Rocks and Trees

Premise One: the Wold Newton family cannot be responsible for the
multitude of characters who display similar abilities, attributes or
affinities as many of the original Wold Newtonians because of
chronological , geographical or physical barriers that would preclude
their inclusion.

Premise Two: the overuse of several characters, the increased
reliance of hidden or natural births to bring in new links to the
Wold Newton characters into the existing tree may be an indication
thatthe Wold Newton tree may need some cross pollination.

Premise Three: To keep the families trees already existing rather
than over extending them, a new manner of linking characters should
be brought into the WNU. What I am proposing may seem radical but I
think it is time for new trees to planted in the orchard.I guess what
I am saying, radical as it might be, it might be time to start
another tree or two, or tree or three if you prefer. Now this is not
to say that the new trees cannot be related to the Wold Newtonians
but I think they can stand on their own as well as cross pollinate.

Trying to to follow the Farmerian model and using historical
events I have found a few and extrapolated the others.

Much emphasis has been put on the Wold Newton Meteorite crash
possibly because of its near miss of a party of travelers and because
it took place in a modern state, yet what of the other meteorites
which recent scientific tests have proven are nearly identical in
composition. I refer of course to the following sites.

Delphic Orb 20, 000 B.C. E.

Legend relates that Apollo, the son of Zeus, came from his home atop Mt. Olympus to Mt.
Parnassus to slay the great serpent Python. Fleeing from the peak Python sought
safety in the sanctuary of the Earth Mother at Delphi. Apollo relentlessly pursued
Python however, and violently claimed the site. Apollo then repented of his crime,
purified himself and, returning to Delphi, persuaded Pan (the goat-god of wild places
and evocative music) to reveal to him the art of prophecy. Upon the site of the battle,
Apollo erected his own oracular temple and, at the exact place where he had 'speared'
the serpent, an omphalos stone was set in the ground.

This omphalos stone (meaning 'center of the earth' to the ancient Greeks) later
became the center of the inner sanctum of the shrine of the Delphic oracle. The site
was originally called Pytho, after the guardian serpent. It was renamed Delphi after
the dolphin (delphis in Greek) whose form Apollo took in order to bring Cretan sailors
to Delphi so that they might become priests in his new temple. Regarding the
omphalos, one legend tells that the original stone, now lost, was a large meteorite
fallen from the sky in deepest antiquity. The omphalos stone currently on display in
the Delphi museum, while very old and indeed from Delphi, is thus not the original
sacred stone. It is interesting to inspect this exhibited stone however, for its conical
form and sculptural designs derive from the old pillar and tree worship of the
prehistoric goddess cults.

Burton's Profile rock of Lake Victoria 12,000 B.C.
This particular meteorite is pure speculation, although there are hundreds of meteorite falls in Africa. I hoped to tied Farmer's particular favorite Richard Francis Burton in with the time period of Hadon of Ancient Opar by having him discover a stone that resembled in a crude way his profile. Burton's actual encounter with an ancient meteorite came when he was one of the few westerners to see the Kaaba. See Richard Burton, A personal narrative of a pilgrimage to Al-Medinah and Meccah, London 1856.

Taragua Stone of Polynesia.(10,000 B.C. E. )
Date and stone are speculative, designed to give the ancient pacific region a meteorite of their own and perhaps tie in with Pacific Mythology

The Suwahib meteor (6,400 years ago, +/- 1,300 years.)
(Entry provided by Dr. J. Nevins, Wold Newton Institute Press 2000)
The Suwahib Meteor was found in the Rub al-Khali of Saudi Arabia in 1931. Dating of the meteor is hardly exact. Obviously, if the more recent date is adopted, it puts the fall of the meteor well within the range of time that the ancestors of the Morgans might have been present in the Rub al-Khali, and therefore affected by the Suwahib meteor.

        The obvious objection to this theory is that the Rub al-Khali is one of the most deserted and inhospitable places on Earth, a location deeply hostile to life, the greatest sand sea on Earth and a place where nighttime temperatures do not dip below 40o Celsius, and where temperatures during the day can reach over 61o Celsius (142o Fahrenheit). There would be no reason for any human being
to be in the Rub al-Khali, most especially one conveniently there at the exact moment when the Suwahib meteor landed.

        However, if we accept that the meteor strike at Wold Newton affected the genetic material of those who witnessed it, then it can be argued that it was as much the radiation of the meteor as the ionization of its explosion which affected the eighteen men and women who were at the strike. If that is the case, then it is quite possible that another meteor, similarly radioactive, would have the same effect, but that the half-life of the meteor's radiation might have been much longer than that of the Wold Newton meteor.

        If this was so, and we will for the purposes of this article assume that it was, than the Suwahib meteor may have remained radioactive for centuries or even millennia, and it was only the sheer remoteness of its location which prevented the meteor's radiation from altering the genes of thousands and tens of thousands of men and women and thereby producing an entire race of supermen. However, even the Rub al-Khali was sometimes traversed, and so the very occasional Jew or Bedouin was exposed to it and affected

The Cardiff Meteorite (1000 A.D.)
Date and stone are speculative, perhaps to be tied to Arthurian or Welsh mythology.

The Lu Ming-yueh meterorite of China 616 A.D.
In AD 616, for example, it is reported that "a large shooting star like a bushel fell onto the rebel Lu Ming-yueh's camp. It destroyed his wall-attacking tower and crushed to death more than ten people."

The Red River Stone of Texas 1206 A.D.,
    Many meteorites have been worshipped as gods through the ages. One such sacred rock was uncovered in 1808, when a party of explorers found a 1,635-pound hunk of metal near the Red River in central Texas. The Pawnee Indians had worshipped this meteorite for its curing powers and made regular pilgrimages to its site. The explorers, who thought the metal was platinum, returned to the city to get provisions and equipment. They eventually split into two rival groups as they tried to outrace one another in cashing in on the treasure. The first party, which had left hastily without the gear for transporting the hefty load, could only hide the "platinum" under a flat stone for safekeeping while they searched for horses.

    It took several days for the second party to find the prize and drag it toward the Red River. In their long overland journey they were repeatedly attacked by the desperate Indians. The meteorite was transported by boat down the river to New Orleans, and finally to New York. There, Benjamin Silliman of Yale University recognized its true nature based on its high nickel content, after which the disappointed owners sold the object to Colonel George Gibbs. After Gibbs' death in 1833 his wife rescued the meteorite from Irish laborers seeking to bury it; she then donated the rock to Yale as the largest meteorite in any collection at the time. Currently, the Red River iron is on display at Yale in a hallway of the Gibbs building.

        The Pawnee have a story about a person known as Pahokatawa, who was supposedly killed by an enemy and eaten by animals, but then brought back to life by the gods. He was said to have come to Earth as a meteor and told the people that when meteors were seen falling in great numbers it was not a sign that the world would end. When the Pawnee tribe witnessed the time "the stars fell upon the earth," which was in 1833, there was a panic, but the leader of the tribe spoke up and said, "Remember the words of Pahokatawa" and the people were no longer afraid.

the Blanco Verde meteorite of Mexico (1519 A.D.)
Stone is speculative. Date chosen to correspond with Spanish Conquest of Mexico
This passage is from the History of the Conquest of Mexico by William Prescott
... In 1510, the great lake of Tezcuco,
without the occurrence of a tempest, or earthquake, or any other visible cause, became violently agitated, overflowed its banks, and, pouring into the streets of Mexico, swept off many of the buildings by the fury of the waters. In 1511, one of the turrets of the great temple took fire, equally without any apparent cause, and continued to burn in defiance of all attempts to extinguish it. In the following years, three comets were seen; and not long before the coming of the Spaniards a strange light broke forth in the east. It spread broad at its base on the horizon, and rising in a pyramidal form tapered off as it approached the zenith. It resembled avast sheet or flood of fire, emitting sparkles, or, as an old writer expresses it, "seemed thickly powdered with stars." At the same time, low voices were heard in the air, and doleful wailings, as if to announce some strange, mysterious calamity!"

Jahangir meteorite of India 1621 A.D.
An iron meteorite that fell on April 10, 1621
Emperor Jahangir, the fourth Mughal ruler of India ordered that two swords, a dagger, and a knife be forged from from the meteorite, which was believed to possess magical powers. Only the knife is still known to exist.

the Borodino Meteorite (1812 a.d. )
"The first meteorite fall, called Borodino, fell two days before the famous 1812 battle there, the ultimate result of which was the devastating retreat of Napoleon's army from Russia," he says, "although no mention appears in history treatises of the Napoleonic era."

Independence Stone of Independence Missouri 1833 A.D.
This was a pure speculative stone but chosen specifically for its location. 1833 was a year when there were many meteor showers through out the United States. Independence was chosen because it was one of staging areas for wagon trains traveling to the west. The Church of Latter Day Saints also believed Independence MO, to be near the site of Eden

Further speculation:

        These stones all are virtually identical in composition but differ in times that they landed upon the earth. Some Astrogeologists claim that these particular stones belong to the Asteroid belt named Thyoph after the legendary, advanced pre-human extraterrestrial civilization whose home planet was somehow destroyed and now, according to some theories, whose planetary remnants comprises a good bulk of the Asteroid belt.

        As with the Wold Newton "family" careful genealogical research will reveal populations in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Pacific regions and the Americas with superior abilities, all traceable to familiesor figures near the meteorite strikes.

        Although the Meteorites probably derived from a common source, it is possible that they possessed differing levels and wavelengths of radioactivity due to various random factors such as cosmic dust, etheric contamination and ionization magnitude thus causing differing half lives and differing forms of mutation in the various stocks of humanity which came into contact with them. It is also possible that objects created from these meteoric ores were considered magical because of some odd properties that seperated them from metal objects made from other ores. Among the objects which possibly came from one of these meteorites are Caliburn, Sangraal, Heliglanze, Mjlolnir and Aegis.