Dr. Pride was able to obtain a few granules from one of his former medical school classmates. He had only done so because of Dr. Pride's imminent death.

    The experimental serum was taken over a period of a month. It seemed to be effective, Henry was experiencing a loss of symptoms, had more energy and his blood count becoming normal. However he soon began to feel sharp pains in his joints and bones, his muscles were subject to spasm and he experienced moments of great visual, auditory or olfactory clarity or enhancement. This led him to believe the serum was affecting his brain. This diagnosis was further evidenced by Henry's increased propensity towards anger and also an almost overpowering sexual desire.

As the full moon rose, Henry Pride could no longer control his evil compulsions and sought release from a prostitute. She knew Dr. Pride and despite conducting business with him was quite sarcastic with him. Asking him what an Uncle Tom wanted with a real Black Woman etc. When he took longer than his allotted time, she became abusive calling him a variety of racist names and phrases harping on the theme of his manhood and his supposed subservience to the White Power Structure.

    Henry Pride's hyde came forth and savaged the prostitute and killed her. His theriomorphic form was quite interesting from a sociological and biological point of view. Because of his heritage from Senecoza the hyde form had something of the Hyena about it, yet because of his heritage from Jekyll it was also shaped from his subconscious. Imagine a stereotypical Racist presentation of the Savage Negro, color that paper white, give to it blond hair and blue eyes. Now add Hyena jaws and claws and you have some idea of what Dr. Henry Pride's monster from the id looked like.

    Dr. Pride would continue to change at night whenever angry or overly aroused. He blamed prostitutes for his downfall and they became his primary targets. He assaulted them sexually, murdered and mutilated them and also cannibalized them. The police thought they were looking for a white man who killed African-American prostitutes and then savaged them with an attack dog.

    One detective Lt. Jackson however was open minded enough to figure out what was happening. He shot and killed Dr. Pride in his Hyde form. Even Lt. Jackson was slightly shocked to see him revert to the form of Dr. Pride. In most of Jekyll's theriomorphic descendents the gunshots would have not brought about true death for their theriomorphic abilities of rapid tissue regeneration would have eventually repaired the damage. However because of the infusion of Senecoza's genes, which was from that of a theriomorph who was vulnerable in any form to any harm, Dr. Pride was truly killed. (23)

    Thirty-seven years after Dr. Julius Kahlbaum's experiments his great nephew also carried out a similar experiment. Ida Mae Jenson's grandson Sherman Klump was a biologist specializing in endocrinology was searching for a chemical treatment that would burn fat and allow a person to remain thin and muscular with a minimum of exercise. During the course of his research he came across Dr. Kahlbaum's research and it resonated with him. He corresponded with Dr. Kahlbaum by email.

Klump's formula combined with Kahlbaum's research did produce a formula that caused some weight loss but had the side effect of aggressive or increased sexual behavior. Kahlbaum reluctantly admitted that the active ingredient in his formula was a form of Radium X. He sent Klump one of his remaining samples. Kahlbaum had by now realized that there was a genetic component that caused the transformations and considering Klump's background and his that there was little possibility of any genetic similarities.

    Sherman Klump was getting tremendous pressure from his Dean to publish or perish. Although his blood samples showed some promise that the formula worked, other human blood samples did not. Animal tests merely showed a marked increase in hormonal activity. In desperation Sherman Klump began drinking various mixtures of the formula. Because of his tremendous weight it took more than the normal amount of thyophite to work on him so it took longer than average for the formula to work. Yet Sherman Klump also needed an emotional and a radioactive trigger for the transformation to take place.

    While out for a walk one evening, Sherman Klump saw the girl of his dreams in the arms of another man. Anger,  jealousy and the full moon provided the transformation triggers. Dr. Klump transformed himself into an idealized, sexually charged version of the current box office draw, Kitt Ramsey.(24) Influenced by the filmed version of what he realized must have happened to Professor Kahlbaum, he called his alter ego Buddy Love.

    Although Klump's alter ego was harder to control than Kahlbaum's had been Sherman Klump eventually learned the same lesson that Julius Kahlbaum had thirty-seven years before.(25)Klump managed to cage Buddy Love and stop the transformations with beta blockers until he grew extremely nervous about his upcoming nuptials. Buddy Love started emerging to sow Sherman's wild oats. His fiancée however detested Buddy Love so Sherman Klump decided to get Buddy out of his system once and for all. He isolated the components of his brain chemistry and blood makeup that went into making Buddy Love and flushed them from his system. What happened after that gives some credence to the theory  that one of the origins of theriomorphism is from an ancient terrestrial Founder type species.(26)

    The components of Buddy Love became a sentient, fluid form much like the natural state of the Founders. Although the film version of these events show a dog hair providing Buddy Love with genetic substance that allowed him to transform into a full grown adult, in reality he absorbed an entire dog and a few other animals much like infant Founders are want to do. (27)

    By isolating Buddy Love, Sherman Klump had accidentally succeeded in doing what Edward Jekyll had wished to do, find a youth restoration formula.
Buddy Love stole this formula from Sherman and attempted to sell it. However since it was comprised from a by-product of Sherman and Buddy's separation, there was only one sample.

    Although Buddy and Sherman had no desire to be reunited they were forced to do so, neither of their bodies could withstand the separation process and both began to suffer cellular degradation. After Buddy had finally collapsed into the gelatinous state, Sherman drank him down. Sherman Klump was married shortly thereafter. Although as of yet we do not know if Sherman Klump has totally succeeded in suppressing his alter ego (28)


While in New York circa 1907-1909, in addition to being a thrill killer, Edward Hyde was also a serial rapist. In one of his earliest episodes He had also on an earlier separate occasion raped a young Norwegian house wife whom he had followed home from a bakery shop. Humiliated by the incident she never said anything to her husband. Their child was Daniel Grimm.

Later Hyde he broke into the home of a respectable boarding house for young women. In an orgy of lust the likes of which was not repeated until 1966, he raped five women. However unlike Richard Speck he left them alive, probably because this being the waning of the Victorian age, because they would suffer all the more from continuing to live with the effects of "a fate worse than death". This appealed more to his sense of cruelty.

Among the girls he raped were Constance Brodie, her friend, Alice Walters, The other three victims have no bearing on our history and so we will spare their descendants any possible embarrassment.

    The Grimms were Norwegians who had recently immigrated to the United States. They were also Hebrews. They had an older daughter in addition to Daniel named Petunia and a son named Jakob. Daniel Grimm was a however a trouble maker, he took to running the streets and was involved in the notorious Bugs and Meyer gang, (29)although he never a real member he just acted as a paid numbers runner and procurer. He married at the age of seventeen to Elsie McCarty. Their first child Daniel jr. was born shortly thereafter in 1925. Another son Benjamin was born two years later. Worn out by the two pregnancies and births in rapid succession Elsie was never in very good health after that. She died from a fever within five years of  Benjamin's birth.

    After Elsie death, Daniel took to drink with a vengeance. He had trouble enough getting work as a laborer because of legendary short temper. Hyde's heritage manifested in Daniel in this manner. He was also a mean drunk and if given the chance would beat his boys. They took to staying as far away from the house as they could. Daniel Jr. grew taller and faster than most children did, because as he told his little brother he needed to. He joined one of the street gangs in the East Side area. Because of his size, strength and fighting skill, Daniel won the leadership of the gang. He supported himself and his family  by burglaries, a protection racket as and various other petty crimes.

    Benjamin also joined the gang at an early age. Benjamin often felt guilty about robbing or cheating people who were living mouth to mouth as it were. His brother would tell him, "Benny in this life you gotta be stone. Stone hard inside and out.."

    Daniel Jr. had a romantic relationship with one of the young ladies on Lucky Luciano's string of girls. Her name was Francine Flegenheimer. Lucky did not mind her having a relationship but not a nonpaying one on business hours. To prove his point, he had Daniel gunned down. He was fifteen years old. Benjamin assumed the leadership of the gang but his tenure was rather short. His father died from his alcoholism and he was sent to live with his father's uncle Jakob.

    Here Benjamin was exposed to a different life altogether. Jakob had risen out of the same poverty as his father to become a successful physician. Also unlike Daniel he had not fallen away from his faith and remained a practicing Jew.

    Jakob and his wife Alice found the going rough but eventually won over Benjamin. Benjamin attended high school and demonstrated a fine mind with an aptitude for engineering. With Jakob's tutelage he managed to make up the necessary gaps in his knowledge to pass his high school examinations. Benjamin also began to learn more about the faith of his forefather's and learned something about the history of his family.

    His uncle Jakob told him that the accounts were fragmentary but they did know that the Jews of Norway originally came from Poland and Bohemia to escape persecutions there. One of Jakob's favorite tales was the story of the Golem, the man of clay created to protect the people of Prague. (30)

    Because of Jakob and his wife's efforts, and Benjamin's own persistence he  was within two year's time ready to attend college. Although he attended college on a partial football scholarship, his main goal was an engineering degree. In college he roomed with a fellow engineering student Reid Roberts. After college he enlisted in the airforce, wishing to get practical knowledge about flying as well as learning aeronautical engineering. That was the plan anyway. He joined the Air force just in time for the Korean War. To him the war was a surgical strike and back home, that is until he was shot down and ended up in a mobile army surgical hospital. One of the Doctors a passionate New Englander, showed him the results of the bombing raids. He felt sickened and forced himself to be like a stone until the end of his tour of duty.

    He was selected for the astronaut training program and was so trained but he never made the roster to actually make the astronaut program. When he left the service after two hitches, he was contacted by his old college roommate who had a very interesting proposal. Reid Roberts was building a moon rocket, believing that a small group of  individuals would be able to build one much faster and efficiently than a government bureaucracy. He asked Benjamin to help with the aerodynamic designs and to pilot it when it was finished.

Reid and Benjamin worked on their rocket ship for two years. Reid's fiancée and her teenage brother joined them.  Harriman Enterprises, the consortium that was sponsoring Roberts' privately built rocket was threatening to stop funding unless a test model was soon ready.

    Reid was certain that the craft was ready to go but Ben did not think that the shields were strong enough to withstand the cosmic radiation. Ben found himself out voted as Sue and Johnny Storm volunteered to ride along to make up the weight and functions of the other two crew members.

The experimental rocket ship blasted off,  orbited and crash landed in New York. Unbeknownst to Reid Roberts and in truth unbeknownst to scientists until recently the Van Allen belts, "the radiation belts surrounding Earth can become extremely powerful in a matter of seconds, New observations by an array of satellites show changes in the planet's own magnetic field can accelerate electrons in the belts to nearly the speed of light, transforming them into what some researchers describe as "killer electrons."

The mechanism by which the acceleration occurs is unclear, but its effects are more obvious.

Under such intense conditions, the charged particles can pierce a sheet of aluminum a half-inch thick. That could result in a catastrophic accumulation of charged particles in the sensitive electronics of hundreds of orbiting satellite, and perhaps endanger astronauts."(31)

    Although for years, Ben blamed Reid for what happened chances are even with their improved shielding, the high radiation would have affected them.

The Intense thyophite radiation triggered latent genes in all four of the passengers of the rocket ship.

    Ben's latent theriomorphism became active as he struggled to land the plane safely. Trying to quell his fear and anger at Reid, he thought his brother's phrase that he often used as sort of calming mantra, you gotta be stone in this world. Piggy backed on these thoughts for some reason was Jakob's stories of the Golem.

    When Benjamin Grimm emerged from the crashed rocket, he had become a Golem. His skin had grown a layer of bone plates over resembling large interlocked tiles. They were a pale pinkish color like his skin. He was stuck in this form for a few years until he learned to control his transformations. Oddly enough his name in Teutonic and Norse means Grimm, "fierce one"; or grimmr (Old Norse), "helmeted one".

    For more on this particular crash and its aftermath see, Marvelous, Fantastic Tales of the WNU.

    Hyde's multiple rape at the girl's boarding house produced three offspring from two different women. One of his victims was Constance Brodie whose ancestor Deacon Brodie had oddly enough been an inspiration for Henry Jekyll's experiments. Constance was about to leave the boarding school and start a new life as a bride. Staying with her that night was her best friend and matron of honor, Martha Walters. Martha was a former resident of the boarding house. Three years older than Constance she had been married for two and already had one child.

    They were making final arrangements for the wedding, which was to take place in a week, and lost track of the time. They had not quite finished and Martha did not feel like finding a cab late at night so she sent a note to her husband she was staying the night with Constance and would return the following afternoon.

    When she did return she was badly bruised and in a shocked state. Martha told her husband that some she and Constance had been attacked by ruffians on the street.

    Hyde was correct in assuming that the women would bear the "shame" of their violation in silence. Neither Constance nor Martha ever told their husbands that they had been raped even when they suspected that the children they bore were from that incident.

    Constance Brodie married John Banner. Banner was a transplanted Southerner, his father had been a secret agent for the Confederacy during the Civil War and his family had a long history of serving in the Texas Rangers. (32)  John was however interested in pursuing a career in agricultural science and was studying at Columbia University for his bachelor of science degree. He and Constance were married shortly after his graduation and left to go to Ohio State University to study and work under Charles Thorne.(33)  Constance blessed their union with a pair of twins almost nine months to the day that they were married, Francis and Brian Banner. Two years later she had a girl, named Martha.

John Banner eventually formed a company that specialized in making fertilizer. The identical twins,  Francis and Brian were rivals from the start, both exhibiting a disturbing tendency to solve their disputes with violence. Both were very good athletes and had an aptitude for the sciences. Yet they always chose to take the same sports and same classes this way they would put into competition with one another.  Neither one had much of an interest in the fertilizer business much to their father's regret. When it came to choosing their fields of expertise they did differ. Frank preferred the fields of chemical research and Brian the new field of radioactive research.

    Constance Banner was delighted when her friend Martha Walter's and her husband Alexander moved to Dayton to take charge of the Banner Fertilizer factory based there. The Walters and the Banners got together quite often.

    Brian and Francis became rivals for the affections of Rebecca Walters, who was a year their senior. When she chose Brian it caused an irreparable rift between the brothers. Rebecca and Brian were married in 1929 and they had a son, Robert Bruce Banner, born in 1930.

    Not to be out done, Francis also married to Nanette Sherwood and had a son David Bruce Banner, born in 1931.

    Brian was like many of the Jekyll's descendants highly sexed and with a hair trigger temper. His twin brother shared this characteristic. Both of them resented how their children seemed to take some of their spouses' affection away from them. More easily angered than ever before, both men began beating their wives and their children. When Robert Bruce Banner was ten years old he saw Brian Banner beat his wife to death over a political argument. Being a respected scientist and medical researcher Brian Banner was able to claim for two years that an intruder had killed his wife. However when his son kept being treated for injuries, authorities investigated.

    Brian Banner was convicted of manslaughter but found not guilty by reason of insanity. He was remanded to the custody of an asylum for the criminally insane. Robert Bruce Banner was placed in the custody of his Aunt Martha Drake, Brian and Francis' sister. She had taken Robert Bruce out of a sense of responsibility rather than any true compassion for her brother's child. In fact her brother's insanity colors her treatment of Robert Bruce, she kept him at a distance and is very aloof.

    Francis' marriage also broke up shortly after Rebecca Banner had died. Nanette Banner had a good idea of what had happened and feared for her own life and safety. Her divorce was not a pleasant one and her alimony did not cover her bills so she and David Bruce Banner lived a frugal existence.

    One the rare occasions that Francis exercised his parental responsibilities and spent time with his son, David would invariably return with a bruise or broken bone.

    Robert Bruce Banner learned to lock away all of his fear, anger and hurt. He was a bookish, introverted boy who became a bookish introverted adult. He had a brilliant mind and applied himself to his studies. He took an early doctorate at age 21 and quickly became involved in the development of atomic weapons. He fervently believed that atomic weaponry was the only chance America had to hold back the Russian Communist plan for world domination.

    By the time he was 25, Robert Bruce Banner was given the green light on a pet theory of his, a bomb using Radium X and a few other substances which would release the light energy rising out of gamma radiation. The bomb was given the misnomer of a gamma bomb although in reality it was more of a photon bomb.

    The story of how Dr. Robert Bruce Banner was irradiated by the "gamma radiation"  was very close to that popularized in comic books. On the day of the test some foolish teenager had gone onto the test site to win a bet. Doctor Banner took it upon himself to get the teenage boy out of danger, because if necessary, Dr. Banner was the only one who could quickly and safely disarm the bomb.

    Banner managed to push the teen-age boy into a trench and walked towards the bomb to disarm it when it went off. A faulty timer or sabotage was blamed. The full force of the blinding thyophite radiation caught Dr. Robert Bruce Banner full on, knocking him head over heels. As an offensive weapon however the gamma bomb was ruled a bust, the blast area was little wider than a normal explosive bomb, most of the bomb's energy was released in harmless light. (34)

    Banner was uninjured but for some minor flash burns. He was in the infirmary for two weeks. After he was released, the discovered that his project was being terminated, that the girl had he had a crush on became engaged to marry a pilot and that it looked very likely that his father was going to be released from the Insane asylum. All in all his frustrations and resentments were growing but he held them inside.

    The night of the full moon triggered his initial change. Robert Bruce Banner, the bookish, skinny and physically weak man transformed into a brute about a foot and a half taller than his six feet and having  almost two hundred more pounds of muscle. He also appeared to have gray skin. This was actually an optical illusion; he was covered in a pelt of grayish hair, very short and very fine.(35)

    The original Hulk was not as strong as either the simple Hulk or the savage Hulk, but he had about two-thirds the strength of Superman. The original Hulk could lift between 4 and 7.5 tons and leap 545 feet (36) Because of his peculiar theriomorphic heritage he was also practically invulnerable. He was also intelligent, uninhibited and prone to react with brute force.  The tales of his exploits are wildly exaggerated but often bits of the truth slip into the story lines.

    After his initial transformation, the Hulk, as Robert Bruce Banner's alter ego would come to be known, made a bee line for the residence that of a fellow scientist. The scientist, whose actual name is unknown, due to national security reasons, had always been a thorn in Banner's side. Besides being over curious about the inner working of the gamma bomb, he made snide comments about Banner's manhood and intellectual abilities. Like his father, Robert Bruce Banner was not one to take insults lightly, unlike his father however he internalized them and did nothing. Although he had no solid proof, he suspected that the scientist was either a Soviet plant or a double agent. Robert Bruce Banner did not have the nerve to accuse the other scientist, if he were wrong the humiliation would be too great for him to withstand. He also had a nagging suspicion that he had been the one that had sabotaged the gamma bomb.

    The Hulk on the other hand had no qualms either about confronting the other scientist or looking for proof of his treachery. He broke into the scientist's house and began ransacking it, looking for proof of treachery. The scientist awoke and confronted the Hulk with a gun.

    The Hulk told the scientist he knew he was a liar, a traitor and a bully to boot. The scientist emptied his gun into the Hulk. In comic book depictions of the Hulk's adventures bullets bounce off of his thick epidermis. In reality, they pierced his flesh and caused tissue damage but the damage was healed immediately through instantaneous tissue regeneration.

    The Hulk grabbed the gun and bent it out of shape. He then grabbed the scientist and bent him out of shape. His ransacking had uncovered several files of stolen material. He left them for the authorities to discover. The Police were nearing the house and the Hulk left in a hurry.

    Vigilant neighbors spotted him and gave a description to the authorities. As the sun rose, the Hulk faded into Banner.

    The Hulk as the newspapers termed the mysterious, large man was wanted for the murder of the scientist and for questioning in his involvement in the government agency. The head of the Gamma Project, General Ross put Banner in a jail cell, suspicious of his involvement with the other scientist.

    The next night when Banner turned into the Hulk he broke out of jail and made straight for the home of General Ross intending to inflict harm on him for what Banner perceived as treachery. Ross was not at home but his daughter Betty was. Robert Bruce Banner had always been infatuated with her and while she was friendly with him, was more romantically inclined towards military men. Banner for is part being seriously introverted, socially inept and shy around women hand never really pressed a suite.

    The Hulk broke into the Ross home and abducted Betty Ross. He carried her off to the desert. Being bound less by morals or social convention, the Hulk's primary motive was to cause General Ross anguish by raping his daughter, the fact that the girl was also an object of his secret infatuation was gravy. He tore her clothes off but was stopped before he could go any further by Banner's consciousness. Banner was so horrified by this turn of events that he was able to exert control over the Hulk. He ran away from the girl. This of course would lead one to believe that Banner could have always controlled the Hulk if he had wished to, something Dr. Leonard Samson would assert years later.

    Robert Bruce Banner stopped the Hulk's rape of Betty Ross primarily because of his mother. Having seen his mother brutalized and finally murdered by his father the very idea sickened him to the core of his being. The knowledge that he would be just like father also played an important role. Robert Bruce Banner hated his father and had attempted to be the exact opposite of him. Robert Bruce Banner's affection for Betty Ross also played a role but not as much as you might think.

    Betty Ross was found half-naked and in near hysterics as she stumbled back towards the Army base. Robert Bruce Banner's abduction of Betty Ross was a fatal act for Robert Bruce Banner and the Hulk. It would lead to General Ross becoming the Hulk's implacable enemy bringing national attention of to the Hulk's existence (37) that in turn would lead to Robert Bruce Banner being exposed as the Hulk. Robert Bruce Banner would then be a fugitive constantly on the run.

    Although an introverted child without many friends, Robert Bruce Banner did not grow up entirely insular. His closest childhood companions were his cousin, David Bruce Banner, born six months later than he and his younger cousin Jennifer Walters.

    David unconsciously recreated his and Bruce's father's long standing rivalries and competition. In doing so he came across as second best, David did not react to his parents' separation as Bruce did to his family tragedy by becoming focused, single minded seemingly dispassionate. David became unfocused, undisciplined and combative. While brilliant, he lacked the discipline to achieve the necessary grades to "beat" Robert. '

    Lack of resources may have had something to do with it as well. The Banners, Drakes and Walters were all well off due to the success of the Banner Fertilizer Company. However due to the stingy alimony accorded to David Bruce Banner's mother, he and his mother were in the lower bottom of the lower middle class. His mother had very little money for materials that would have help her son out academically, reference books, chemistry sets, etc. His being the "poor" relation caused a great deal of resentment in David, while playing up to Robert and their aunt, he secretly hated them.

    As it turns out this hatred was fostered by his father, who beat David every time he came in second best to Robert.

    Jennifer Walters was the daughter of Morris Walters and Becky Bryan. Morris Walters was the son of Martha Walters and her unfortunate encounter with Edward Hyde. Having a nice stable environment with loving parents did much to check the violent temper and sexual tension that often accompanied those of Morris' heritage. Because neither of the Banner twins had any interest in running the family business, John Banner made Alexander Walters his business partner. The Banner children Brian, Francis and Martha each inherited 15% of the Banner company, after the unfortunate demise of John and Constance Banner.

Alexander Walters received the rest of the stock and had a controlling interest in the business. He had it renamed to Walter's Fertilizers, primarily for business reasons.

    Morris Walters also went into the fertilizer business.

David Bruce Banner was able, after threats of jail time and the absence of his cousin Robert, who had gone away to college,  to settle down and improve his grades, his father offered him a partial scholarship if he would pursue a career in chemistry. David agreed.

    When Robert Bruce Banner received his doctorate while David Bruce was still an undergraduate, Francis took David Bruce with him to visit his brother's grave. Upon getting out from the insane asylum, Brian Banner had discovered that his family and society in general had turned their backs on Brian Banner. His son refused to allow Brian to live with him while he could get his bearings. Unable to find steady work, Brian drank and became a local legend for his prowess in capacity and in fighting ability in bar room brawls.

    One morning out of the blue, he committed suicide.

    After his routine of spitting on his brother's grave, Francis informed David of Robert's earning of his doctorate. He then began screaming at him and punching at him. David decided not to tolerate this any longer and fought back. His father stumbled and slammed into the headstone, breaking his neck.

    David Bruce Banner told everyone that his father had slipped in the mud. The police investigated but could find no evidence of foul play. Because of the location of the death and because of David Bruce Banner's strong resemblance to his cousin, after Robert Bruce Banner's public exposure of being the Hulk,  the story became twisted so that most people believed that Robert Bruce Banner had killed his father.

    David Bruce Banner was working in medical research searching for new applications of radiation therapy. He married a fellow researcher and it seemed that all of his misplaced rage and jealousies were put to rest. He did feel a flash of envy hearing that his cousin's "gamma" bomb was going to be tested by the army. He also felt a thrill at hearing that the test was a failure.

    David Bruce Banner was returning from the lab with his wife one rainy night why he heard the radio announcement that Dr. Robert Bruce Banner had been exposed at the so called Hulk. David lost control of the car and it went off of the road down a steep embankment and rolled. The gas tank had ruptured and the car was engulfed in flames. David Bruce Banner managed to get his door open with a surge of strength but could not open his wife's door. The flames grew too intense driving him back a few steps just before the car exploded.

    After David Bruce Banner recovered from his injuries, he became  obsessed with learning the key to the hidden strength that all humans possess but only demonstrate in situations of extreme stress. With his long-time friend and colleague Elaine Marks, David interviews a number of subjects who demonstrated superhuman strength in situations similar to the accident that claimed the life of his wife. One night, he discovers that all of his subjects demonstrated this enhanced strength during times when the moon was in its fullest period, although many of the incidents had taken place during the day time hours.

    His studies lead him to the theories of Dr. Hackensaw, which theorized that the asteroid belt consisted of a collapsed planet, which was highly radioactive. The moon had been bombarded with these rocks over the eons when the moon was at its fullest, sunlight interacted with the irradiated rocks, sending streamers of radioactive light to the earth. This radiation did not normally affect most people but did affect certain people's hormones, causing a variety of behavioral changes, giving rise to the idea of werewolves or lunatics. Furthermore Dr. Hackensaw theorized that the rare element Radium X was in fact from this same asteroid belt.

    Most of the Radium X owned by the United States had been used in Dr. Robert Bruce Banner's experimental gamma bomb. The only known source of Radium X was a small African kingdom which having learned of the United State's attempts to make a radium x bomb, refused to export it even for medical research. (38)

    Renowned radiation expert Dr. Otto Octavian had synthesized a quantity of radium x but had died in a laboratory explosion taking the secret with him. The synthetic radium x was less powerful than the original and deemed useless for military applications and was ear marked for medical research. It had a very short half-life and the existing stock would be gone within two decades so it was used sparingly. David Banner's request for a quantity of synthetic radium x was denied as he had suspected it would be. His cousin's research and subsequent criminal behavior had made any one with that name a serious security risk. Like most people he thought the idea that his cousin transformed into some type of a monster to be absurd. One tabloid journalist made a career following the "Hulk" around however this journalist whose name was McGee did not believe that Banner was the Hulk.

    David Banner stole a sample of it from a medical laboratory and substituted it with some radioactive mud. His device machine projected the correct amount of radiation to cause the hormonal spike. Or so he thought. Several attempts ended in failure.  The experiment seemed to have no effect whatsoever on his physical condition.

   One evening, however, he finds himself with a flat tire on the side of a road. While changing the tire the jack slips and the tire iron cuts into his hand. His pain, frustration and long buried rage burst forth. David Banner is transformed into a seven foot tall, heavily muscled man with gray skin (actually he has a similar pelt as the Hulk). He smashes the car and pushes it into a ditch. Unlike many of the theriomorph's David Banner does not suffer from an ego loss, he is aware of who he is, he does however lose most of his inhibitions.  David Banner's sees that his transformed state is a smaller version of the one his cousin supposedly transformed into. He must have subconsciously believed it after all. However his Hulk creature is not as invulnerable, it will sustain discernable wounds, however he does heal quite rapidly. For some reason his Hulk is also mute.

    After a few hours the transformation wears off. He and his fellow researcher begin to search for the trigger. He discovers that fear or rage will trigger the transformation but he convinces Dr. Marks that he cannot control the actions of his alter ego. He needs to find a way to control the transformation.

    A day after people had fearfully sited the Hulk in the area. Reporter Jack McGee shows up, working as a stringer for several tabloids. McGee finds the presence of another Banner very interesting. He interviews the rather brusque Dr. Banner and tells him he should be careful, the thinks that the Hulk has something against the Banner family

    At night the Hulk indulges in a wave of destruction against the homes of several of Banner's colleagues.

    Elaine Marks accidentally discovers that David Banner is in fact aware of everything that transpires during his transformation into his Hyde, his Hulk. She starts to call the police with the information. Banner rips the phone out of the wall. Dr. Marks tries to force he way past him, raking his face with her nails when he attempts to stop her. Enraged he transforms into his version of the Hulk and begins slamming her about. Their struggle causes some burners to fall over and ignite several combustibles. The laboratory is engulfed in flames. Banner grabs Dr. Marks, not so much to save her but to have a little fun with her before he kills her.

    Jack McGee sees the hulk creature leave the burning wreck of Banner's laboratory carrying the corpse of Dr. Marks.

    Dr. Marks is indeed dead; she suffered a broken neck when Banner was slamming her around.

    McGee and the world thinks that Dr. David Banner is also dead.

    McGee follows the trail of this Hulk for a few months, hoping that this will propel him back into a legitimate journalistic career. He would never again follow a lead given to him by Kolchak, the story of that rock star group with superpowers had made him into a laughing stock.(39)

    McGee is traveling back to Cleveland in a chartered plane. The latest hulk siting had been a bust. Among the passengers is a man who was in a recent car accident that burned his face, his face is swathed in bandages. The plane crashes in a wooded area, the only survivors are McGee who is injured and the bandaged man.

    During the process of saving McGee's life by transporting him overland, the man transforms into the Hulk to fight a bear. When the man returns to human form, McGee sees that it is indeed Robert Bruce Banner. He tells McGee how he had been visiting David Banner hoping that he could be cured but the machinery had been overloaded by the radiation trapped in his body. His cousin David and his assistant had died in the explosion. He told McGee how he had been living as a fugitive while trying to curb his rage spawned monster. Over all he had helped more people than he had harmed them. McGee was told a series of stories about the various people that Banner had helped.

    McGee makes a deal with devil, although it does not seem like it at the time. Since Banner had saved McGee's life he wished for McGee to write a series of articles describing the good that Banner had done as the Hulk. Banner wished turn himself in and he thought the good press would go a long way towards alleviating his situation.

    Jack McGee agreed reluctantly. As he recovered from his injuries he wrote a series of articles based on Banner's accounts and sent them to various tabloids. In a couple of months he realized he had been seriously duped for Banner never turned himself in, a Dr. Richard Kimball sued him for libel and slander stating that most of the incidents that Jack McGee had described had actually happened to him. Then there was the incident of the two Hulks. According to one fairly legitimate paper, the Daily Bugle there was a battle observed between two beings that both bore a resemblance to the Hulk, although there was pretty much confusion as to what had actually taken place.

    The battle had taken place at a top secret military installation in the Colorado Mountain. The installation had been destroyed and the survivors had conflicting stories, some said that Robert Banner's friend, the teen age boy he had saved from being fried by the gamma bomb had been turned into a Hulk, others said that it had been General Ross. The young man, now in his twenties, had been paralyzed and General Ross was dead.

    McGee had no hard proof but he was fairly certain he knew who the second Hulk was. By talking with Dr. Richard Kimble he discovered that Dr. Kimble had treated a man answering the description of Dr. David Banner. Dr. Kimble had recognized the signs of a man on the run from the law. The man had not given his name but had told him how he had been accused of killing his wife but that it had been his no good cousin that had done so. Dr. Kimble gave the man several tips on how to elude the law while gathering evidence to eventually exonerate yourself. The man had asked for a good plastic surgeon that would ask no questions.

Dr. Kimble became suspicious at that and refused to give him the name of one. Kimble supposed that the unknown man had found a plastic surgeon, hence his face being all covered with bandages when McGee had seen him. Kimble discovered that the mystery man had stolen money Kimble had been collecting for Christmas presents for underprivileged children.

    McGee managed to settle his lawsuit with Dr. Kimble by agreeing to leave journalism, after printing a retraction in which he described how he had been duped. McGee went into television writing, writing for several inane shows under a variety of pseudonyms. In the mid seventies a producer came to him with a proposal, he wanted to turn McGee's articles about the good Hulk into a television series. They would of course have to change the Hulk's name, since they did not want the real Hulk to sue them.

    McGee contacted Dr. Richard Kimble and told him he thought he had a way to smoke out from hiding the mystery man that had deceived them both. McGee asked for a few more incidences of his life as a fugitive that had not made it into the television series based on his life. Kimble readily agreed.

      Jack McGee wrote a television program in which he was a crusading and relentless reporter following the trail of the Hulk, who he wrote to be David Bruce Banner. He intended to slowly make the character go bad as the rage and fury overcame him. However, according to his diary he received a phone call from David Banner. He told McGee he was on notice. David Banner had wished that he be remembered as a martyr to the Hulk, the evil Robert Bruce Banner. David Banner had undergone plastic surgery to look like his cousin, so that when David went on his rampages, Robert Bruce would get the blame.

    McGee had ruined all of that. He told McGee that as long as he remained a good guy on the show, McGee would live. If show ended McGee's life would end. Jack McGee became a changed man and took to drinking excessively, although he remained diligent about writing the television show. When the show was canceled, Jack McGee went on a drinking binge and fell from his home's deck, breaking his neck. Neighbors remarked that they might have seen the large actor who played the monster on the television show in the vicinity of McGee's house but the actor in question had a solid alibi.

   Robert Bruce Banner tried several methods of controlling his nightly transformations but as with many of his relatives, he discovered that once the latent theriomorphic talents became active, it was hard to stop them. Soon it he only needed an emotional trigger to change form. Robert Bruce Banner  lacked the necessary self control and harmony of mind needed to control his alters. Robert Bruce Banner's abusive childhood had given him Multiple Personality Disorder, although like many that suffer from it his condition was not readily apparent. His condition probably would not have been diagnosed if he had not manifested three main variations of the Hulk. Most of his associates who knew of his transformations into various aspects of the Hulk thought the personality shifts were consequences from Robert Bruce Banner's attempts to eradicate the Hulk.

    As Robert Bruce Banner's problems mounted from his association with the legendary Hulk type creature, from his guilt over the actions of his monstrous alters, he began to disassociate himself even more and so remained in his Hulk forms longer and longer.

    The three main forms were the original hulk, the seven and a half-foot version, the other was the child-like Hulk,  who was eight feet tall and massively muscled. He however had the temperament and intellect of a five-year-old child. Dr. Leonard Samson would later theorize that this was the original alter personality, whom Robert would become at times of being beaten by his father. The child like personality manifested a super strong body so that he could not be hurt. This form of the Hulk was very close to being as strong as Superman but could not leap half as far because of his great bulk. This form was most adopted by Banner after his exposure as he had done as a child, he moved away from being The last form of the Hulk was the Savage Hulk, this was the embodiment of Banner's incoherent rage, his unfocused and unbridled anger. With hardly any guiding intellect this was the most dangerous of Banner's personalities for it was like a temper tantrum with the power of a tornado. Fortunately, it manifested very rarely and like a temper tantrum, the physical and emotional outburst would burn itself out rather quickly.(40)

    After Robert Bruce Banner's exposure of being the Hulk, although as stated most people believed he used some type of device, prosthetic or costume to achieve his looks and power,  like most of the villains who had fought against Doc Savage, the Spider etc. He was going to be tried for the Savage Hulk's rampage in Palmdale, California which had caused major damage to two aeronautics companies, destroyed a good four block area of a residential neighborhood and injured over fifty people, some quite seriously. Two deaths due to shock or heart failure were also attributed as consequences of the rampage.

    Banner had been working under an assumed name as a chemical engineer at one of the top aircraft companies. A sharp-eyed test pilot named Jordan or Gordon recognized Banner despite his beard. Banner had attempted to escape but the test pilot and a corps of employees had chased and surrounded him. When he fought back in his attempt to escape, they broke his arm.

    The Savage Hulk had emerged and began tossing aviation employees away from him like they were attacking dogs. He picked up heavy pieces of equipment and used it to smash walls, structures and planes. Like a destructive whirlwind he stormed through the small community of Palmdale, ignoring the gunshots of the Palmdale police and security officers as if they were annoying bee stings. The tear gas that the police used made visual confirmation of what he was doing difficult. After two hours the Hulk stiffened and fell over lost in the mists of the tear gas surrounding him.

    Robert Bruce Banner stood up and was arrested by the Palmdale police and California State Troopers.

    His cousin Jennifer Walters is a criminal defense attorney located in California. Jennifer was a small demure woman who was cute rather than pretty. It became rather well publicized that she was going to represent her cousin as his attorney. As she left the courthouse one night a gunman with a grudge against the Hulk opened fire upon her.

    Jennifer had lost a lot of blood by the time she had reached the hospital. The only person with her blood type was Robert Bruce Banner, Doctor's were at first reluctant to perform a transfusion because of his legendary radioactive blood. They could find no traces of radiation in his blood serum however and transfused some of Banner's blood into her.

    Despite the transfusion Jennifer Walters nearly died, she went into cardiac arrest on the operating table but shortly thereafter made a miraculously rapid recovery. Some people who were opposed to the Hulk getting any sort of a trial or representation infiltrated her hospital room and attempted to kill her by smothering her with a pillow. Jennifer Walter's latent theriomorphic talents were stimulated by Robert Bruce Banner's blood and by her anger.

    She grew from a five foot five petite with dishwater brown hair to a six foot two athletically muscled yet curvaceously shaped woman with striking gray hair. She promptly tossed the would-be assassins out in the hall and called the police. Jennifer Walters had unconsciously molded her hyde form on two of her "heroes"  The body was based in a large part on her Aunt Jennifer, her namesake. Jennifer Walters nee Marshall was a former model who had married Alexander Winters. Jennifer was very shapely built but also had a mind and a will to succeed. She had formed her own cosmetics company and was an early feminist.(41)

    The other person Jennifer Walters had shaped her hyde form on was the mystery woman known as Wonder Woman whose adventures in the forties had been churned into comic book fare that was still popular when Jennifer was a young girl.

    Jennifer's hyde form was with the exception of extremely beautiful and curvaceous and being taller than most females, more muscular than most females of that era and having a mane of thick wavy gray hair nothing that would turn most peoples heads, more than three or four times anyway. She retained all of her intelligence and personality, if a bit less inhibited in this form. She changed shape at first only when extremely angered or fearful. Yet as she desired to be more and more in the hyde form, she subconsciously taught herself how to shape change and retain one form for long periods of time.

    Unlike her comic book counterpart, Jennifer did not give up being a practicing attorney and she retained her original form for professional reasons, quickly discovering many clients, juries and even judges were intimidated by an extremely tall and beautiful woman lawyer. Her other form she used for her private life finding it more suitable for romance, adventuring and sports. Most people did not believe that she and the other Jennifer Walters were the same person but rather that there were two women who bore the same name. Although she never became a full-fledged adventurer she did on occasion work with the Four when they needed an extra hand or two.

    Despite Jennifer's efforts, and the rumors of another Hulk causing damage in  various parts of the nation, Robert Bruce Banner was sentenced to several years in the federal penitentiary. He escaped enroute to prison and was a fugitive for several years.

    The court had appointed a psychiatrist to evaluate Robert Bruce Banner's competency to stand trial. This psychiatrist was Leonard Samson. As with most folks he was skeptical of Robert Bruce Banner's ability to turn into a Hulk. While Banner was jailed he was given sedatives which made him becoming the Hulk less likely. Through therapy, Samson discovered Banner's reluctance to talk about his family, especially his parent. Samson dug up as much information on Robert Bruce Banner's background as he could.

    Dr. Samson became almost positive that Brian Banner had abused his son with constant physical punishment. The Hulk persona could stem from this. He was not able to do much therapy in with Robert Bruce Banner, the government was not interested in curing him at that moment but making certain he stood trial.

Dr. Samson accompanied the bus to Lompoc Federal Penitentiary. He saw the bus stop, one of its windows break out and the emergency door on the side fly from its hinges and a grayish man about seven feet tall burst out of the bus and go bounding across the California landscape. Other prisoners also scattered, freed of their chains. In addition to Robert Bruce Banner, the bus had also been transporting the terrorist Victor Marton (42)some of his cohorts had planted operatives among the guards and prisoners to effect his escape. Robert Bruce Banner was wounded and became the Hulk. The Hulk escaped and was blamed for the entire incident.

    Having seen the transformation, Dr. Samson began to wonder at the possibilities. Neither Bruce Banner nor Doctor Samson learned until quite recently that they were in fact cousins. I will not go into the coincidence of them having met since odds defying coincidence happens all the time in the Wold Newton Universe. Leonard Samson was the natural child of Daniel Grimm jr. and Francine Flegenheimer, a prostitute and possible cousin or daughter of criminal Dutch Schultz: Francine was never too clear on this point. Francine was a twenty year old prostitute who had found herself pregnant in 1939. She went into a home for unwed mothers mainly to get steady meals and a bed and put the child up for adoption.

    The baby boy was adopted a few days after his birth by a middle-aged couple of moderate means from Tulsa, Oklahoma. They had adopted out of state because they did not wish anyone to know that this child was not their natural child. Robert Samson was a bookseller and a book collector. Leonard Samson grew up surrounded by books and learned to read at an early age. His imagination was fired by the exploits of his father's treasured collection of pulp magazines and science fiction magazines. His main inspiration was Doc Savage (43). Although Leonard's slim frame would not bulk up like Doc's he did study various martial arts, read everything he could get his hands on in various disciplines and would eventually go to medical school in emulation of his hero. After medical school Leonard Samson became a psychiatrist but also did well in other scientific disciplines.

    Dr. Samson remained intrigued by the Robert Bruce Banner case and began research on the correlation between his personality change, the influence of radiation and the physical transformation while remaining a government consultant and while becoming a University Professor. He believed that the radiation having caused the mutation that caused Banner to transform (being a man of science he did not even consider the notion of a theriomorphic heritage) it could be used to cure him under controlled situations. He needed to bring out Banner's personalities and get them to fuse into one non-hysterical personality, the core Banner. He read all the literature on Multiple personality disorder, including Thigpen treatment of "Eve", Wilbur's treatment of "Sybil and Shea's treatment of "Alvin".

    When Banner was recaptured in late 1970, Dr. Leonard Samson saw his chance. He told Banner's lawyer Jennifer Walters and the various government agencies that he might be able to effect a cure on Banner. He was given the go ahead because as he was Banner was a menace, not only because of his monstrous attacks but also because of his very existence. Banner as a monster represented to some people that the government lied to its people and that fantastic things unknown to science were in fact true. This inspired people to question the government and pry into things best left alone. The government hoped to show by exhibiting a cured Banner that the stories of the Hulk were a hoax and that the government had nothing to hide in its desert military installations.

    Samson used a gamma ray (Radium X)  projector, a design later copied David Banner, to facilitate Banner's transformations into his monstrous alter personalities. Things were going well at first. Banner and the Hulks responded to therapy, (due no doubt to Banner's desire to be cured).

    However when Robert Bruce Banner's old friend, Betty Ross Talbot came to visit Banner the therapy became difficult. Betty Ross was going through some marital troubles and wished to get away from them. She wished to visit Robert Bruce Banner because she still had some feelings for him and she hoped to give him some moral support.

    Betty mentioned her marital troubles to Doctor Samson and he counseled her in a few sessions. Robert Bruce Banner misinterpreted these as romantic encounters and when he saw Betty embrace Dr. Samson in a hug, he became extremely jealous. As Doctor Samson was preparing for a session with Banner, he took his eyes off of Banner while he adjusted the projector. He looked up to see the original Hulk sitting in Banner's chair and their guard lying unconscious on the floor.

    Doctor Samson yelled for help but the original Hulk laughed. Dr. Samson turned on the projector thinking that he might be able to forcibly change the Hulk. The Hulk grabbed Samson and held him in front of the ray and then tossed aside like an old rag.

The Hulk using his genius level intelligence stealthily slipped out of the minimum security facility and became a fugitive once more.

    Leonard Samson awoke angry and felt a strange shiver come over his body. He noticed that his hands were larger and more muscular. Looking in a mirror he laughed with delight. His exposure to the radiation had brought about his subconscious desire, to be Doc Savage. He was now about six foot eight and two hundred and seventy pounds. He resembled the pictures of Doc Savage to such a degree that they could have been brothers, the only differences were that his eyes had remained blue and  while his skin had taken on a bronze tint, his hair was a closely cropped gray. It brought to his mind a wolf's pelt. He did not understand the subconscious desire for that added bit but was not about to worry about it.

    Leonard Samson had about the same strength and athletic abilities as Doc Savage had at least according to the stories about him. He did this without having to go through the two hour work out that Doc Savage did every day. He shape changed according to hormonal levels in his body. He eventually learned like Jennifer Walters to maintain one form for as long as he wished. Once he had achieved conscious theriomorphism,  he remained in the Doc Savage form permanently.

    Doc Samson as he called himself became something of an adventurer as well as remaining a government consultant. He was instrumental in re-capturing Banner, although he would escape time and again. Because of the similarities of their names and their appearance, Doc Samson because of his gray hair was often mistaken for an older version of Doc Savage. It was in fact Doc Samson that Benjamin Grimm and the Spider teamed up with on a couple of occasions that were, as usual, wildly fictionalized by one of the comic book companies. (44)

THE END!!!!!


Special thanks to Matthew Baugh, Win Eckert and Chuck Loridans for providing bits of information and allowing me to bounce ideas off of them.  Any faults or flaws are entirely of my doing.

1. Henry Jekyll's affair with Amelia Utterson and their subsequent progeny is described in Jekyll, Alias Hyde by Donald Thomas, St. Martins Press, 1988. Although I respectfully disagree with most of Mr. Thomas fascinating theory, I do believe the relationship of Jekyll and Utterson to be factual.

2. Henry Jekyll's relationship with Sara Lanyon is recounted in the 1990 television film version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde that has taken great liberties with the film. I discount most of their additions but do believe the relationship of Sara Lanyon and Henry Jekyll to be factual.

3. The Jekyll Legacy by Robert Bloch and Andre Norton, Tor 1991, See also The Amazing Lanes by Win Eckert for the descendents of Henry Jekyll's brother.

4.The Detective who had an acquaintance with Dr. Jekyll but was too busy to look into the matter was probably Sherlock Holmes, See Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Holmes by Loren D. Estleman,  Doubleday, 1979

5. A somewhat garbled account of these events was presented in the film, The Son of Jekyll, Columbia Pictures, 1951

6. Yes, these events were depicted, although in a fictionalized manner, in the Hammer film classic, Dr. Jekyll, Sister Hyde, Hammer Studios, 1971. The producers of the film combined two of Stevenson's stories, The Bodysnatcher and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and added in some of the scant facts of the Edward Jekyll case. They added in the pseudo historical elements of the Burke and Hare cases which in reality took place many years prior to the original Doctor Jekyll's appearance. They also tied the story of Edward Jekyllto the Ripper murders which took place a few years after the original Jekyll's activities but quite a few years before Edward even arrived in London.

7. One wonders if this might have been a survival mechanism common among theriomorphs so as to prevent damage to the conceived offspring.

8. The Hollywood version of this tale is in Daughter of Dr. Jekyll, Allied Artists, 1951. George Hastings is played by the brilliant John Agar.

9. If you have read all of the Hyde articles up to now you probably what I am referring to. In case you haven't read them or have forgotten, for Andre Rojas see Hyde and Hair part 1.

10. The recent book Quincy Morris, Vampire provides some evidence that Dracula was fertile when in wolf form. The Children of the Night, the wolf pack that lived in the environs of Castle Dracula guarding and watching it, were Dracula's family, his actual Children. These wolves because of their Draculan heritage have the ability to become human; they are also smarter and a bit more bloodthirsty than regular wolves. When in their human forms they often intermarry with the Gypsy tribe also attached to Dracula by blood. Bela Belasko was the son  of Dracula-Lejos, and Melava. Meleva was the daughter of the King of the Wolves, the Alpha Male, she is also Princess of the Gypsies through her mother. Dracula’s plans are to make Bela the King of the Gypsies and the King Of the Weir-Wolves. When Bela reaches a certain age, he is given the Wolf's head scepter. The rod is made of ordinary wood, but the head of the wolf is made of a mixture of Silver, melded with bits of the star stone. This scepter, is believed to give one control of lycanthropes, even at their most beast like state. This scepter or a facsimile has been seen in the hands of Olivier Cesari, Le Gerant. Criminal leader of the Union., Never Dream of Dying, G. P. Putnam and Sons, 2001

    However Bela failed to carry out one of Dracula's missions and he lost the Wolf's Head scepter. Dracula converted to a wolf and bit out a hunk of flesh from Bela's chest. Changing back Dracula seared the wound closed with the energy of his ring. Using his sorcerous skills and the force of his Will, Dracula cursed Bela. The wound on his chest was a Pentagram. Bela would every full moon have with uncontrollable lycanthropy and completely bestial, although this was most likely his uncontrolled human nature. He would not have any rationality. He would kill any living creature he found. He could be killed by a silver weapon but not even death would be permanent, if the silver were removed from his body he would live to kill again. Any person who survived his bite would themselves be cursed with this form of lycanthropy and would bear the mark of the pentagram. Worse of all any woman who loved him was fated to die at his hands.

11. The events of Waldemar Daninsky meeting the grandson of Dr. Jekyll are recounted in Dr. Jekyll y el Hombre Lobo Arturo González Producciones Cinematográficas, S.A. (1972)

12. LaMirada Florida was the location of the classic film, Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein. See Children of the Night by Chuck Loridans. LaMirada  was also a center for secret government experiments during and after World War Two. See The Invisibles by Dennis Power  Return of the Wolfman by Jeff Rovin, Berkley 1998 also took place  there.

13. Was it perhaps Joan Raymond from Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein and Return of the Wolfman by Jeff Rovin who hired Mystery Inc?

14. Scooby Dooby Doo Episdode -18. "Nowhere to Hyde" 12 September 1970

15 The Beast of LaMirada was Mr. McDougal of McDougal's House of Horrors who had been turned into a werewolf by the bite of Lawrence Talbot.

16. For more about Beauty Smith please read White Fang by Jack London

17 Steve's account was edited and published by Robert E. Howard under his byline as the short story The Hyena. Special Thanks to Matthew Baugh for sending me a copy of the story.

18. The scurrilous slander is probably The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

19 See The Little Shop of Horrors, directed by Roger Corman. Allied Artists 1960

20 The destructive and constructive uses of Radium X are demonstrated in The Invisible Ray, Universal, 1936

21 A depiction of Dr. Julius Kahlbaum transformation period was later released as a motion picture from which he derived amusement but unfortunately no revenues. His last name  had been changed to Kelp and this was apparently enough to keep him from laying any claims to the film. The film was The Nutty Professor, written and directed by Jerry Lewis,  Paramount 1963. Interestingly enough an alternate title for the film is Dr. Jerkyl and Mr. Hyde.

22. This Jack Kelly was of course not the actor from the biographical series based on the Maverick family. This Jack Kelly's  Father or Grandfather may have been the main character from Robert E. Howard's short story, Kelly the Conjure Man, the Howard Collector, 1964

23 A much altered version of this incident was released as a quickie film in 1975 under the title of Dr. Black, Mr. Hyde, it has also been released under the titles, Dr. Black and Mr. White and The Watts Monster

24. Had he known of Kitt Ramsey's psychological problems he might have chosen another model. Ramsey suffered from paranoia and sexual deviance that manifested in a need to expose himself. His mental state was not aided any by the odd events that occured during the filming of the smash hit film Chuby Rain by Bowfinger Productions. Bowfinger, Universal 1999

25. The Nutty Professor, Universal, 1996. The true tale of  Sherman Klump was unfortunately lost in a seemingly endless parade of bathroom and crude sexual humor. One can only hopes that this was done deliberately to make most people believe that the film was completely fictional.

26. See Hyde and Hair pt. 2 by Dennis E. Power

27. See Proto-Types by Dennis E. Power

28. The Nutty Professor II, Universal, 2000. Ditto above, although the gelatin-like form of Buddy Love was intriguing.

29 The Bugs and Meyer gangs was a youth organization formed by Meyer Lansky and Bugsy Siegel back when they were street gang members.

30.  See the article Background on the Golem Legends

31. See the article Radiation Belts Pose Risk:  Scientists Discover Rapid Changes in Electrons

32 John Banner was the secret agent seen in Faster Guitar Alive. MGM 1967 After the Civil War he became a Federal Marshal and one of his adventures was portrayed in Son of Paleface, Paramount 1952. Although his name had been altered by the producers of the film for no apparent reason. Some of Banner's Texas Ranger relatives can be seen in The Gallant Legion, Republic 1948.

33. For on Charles Thorne and his seminal work in Agriculture please visit A Brief History of OARDC

34. Despite Dr. Banner's failure, his research on the gamma bomb was utilized about a century later as the basis for the photon torpedo. Banner had the correct ideas but his era's technology and science were just not up to the task.

35. This trait of gray hair was something that showed up in many of the theriomorph offspring of Edward Hyde. Only Benjamin Grimm did not have it. It may have been a trait peculiar to Edward Hyde because his bestial nature brought out more of the dominant lycanthropic characteristics.

Gamma radiation or thyophite radiation mutations did not have green skin, that was a creation of the comic book artists to set their characters readily apart from most of humanity. What they did possess was gray hair, or fur. The original form of the hulk had a pelt of fine gray hairs. The hairs were so fine and so short it appeared that he had gray skin. Doc Samson possessed grey hair as did Jennifer Walters.

36. These figures are derived in part from Super-Powers in the Wold Newton Universe -- Explained! by Matthew Baugh

37. When Robert Bruce Banner was exposed as the Hulk his less scrupulous cousin David Bruce Banner would take advantage of it in a most creative if insidious manner. After David Banner's wife had died in a auto accident David Banner needed quite a bit of money to carry on his research into hormones and gamma radiation. Pretending to be Robert Bruce Banner and even forging is signature. He made a deal with one of the major comic book publishers, a pretty standard deal in which they would pay him royalties for the use of his name and bonus for any stories he might divulge to the editors.

38. This was probably Wakanda down in the Belgian Congo area as mentioned in the Edgar Rice Burroughs book Man-Eater and elsewhere.

39. This was possibly later written by McGee as the television film, Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park, Hanna-Barbara, 1978.

40. The idea that Banner became stronger and stronger the angrier he became was one of those ideas that were overly exaggerated by the comic books. It is true that he did become stronger as all persons do when angry but there was an upper limit to his strength and despite having a regenerative body, it still fatigued.

41. For more on Jennifer Marshall see Lost in the Realms of Madness and Hyde and Hair pt. 3

42. Marton was the Thrush agent in The Man From Uncle Episode 33. The Foxes and Hounds Affair Original airdate: October 8, 1965

43. Doc Savage was a pulp character based on the life of James Clarke Wildman jr.
See Philip Jose Farmer's Doc Savage An Apocalyptic Life for more of an explanation.

44.The idea that Samson's strength waxed and waned as a result of the length of his hair was merely an interesting fiction created by the comic book author due to the similarity of Samson's name to the Biblical character.

Created 7-30-01

All rights reserved. The text and design of this page are ©  2001 by the author, Dennis E. Power. No copying or reproduction of this article or any portions thereof in any form whatsoever is permitted without prior written permission and consent of the author.








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